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Bored?...well this is a poem I wrote about the my first favorite chat room, NHA... it's kind of funny,
I composed it after a few cocktails... and right after the "net death" of that chat room.

I found myself once in NHA,
It was just a hyperlink i clicked one day,
First I saw purple, then i saw Scott,
And soon very hooked I got,
And thouroughly addicted by the time I saw K@.

So by this time I am more than just hooked,
So into my favorites it was booked,
I soon made some icons,
While snacking on bon-bons,
And oh how much better it looked.

So now im the iconmaster,
Too bad K@'s computer ain't faster,
But goils cant be cuter,
Even with a fast 'puter,
So are you throwing a party i asked her.

"Yes", they said,"you wanna come drinkin?"
Come drinkin? OH YES , I was thinkin,
I went to purp's to say howdy,
And we turned her town rowdy,
Now the floors are all sticky in Lincoln.

There's Bee, TQ, Libra, Wingnut, RJ, Bigg'n, Bull and Malone,
Dash, Missing Link, Sunpit, James, FX, Paco and Bone,
If i missed someone don't get to huffy,
Or on you I'll sick Scruffy,
Oh and I wouldn't dare leave out KMan (*moan*).

Lately we saw the onset of terror,
Instead of NHA it was 'internal server error',
I said, "Oh my goodness!",
"What complete rudeness!",
Now what will I do, watch "McNiel/Lehrer" ?

So now I find myself watching TV,
But its with my NHA friends I should be,
So it's up to Paco's we'll go,
It doesn't matter if there's no snow,
Cuz up there it's on water we'll ski.

NHA-ers aren't putting up with our stranding,
To find a new host, together we're banding,
None of us show any fear,
Cuz we now that the day is near,
That again we'll chat peace, love and understanding.

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