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The Rides

I love bicycling! There are so many different ways to enjoy the sport. Some race. Lance Armstrong’s seven consecutive wins have made the Tour de France known to Americans. Some explore the far reaches of wilderness on mountain bikes. Some enjoy nature with their families on converted rails to trails, safe from motorized vehicles. Some tootle about meeting and greeting their neighbors and seeing how others keep and adorn their homes. Some ride tricycles, some of which are low-slung aerodynamic machines. Some sit on lounge chairs atop recumbent bicycles. Whichever form and whatever way, many are enjoying a fabulous sport. Some take a week’s vacation to pedal across a state. Some of us pedal from sea to shining sea across the United States on our bicycles.

Bicycling at a zippy twenty-five miles per hour is a tremendously joyous feeling. The movement is not only in the forward direction, but also surges me up, floats me down, and sways me from side to side. At these zippier speeds, my body often experiences weightlessness as the road crests, then drops away. As the wheels swiftly roll into dips in the road surface, then in a flash, abruptly rise up to me out of that dip, my bike leaps into my arms. Leaning through turns is freeing. When a sudden and alarmingly sharp wind surges from the side, animal instincts maintain my upright balance. Those physical sensations invade my psyche, calm my mind’s chatter, and soothe my soul.

At that quick twenty-five mile per hour pace, I can easily bicycle

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