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Optimization VLE data fit Transfer Function Process Synthesis                       




In this example, a simple maximization problem that is composed of a two - parameter objective function with non- linear constraints, is discussed.

This maximization problem can be formulated as follows:

        maximize                2·x + y

        subject to                 x2 + y2 <=  25

                                          x2 - y2 <= 7

In the following figure, this objective function and constraints are plotted. As the objective function is linear, its representation give rise to a plane. The maximum of this function is situated in the upper - right corner, where both constraints are active. This point's coordinates are:

    x = 4

    y = 3

In the following text box, GOAL source code for this problem is shown. You can copy this code to the clipboard and paste it in a text file:

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Last modification: 01/27/03