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Want to know what's up in the world of gaming? Then check out this page regularly to find out!

Still no N64 news, and don't expect there to be any from now on, since the Gamecube's release has pretty much rendered the 64 obsolete. But with the Gamecube now having been out for some months in the US, and with the Australian release date of the console slowly approaching, there is quite a bit of news on the Cube front, so let's start with that.

Since the last news update, Super Smash Bros Melee, probably the most-anticipated game for the Gamecube so far, has been released in America, and from reviews and features scattered across the web, it seems to be a terrific game indeed. With 25 of Nintendo's best-known (and least-known) mascot characters fighting it out in manic combat, the game's popularity seems to be well-deserved, and Tangy and I will be lapping the game up the moment it hits Australian shores. You'll just have to wait a couple of months before our definitive review can be written...

While on that subject, by the way, considering the amount of trouble I had to go to to find out when the Cube will get to Australia, I might as well mention that the current expected release date of the console here is April-May of this year. No reason yet as to why it takes so long to create a PAL version of these consoles, other than that we're not exactly a priority for these faceless gaming corporations...

On the PC front, the long, long, long, long, long-awaited WarCraft III is finally on its way, with the beta testing recently beginning at last. For the layman, this means that Blizzard have selected about 5000 lucky gamers (all from America, curse 'em) to receive a copy of the current version of the game to test, though this can only be done online by connecting to once the beta CD has been installed. It should be a few months before the beta test is finished, and hopefully not too long after that before the game is finally released. About time too. Quite a lot has changed in the game since our preview was written some months ago, with various new units being introduced and some units being removed, together with various features such as allied options, grouping and subgrouping and more being included. The game is looking more and more impressive, and we can't wait till the release.

That's all for now, but watch this space for the next lot of news in the near future!

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