Quiz for choosing dog

Sometimes even scratching her muzzle. quiz for choosing dog Dog illnesses. What can I do?ANSWER:Many times dogs with these symptoms have a problem for yeast. You should put the dog on a number of natural products:Powdered kelpPowdered Alfalfa LeafVitamine E - about 400Yucca IntensiveYeast & Fungal DetoxVitamine C (to bowl tolerance)Fish Oil - (cod liver, samon)I would recommend that you buy the book that we sell titled Natural Nutrition for Dogsand Cats The Ultimate Diet. The proportions to mix these supplements s covered in the book. quiz for choosing dog Cairn terrier puppies. To TopQUESTION:I have a 2 yr old black lab who has chronic yeast ear infections. We have tried Otoclear washings, and Otomax following the washings. In the past month we have been trying vinegar washes, then using Otomax. quiz for choosing dog Dog-trainers. While the vinegar washes are helping, I still can't seem to get rid of the yeast infection. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks, KimberlyANSWER:You are doing everything that you should be doing. Some dogs with chronic ear problems need their ears cleaned almost every day for their entire life. You can try a product called YEAST AND FUNGAL DETOX from a company called B-naturals. com. If you call there they will tell you what to try and they will not charge you for the information. I have friends who have had success with this. To TopQUESTION:Hi Ed,Since you have had many dogs, I am in a way hoping you have seen this before. My GSD started to lose some of his fur around the edges of the ears, following with the skin thickening and cracking and becoming quite painful. I took him to the vets and he had his ears flushed, had a skin scrape done all coming back negative for bacteria, yeast or mange. She suggested he might have a food allergy so we started the elimination diet and he is on fish and potatoes.

Quiz for choosing dog

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