
Southern Ontario Animal Rescue©
(1681405 Ontario Inc.)

Please Note: We are not affiliated in any way, shape or form with "Save Our Animals Rescue"



Welcome to our Kibble page!

This page is a mixture of everything else we'd like you to see, but couldn't think of a title for! Here you'll find things like poems, recipes, upcoming events, picture galleries from events, etc. Enjoy!

SO.A.R. Events
One By One
How Could You?
The Rainbow Bridge
The Rescuer's Bridge
How Rottweilers Got Their Markings
A Message From Your Future Dog
Friends Forever
God's Story Book
A Stray Dog's Prayer
A Pitbull's Prayer
Madonna's Story

Poems & Stories

Warning: These are extremely touching works. Be sure to have tissues handy!
How Could You?
Copyright Jim Willis 2001

When I was a puppy I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillows, I became your best friend. Whenever I was "bad," you'd shake your finger at me and ask "How could you?" – but then you'd relent and roll me over for a bellyrub.

My housetraining took a little longer than expected, because you were terribly busy, but we worked on that together. I remember those nights of nuzzling you in bed, listening to your confidences and secret dreams, and I believed that life could not be any more perfect. We went for long walks and runs in the park, car rides, stops for ice cream (I only got the cone because "ice cream is bad for dogs," you said), and I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day.

Gradually, you began spending more time at work and on your career, and more time searching for a human mate. I waited for you patiently, comforted you through heartbreaks and disappointments, never chided you about bad decisions, and romped with glee at your homecomings, and when you fell in love.

She, now your wife, is not a "dog person" – still I welcomed her into our home, tried to show her affection, and obeyed her. I was happy because you were happy. Then the human babies came along and I shared your excitement. I was fascinated by their pinkness, how they smelled, and I wanted to mother them, too. Only she and you worried that I might hurt them, and I spent most of my time banished to another room, or to a dog crate. Oh, how I wanted to love them, but I became a "prisoner of love."

As they began to grow, I became their friend. They clung to my fur and pulled themselves up on wobbly legs, poked fingers in my eyes, investigated my ears and gave me kisses on my nose. I loved everything about them and their touch – because your touch was now so infrequent – and I would have defended them with my life if need be.

I would sneak into their beds and listen to their worries and secret dreams. Together we waited for the sound of your car in the driveway. There had been a time, when others asked you if you had a dog, that you produced a photo of me from your wallet and told them stories about me. These past few years, you just answered "yes" and changed the subject. I had gone from being "your dog" to "just a dog," and you resented every expenditure on my behalf.

Now you have a new career opportunity in another city, and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets. You've made the right decision for your "family," but there was a time when I was your only family.

I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the animal shelter. It smelled of dogs and cats, of fear, of hopelessness. You filled out the paperwork and said "I know you will find a good home for her." They shrugged and gave you a pained look. They understand the realities facing a middle-aged dog or cat, even one with "papers." You had to pry your son's fingers loose from my collar as he screamed "No, Daddy! Please don't let them take my dog!" And I worried for him, and what lessons you had just taught him about friendship and loyalty, about love and responsibility, and about respect for all life. You gave me a goodbye pat on the head, avoided my eyes, and politely refused to take my collar and leash with you. You had a deadline to meet and now I have one, too.

After you left, the two nice ladies said you probably knew about your upcoming move months ago and made no attempt to find me another good home. They shook their heads and asked "How could you?"

They are as attentive to us here in the shelter as their busy schedules allow. They feed us, of course, but I lost my appetite days ago. At first, whenever anyone passed my pen, I rushed to the front, hoping it was you – that you had changed your mind – that this was all a bad dream...or I hoped it would at least be someone who cared, anyone who might save me. When I realized I could not compete with the frolicking for attention of happy puppies, oblivious to their own fate, I retreated to a far corner and waited.

I heard her footsteps as she came for me at the end of the day and I padded along the aisle after her to a separate room. A blissfully quiet room. She placed me on the table, rubbed my ears and told me not to worry. My heart pounded in anticipation of what was to come, but there was also a sense of relief. The prisoner of love had run out of days. As is my nature, I was more concerned about her. The burden which she bears weighs heavily on her and I know that, the same way I knew your every mood.

She gently placed a tourniquet around my foreleg as a tear ran down her cheek. I licked her hand in the same way I used to comfort you so many years ago. She expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein. As I felt the sting and the cool liquid coursing through my body, I lay down sleepily, looked into her kind eyes and murmured "How could you?"

Perhaps because she understood my dogspeak, she said "I'm so sorry." She hugged me and hurriedly explained it was her job to make sure I went to a better place, where I wouldn't be ignored or abused or abandoned, or have to fend for myself – a place of love and light so very different from this earthly place. With my last bit of energy, I tried to convey to her with a thump of my tail that my "How could you?" was not meant for her. It was you, My Beloved Master, I was thinking of. I will think of you and wait for you forever.

May everyone in your life continue to show you so much loyalty.

The End

The Rescuer's Bridge
Unlike most days at Rainbow Bridge, this day dawned cold and gray, damp as a swamp and as dismal as could be imagined. All of the recent arrivals had no idea what to think, as they had never experienced a day like this before.

But the animals who had been waiting for their beloved people knew exactly what was going on and started to gather at the pathway leading to The Bridge to watch.

It wasn't long before an elderly animal came into view, head hung low and tail dragging. The other animals, the ones who had been there for a while knew what his story was right away, for they had seen this happen far too often.

He approached slowly, obviously in great emotional pain, but with no sign of injury or illness. Unlike all of the other animals waiting at the Bridge, this animal had not been restored to youth and made healthy and vigorous again. As he walked toward The Bridge, he watched all of the other animals watching him. He knew he was out of place here and the sooner he could cross over, the happier he would be. But, alas, as he approached The Bridge, his way was barred by the appearance of an Angel who apologized, but told him that he would not be able to pass. Only those animals who were with their people could pass over Rainbow Bridge.

With no place else to turn to, the elderly animal turned towards the fields before The Bridge and saw a group of other animals like himself, also elderly and infirm. They weren't playing, but rather simply lying on the green grass, forlornly staring out at the pathway leading to The Bridge. And so, he took his place among them, watching the pathway and waiting.

One of the newest arrivals at the Bridge didn't understand what he had just witnessed and asked one of the animals that had been there for a while to explain it to him.

"You see, that poor animal was a rescue. He was turned in to rescue just as you see him now, an older animal with his fur graying and his eyes clouding. He never made it out of rescue and passed on with only the love of his rescuer to comfort him as he left his earthly existence. Because he had no family to give his love to, he has no one to escort him across the Bridge."

The first animal thought about this for a minute and then asked, "So what will happen now?" As he was about to receive his answer, the clouds suddenly parted and the gloom lifted. Approaching The Bridge could be seen a single person and among the older animals, a whole group was suddenly bathed in a golden light and they were all young and healthy again, just as they were in the prime of life.

"Watch, and see," said the second animal. A second group of animals from those waiting came to the pathway and bowed low as the person neared. At each bowed head, the person offered a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ears. The newly restored animals fell into line and followed him towards The Bridge. They all crossed The Bridge together.

"What happened?"

"That was a rescuer. The animals you saw bowing in respect were those who found new homes because of her work. They will cross when their new families arrive. Those you saw restored were those who never found homes. When a rescuer arrives they are allowed to perform one, final act of rescue. They are allowed to escort those poor animals that they couldn't place on earth across The Rainbow Bridge."

Author Unknown

How Rottweilers Got Their Markings
A long time ago, when men were alone and afraid on this new earth, the Great Being looked over all the dogs that had been created. He wanted that one special one, the one who would forever be the perfect companion for mankind.

There were fast dogs, long and sleek; there were massive dogs, slow but sure; dogs with keen noses, dogs with keen hearing and dogs who could hunt down lions. Dogs who could retrieve and dogs who could herd sheep. All of these were good dogs, but not what the Creator had in mind.

Finally, there was one dog. He looked rather plain. Medium to large sized and all black, with a head like a bear and no tail. The dog was to be tested to see if he was the one to be at man's side forever. And so, the plain, black "bear-like" dog was sent to man's fire. At first, the men feared him, but the dog looked down and said, "I am sent to be at your side, to be part of all that man does."

"You are black and strong, like a bear! What if you eat our children?" they asked.

"I would not do that," said the dog, "for I love man."

For three days and two nights, the dog went with man while he hunted and helped track down game. He protected their flocks and chased away the wild animals who sought to harm them. He pulled their loads and supplies, and guarded their valuables.

On the third night, a small girl came to him. She was frightened by dreams she had.

So, the plain black dog lay with her and his head rested gently upon her. As she dreamed of scary creatures, the dog entered her dreams and fought them off. If she dreamed she was lost in the darkest quicksand, the dog would run to her aid and pull her out. All night long, the dog never moved from the little girl's side. All night long he battled the demons in her sleep.

When she awoke, she tightly hugged her new friend and kissed him once on each cheek and above each eye. Her hands stroked his feet where he had waded in the quicksand, her arms hugged tightly his chest and stroked his powerful muzzle and throat. Giggling and playing with her new friend and protector, she even patted his behind. The child and dog became inseparable, and the dog felt only undying love for the child.

The Great Being then whispered in the dog's ear, "You have passed your test. For many dogs can hunt and guard and herd, but you were not only willing to give your life, you went into the world of man and entered his darkest dreams and fears. You did not run, but stayed by his side. You have earned the love of even the youngest child, as it should be."

When the Great Being's voice faded like a gentle breeze, the plain, black, tailless dog shivered with happiness, and all the places the little girl had touched and hugged him became a wonderful mahogany colour.

And the Rottweiler was sent to be at the side of man, where his place is. But always in his noble heart is a special place of love for the little ones --- the children.

J. Ellis, © 1999

A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother of pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold.

The man and the dog walked toward the gate and, as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. When he was close enough, he called out, "Excuse me, where are we?"

"This is Heaven, sir," the man answered.

"Wow! Would you happen to have some water?" the man asked.

"Of course, sir. Come right in and I'll have some ice water brought right up." The man gestured and the gate began to open.

"Can my friend come in, too?" the traveller asked, gesturing towards his dog.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets," came the reply.

The traveller thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road which led through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

"Excuse me," he called to the reader. "Do you have any water?"

"Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there." The man pointed to a place that couldn't be seen from outside the gate. "Come on in."

"How about my friend here?" the traveller asked, pointing to the dog.

"There should be a bowl by the pump," replied the reader.

They went through the gate and, sure enough, there was an old fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveller filled the bowl and took a long drink, then he gave some to the dog. When they were full, he and the dog walked back towards the man, who was standing by the tree waiting for them.

"What do you call this place?" the traveller asked.

"This is Heaven," was the answer.

"Well, that is confusing," the traveller said. "The man down the road said that was Heaven, too."

"Oh, you mean the place with the street of gold and pearly gates? Nope, that's Hell."

"Doesn't it make you mad them using your name like that?" asked the traveller.

"No, I can see how you might think so," the man replied. "But we're just happy that they screen out the folks who'd leave their best friends behind."

The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies who has been especially close, this is where they go. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine so they are warm and comfortable. All those who have been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are whole and strong again, just as we remember in dreams of days gone by.

The animals are happy and content except for one thing. Each one misses someone very special whom they had to leave behind. They run and play together but the day comes when one stops and looks far into the distance. Bright eyes are intent and the eager body begins to quiver. He runs from the group, flying over green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have finally been spotted and when you and your beloved friend meet again, you cling to each other in joyous reunion.

Your hands caress his dear head and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your special friend . . . . gone from your life, but never from your heart. And then, together at last, you both cross over the Rainbow Bridge together for all time.

Author Unknown

God's Story Book
By: Dawn Lynn Towers

You held me in your arms today
My head rested upon your chest   
As your tears fell, I slipped away     
Into final rest             

Angels came and clutched me tight 
As to Heaven we would go 
Ever toward the brightest light 
From "The Golden Gate" it glowed 

A home was waiting there for me 
It looked just like my own
Beside the hearth my blanket lay
And next to it my bone

I looked around and there was not 
A thing forgotten there
Except for you, and frantically
I looked everywhere 

God put his gentle hand so warm
Upon my troubled head 
Angels with their smiles so sweet   
Lay me upon my bed   

Between my favorite toy and bone
A storybook with pictures perched
The angels turned each page in time
For you I need not search

All my life was in the book
Each hug and kiss you gave
Each word of love you ever spoke 
Was on each precious page                                                 

God said to me to rest awhile
Beside the hearth of home 
With my special storybook 
I'd never be alone

When the pictures faded dull 
And the pages torn 
The angels would add a log to the fire 
To make it extra warm 

Through the door you'd come to me
The book would disappear
You'd pick me up and hug me tight
I'd kiss away your tear 

To the hearth we'd go and sit
In your favorite chair
Beside your feet I'd settle in
As Angels came to care

Upon your lap they'd lay a book 
And turn each page in time 
I'd close my eyes to rest awhile
Because I knew now you'd be fine......

A Stray Dog's Prayer
Dear God, please send me somebody who'll care!
I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair.
My body is aching; it's so racked with pain
and Dear God I pray as I run in the rain
that someone will love me and give me a home
- a warm cozy bed and a big juicy bone.
My last owner tied me all day in the yard.
Sometimes with no water and God was that hard!
So I chewed my leash God and I ran away...
to rummage in garbage and live as a stray.

But now God I'm tired and hungry and cold
and I'm so afraid that I'll never grow old.
They've chased me with sticks and hit me with stones...
while I run the streets just looking for bones.

I'm not really bad God; please help if you can;
for I have become just a "victim of man."
I'm wormy Dear God and I'm ridden with fleas...
All that I want is an owner to please!

If you find one for me God, I'll try to be good.
I won't chew their shoes and I'll do as I should.
I'll love them, protect them and try to obey...
when they tell me to sit, to lie down or to stay.

I don't think I'll make it too long on my own;
cause I'm getting so weak and I'm so all alone.
Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry,
cause I'm so afraid God, that I'm going to die!

I've got so much love and devotion to give,
that I should be given a new chance to live!
So Dear God please, please answer my prayer,
and send me somebody who really will care!

That is, Dear God, if you're really there!

A Pit Bull's Prayer
In Memory of Madonna
See her story below
September 2004 - March 9, 2005


Please Lord can you help me
because all I do is cry
I'm just a baby Pit bull
why must I die ?

The government says I am a vicious breed
and that I must be banned
I'm sure that when you gave me life
this is not what you had planned.

My Master really loves me
but this law puts him in a bind
if he does not do what they say
he surely will be fined

Pit bulls are a gentle breed
if they are treated right
but some foolish owners
only teach us how to fight

So please don't let them punish us
just because of our breed
Teach them to write a law
that will only punish the deed

Thank you, Lord, for listening
I know you will do what you can
But don't put much faith in our government
because they politicians and not human

Bruce Mungar

Brought into the pound as a stray at 5 months old, Madonna waited patiently for a family to adopt her. Finally, after 2 very long months of living like no puppy ever should, Madonna was adopted out after the family saw her on a website for the shelter, their write up for her is below. She was adopted to a family with children (despite the recommendation of no children), another dog and they lived in an apartment! Within 2 days of adopting her, the family took her to an off leash park, where they claimed she became aggressive and pinned another dog – as most 7 month old puppies do when playing with each other!

Upon returning her to the pound, a staff member there, who is notorious for sending dogs for euthanization, marked Madonna and would not put her back into adoption. The other workers loved Madonna and stated she had never ever had any signs of aggression when she was there prior to her (2 day) adoption to the family. This became a whole personal battle and Madonna paid by loosing her life. There were 5 people who wanted to take Madonna, 2 city pound workers, a journalist for the local paper who features animals in the pound (who fell in love with Madonna the first time he met her. He told the girls there if she didn't find a home and her time was up he would take her. When he found out about this, he called the pound and spoke to management, they refused to let him have her), a respected and well-known animal welfare service called and said they would take her – again, management refused. A private rescue group (not S.O.A.R.) also offered to take her – once again, management refused, saying she was "vicious". We're talking about a 7-month old puppy, who had shown no signs of aggression and passed the testing of 3 assessors to be put up for adoption.

She was euthanized at 6:00 a.m. Wednesday morning (March 9, 2005). Normally when a dog is returned, for whatever reason, this particular pound has the 3 assessors do a re-assessment; none was done for Madonna.

Madonna was a sweet girl who's tail never stopped wagging. They pointed the finger at Madonna because management could not be honest enough to say a mistake was made in the home she was adopted to. It became personal to management. Madonna paid for the pride of bureaucrats and a simple mistake with her life.

Rest in peace, little one, you're safe now!

The following is how the pound had advertised Madonna on the website:

Pit Bull Terrier
Size: Medium
Age: Young
Sex: Female
Notes: Madonna will warm your heart !!! She is a very busy girl, and will require training ,both with you and in a program. She is only a baby..approx 7 months. Madonna needs a home that will socialize her with a lot of people and other animals.She gets along well with other dogs.

One by one, they pass my cage,
Too old, too worn, too broken, no way.
Way past his time, he can't run and play.
Then they shake their heads slowly and go on their way.
A little old man, arthritic and sore,
It seems I am not wanted anymore.
I once had a home, I once had a bed,
A place that was warm, and where I was fed.
Now my muzzle is grey, and my eyes slowly fail.
Who wants a dog so old and so frail?
My family decided I didn't belong,
I got in their way, my attitude was wrong.
Whatever excuse they made in their head,
Can't justify how they left me for dead.
Now I sit in this cage, where day after day,
The younger dogs get adopted away.
When I had almost come to the end of my rope,
You saw my face, and I finally had hope.
You saw thru the grey, and the legs bent with age,
And felt I still had life beyond the cage.
You took me home, gave me food and a bed.
And shared your own pillow with my poor tired head.
We snuggle and play, and you talk to me low,
You love me so dearly, you want me to know.
I may have lived most of my life with another,
But you outshine them with a love so much stronger.
And I promise to return all the love I can give,
To You, my dear person, as long as I live.
I may be with you for a week or for years,
We will share many smiles, you will no doubt shed tears.
And when the time comes that God deems I must leave,
I know you will cry and your heart, it will grieve.
And when I arrive at the Bridge, all brand new,
My thoughts and my heart will still be with you.
And I will brag to all who will hear,
Of the person who made my last days so dear.
- Author Unknown

Treat me kindly, my Beloved Master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of mine.

Do not break my spirit with a stick, for your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me do.

Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.

When it is cold and wet, take me inside, for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements. And I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet.

Though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land, for you are my god and I am your devoted worshipper.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.

Feed me clean food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready and able to protect you with my life should your life be in danger.

And, Beloved Master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my sight, hearing and health, do not turn me away from you.

Do not make heroic efforts to keep me going, I am not having any fun and I can no longer protect you.

Hold me gently in your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of Eternal Rest.

I shall leave this earth knowing with the last breath I draw, that my fate was always safest in your loving hands.

- Author Unknown

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