Why Choose Me?

- I will make sure to reduce the risk of disease or infection transmission from me to you and vice versa. For example, we will sanitize our hands before touching each other - unless you do not want to be touched. You will be sure to have a low risk of getting any disease or infections because I am always safe this way. If I were not safe the way I am, I can get a disease from Mr A and then it give to you the next day.

- You will not be donating cash to get sexual acts but my companionship. In that companionship, you may do whatever you want as long it is legal, safe and healthy.

- You really meet me. You got pictures of myself that is clear-cut. If you meet me and I am not the same person - run!!!!!

- Usually escorts ask for $140 for half an hour and $200 for one hour. I am offering 1/2 the price because I am not willing to do anything that puts you or me at high risk of getting a disease or infection. Or anything that could get any of us into legal trouble.

- I have a Honours Bachelors of Science (Psychology Research). Thus, I will be able to give you information based on psychological research.

- I have experience facilitating support groups for more than 3 years. And I am an active listener. So, you will feel comfortable talking to me.

- I like novelty and trying new things. Thus, if you like, your experience with me will be something you have never experienced before. However, communication is essential. You need to communicate to me what you want to do, etc.

- I understand that some people want to keep the fact that they use an escort confidential. Thus, everything would be confidential.

- I need help paying for my big move to graduate school. Thus, by donating money to me for my companionship you will be helping someone in a meaningful way.