Contact Me

Telephone: (416) 656 - 5306

You can only reach me if you call from a unblocked or non-private phone number. This is because I have set up my phone service to block incoming calls from an unknown number.

You are free to call me without making an appoinment. You may just want to ask questions to find out more about me and what I have to offer. However, I do not appreciate people calling me simply because they are lonely and want someone to talk to. There are plenty of people who offer that kind of service. Hence, please keep your phone call to less than 2 minutes.

If you get the answering machine, please leave your number slowly and clearly so that I can call you back. I do not have caller ID and won't use *69.

My Policies for Setting Up an Appointment

First, I do not meet anyone under the influence of alcohol or illegally obtained drugs.

Second, I do not accept appointments unless you have shopped around and checked out other people offering companionships because I want you to have the best match for yourself and be happy with what you are getting. 

Lastly, I do not simply meet anyone. Thus, if you set up an appointment with me, you will be ask at least 9 questions. The answers to questions will be strictly confidential. Among these 9 questions is your phone number. After obtaining your phone number, I will verify your phone number.

Important Notice

I am not a prostitute. As such, do not contact me asking me how much I would charge to do certain sexual acts. For example, do not say something like, "How much for a BJ?". My idea of a companionship or a date is talking, having fun and doing sexual activities because we like each other.