Mushroom Criminals


What's a Mushroom Criminal?

Quite simply, a Mushroom Criminal is a lover of mushrooms. There are varying degrees of Mushroom Criminal, from the quiet devotee who eats them only in the privacy of his or her own home, to the verbose and blatant campaigner against the righteous cause of FAF. It should be noted that all Mushroom Criminals should be considered dangerous - but while the loudest protesters are often the least perverse, the quiet ones can sometimes be the most evil and devious.

Historically, it has been one of the main tasks of FAF to bring to the attention of its members the most notorious and corrupt Mushroom Criminals of them all. In this wonderful age of the internet, and now that your bountiful monarch has been on her HTML course, we are now able to bring this service to you online - but be prepared to be shocked.

Mushroom Criminal Index - Photographs and biographies of the most notorious offenders.


All material ©Friends Against Fungi, 2004.