Seminars and Events

New York English Academy
The TESOL School

Seminars: At the moment, we do not have any Seminars schedule for this year. Due check in occasionally,  so that you could be informed of any schedule changes. Thank you

Events: Christmas Talent Show on December 14th.
If you have any special talent or would like to sing some songs, come join us for our school's Christmas Talent show. We will have a potluck style feast and children's choir. Special surprise! Please bring a dish to share with everyone else. Because every else will be bring a dish to share with you. Thank you!
If you plan to come send us an email with your RSVP

We are near the San Shia Cemetery and not to far from the end of the San Shia River walk way by
Da Tung Rd.

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To contact us:

Email: fredmedi@ms64.hinet.net