Boy Next Door
"Rachel! New people are moving in next door to me today!!" I told my friend excitedly over the phone, "Thank God!! You need a cute guy to look at from your balcony!!! Your balcony is sooooo cool! It faces the other balcony, it reminds me from the Whatever It Takes movie actually......" she said laughing. "So do you know if the people next door are cute or not?" Rachel asked curiously, "Rachel!!!! Look at your hormones raging, I'll promise you if they are cute, you're the first one I would tell and probably hook you up with his brother or something!" I said laughing at her. The subject kinda faded away and went to our singing classes, well modelling classes for her. Then suddenly I saw the most gorgeous guy opening up the door to their balcony. "Wow!!! Check out the hottie that lives right next to me!!!!! Wowwwwwwieee....He's hot!!! Look out your window, he's standing on the balcony at the moment. Dayummmm!!!! Is he cute or what???" I said to Rachel, "Who?? What?? Is he cute?? What does he look like???" She said getting all giddy about it, "My next door neighbour is a MAJOR hottie!!! Yes, he's cute. He has blonde spiky hair, tall, gorgeous smile and he's well, absolutely gorgeous!!! I could spend all day here staring at him!!!" I said sighing, "Sounds hot!!! I'll be over in exactly 1 minute!!" she said as she hung.

I went out to the balcony and saw her running out of her house (her house is right behind mine) and pretended to look out for someone while I was actually just getting a closer look at the guy. When I turned around to go back inside I heard someone said, "Hey!" I spun around smiled and said, "Hey". The guy laughed and said, "Didn't give you a fright did I? I'm Lance." I laughed and said, "Nah, ya didn't scare me, I'm Tiffany." He smiled again and said, "Nice to meet you Tiffany." I thought I was gonna faint!! This guy was absolutely gorgeous!!!!!! Then I heard my bedroom door open, I turned around and said, "Hey Rach! Come here for a sec, I want you to meet someone." Rachel ran over to me looked at Lance and I thought she was seriously gonna faint!!! "Rachel, this is my new neighbour Lance, Lance this is my best bud Rachel." I said introducing them to each other. They smiled at each other and that was it. "Well I betta go then... I'll seeya around??" I said smiling, "Yeah, you'll see me around, I mean my balcony IS right in front of yours..." he said laughing. I smiled and waved goodbye to him. As soon as we walked inside and I closed the door Rachel said, "Ohmygosh! He is soooo cute!! But he's not exactly my type..... I'm more of the dark, tall, tan, mysterious type of girl." I laughed at her and said, "Well it's your lost cause Lance is totally hot!!" We spoke about him until Rachel had to go home.

That night I couldn't get to sleep so I went out to the balcony to look at the stars (they help me to get to sleep). Suddenly I heard someone said, "Hey, what are you doing out here so late??", it was Lance : ) "I couldn't sleep.." I said sighing, then I suddenly realised he only had his boxers and t-shirt on, I thought I would pass out!! Lance smiled faintly and said, "Same... Hang on, I've got an idea! I'll jump onto your balcony so we can properly meet and I could shake your hand, I mean it's only what.....uhmm... 1 metre apart?? or sumthin..." My eyes popped out and said, "What??? Are you crazy??? You're gonna hurt yourself!!! And all because you wanna shake my hand!! Don't jump!!!" he laughed and stood on the edge of his rails and jumped, I covered my eyes as he jumped thinking that he's gonna fall down. He, thankfully, didn't hurt himself but I nearlly had a heart attack! "See I'm fine!" Lance said smiling brightly, "Oh my gosh, thank God you're okay!!!!!!!" I said in a relieved tone and hugged him suddenly, "Uhmmm somehow this feels very awkward at the moment standing on some stranger's balcony. Please tell me you're not a psycho killer???" he said laughing, I slapped him playfully and said, "Of course I'm not!! If I was, you would be dead at the moment, not standing there smirking." He laughed and looked at the ground.

"So why couldn't you get to sleep?" I asked him, "I have been thinking about what I'm going to do after the whole 'N Sync thing ends. I know it won't end anytime near the future but I was just thinking about it." Lance said sighing, "Don't worry about it!! At least I know that you will probably still be in the music business though." I said as I put my hand on his and smiling. He smiled, moved closer to me and said, "So why couldn't YOU get to sleep??" he asked as he looked at me straight in the eyes and at that moment I realised he had the most gorgeous green eyes!! I snapped out of it and said, "I was just missing having a b/f and all. I miss the feeling of being loved by a person that is not a female around here." I said looking up to the stars, "Well, when you're my age, I promise you that guys will be lining up around the block just to get a date with you and I'll have to fight them off one by one so I can have 5 minutes of time with you!!" Lance said smiling that gorgeous smile of his. "Really??" I asked shyly getting redder than red, "Yeah!! I've only met you once but I knew straight away that you're smart, funny, very pretty, and fun to be with" Lance said flirting a little. I blushed even more when he said that!! "Awww, you look so cute when you blush, but I'll stop making you blush anyway." Lance said smiling, "Yeah, I think you better stop before I'll burst." I said laughing, "So what are you doing tomorrow??" Lance asked, I was so happy he asked me that, I nearlly squealed. "Uhmmm, nothing much." I said hoping he got what I'm trying to say, "Cool!! Why don't you and Rachel come with us to our concert rehearsal?!?" Lance said with hope in his eyes, "Sure!! I'd love to!! Around what time?" I asked, "Uhmmm around 10:30am and we'll pick you guys up aight?? Or would you rather meet me outside your house?" he said, "Uhmm I think I'd rather meet you outside." I said smiling at him, I was soooo excited. "Well thanks for talking to me soooo late at night." I said smiling sweetly towards him, he suddenly hugged me, kissed me on the cheek and said, "You're welcome, anytime at all. Seeya tomorrow morning. Sweet dreams Tiffy." I smiled at him as he jumped over to his own balcony, as he was about to go inside I said, "Like the nick." and smiled at him. He smiled then he blew a kiss to me, I blew a kiss back and he pretended to catch it and kissed his hands. I laughed at his childishness but it was cute.

I went inside and I was too excited to sleep so I messaged Rachel on the mobile phone about tomorrow. She sent me another message back straight away, telling me she's be there at 9:30am to get ready. I wasn't sleepy so I decided to choose on what I was gonna wear tomorrow. After awhile I decided on my trusty white knee length pencil skirt with a hankie halter top and white platform strappy sandals. I even figured out my make-up!! I decided on a shimmery look to match with the outfit. I decided with glittery eyes, shimmery cheekbones to make it stand out with a red tint lip gloss so my lips would look natural but glossy. The next day I woke up at 9:00am. I had a shower and got dressed slowly. Rachel came bursting into my room while I was putting shimmer stuff on me. She was wearing her dark blue hipsters denim jeans with her strappy red top that has a crossed back. "You look bomb girl!!!!" I squealed out to her and hugged her, "Same goes to you chica. Love the skirt!!" she said to me smiling as she pointed at my skirt. We waited in the kitchen while Rachel waited for me to eat my breakfast which was just a banana and a glass of orange juice.
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