Then at 10:15am the doorbell rang. We both jumped 5 ft into the air and I told Rachel to answer it because my mobile phone and lip balm was upstairs and I needed to get it. I ran to my bedroom at full speed and ran back downstairs. I found the guys and Rachel chatting in the living room. The guys looked mighty fine even though they had a late night yesterday (especially Lance) "Hey!" I said as I bounced down the last couple of stairs, "Hey!" Lance said as he stood up to walk towards me and greet me. "Guys, this is Tiffany, Tiffany this is J.C, Justin, Joey, and Chris is meeting us at the venue. " Lance said as he pointed towards each one of them. I smiled and waved hello. They were really nice guys and very down to earth.

"How are we going to fit in a 5 seated car?" Rachel said as she moved closer to Joey deliberately.  "Uhmmm, I'm not sure but I get shotgun!" I said as I ran towards the car. Suddenly I realise I wasn't going anywhere and I felt someone pulling me back by my shirt, "Oh no you don't kiddo, you get to sit at the back on someone's lap. You're smaller than all of us" Justin said laughing and as he let go of my top, "I think Lance wants you to sit on his lap." J.C said patting Lance's back, he blushed severely and looked at the ground. "And you can sit on my lap my girl." Joey said to Rachel. Rachel, by the way looked very happy about the decision. I laughed and winked at her. We all squished into the car and drove off. In the middle of the journey J.C stepped on the brakes and I lunged forward to hit the chair, I squealed but then felt someone pulling me by the waist. I fell back on Lance with a loud thump. I blushed but then yelled out, "Joshua Scott Chasez!!!! What the fuck do you think you're doing??? Are you trying to kill us and make us go to hell for your wreckless driving?!?!?!", he laughed and said, "Feisty..... but I couldn't help braking, it was the guy in front of me's fault!!" as the rest of the guy's laughed. "Better keep my arms there so I could save you from J.C's wreckless driving." Lance said smiling at me, I smiled back and nodded. "I do not drive wrecklessly!!!" J.C whined from the driver seat, I laughed and patted his head affectionately.

When we got to the venue we all went backstage so they could get their microphone and stuff. Rachel and I watched from the front row. They were so totally cool on stage! Suddenly I heard my name and Rachel's name being called from the stage. I looked up and saw them pull their pants down and flashed their ass at us. I gaped and fell off my seat and on my ass with a crash. They laughed as they pulled their pants up. I was blushing soooo badly. Then they called us up onto the stage and we basically goofed off until a slow song came on (This I Promise You). "May I have this dance?" Lance asked me with a smile on his face, I smiled and nodded. I also saw Rachel and Joey dancing a couple of feet away from us. "Do you wanna go to dinner with me tonight?" Lance asked me as he blushed again. My heart went thump as I stuttered out a "Sure, why not?" Lance smiled and said, "Pick you up at 7:00 then?" I nodded and leant my head on his shoulder. When they finished we went backstage again, "You guys were great!!!! Too bad we don't have tickets, it's already sold out....." I said dissapointedly as I hugged J.C, "Well look who you're hugging!!! Of course you can get tickets!!! 2 special front row tickets and backstage passes for special ladies like you and Rachel!!" he said when we were hugging, "Oh my gosh!!! You guys are soooo cool!!!!!" I yelled out as I hugged them all once again, they laughed at my excitement and at Rachel suprised face. "So when IS the concert??" I asked them when we were in the car, "It's on this weekend." Justin said as he try to figure out those cube thingies, "Justin, those things are impossible so just give it up!!" I exclaimed and snatched the cube out of his hand and passed it on to Lance who tried to solve it too so I snatched it out of his hands and threw it to Joey who I KNOW won't solve those thingies (he tried already 10 minutes ago).

After the rehearsal I went home with a huge smile glued onto my face. Rachel took one look at me and said, "Oh my gosh, you got a date with Lance right??? Right??" I smiled and nodded vigorously, she squealed and pulled me upstairs into my room to choose what I am gonna wear that night. We decided on my red halter cowl neck top with a knee length black skirt that has a split up one side and my chunky strappy heels. "You are soo gonna knock him dead with that outfit!!" Rachel gushed, I smiled and started pacing up and down my room. Rachel then grabbed me by the shoulder and said, "Tiff!!! Quit it!!! You're making ME nervous and I ain't the one going on the date!!! But.......I've got a date with Joey tomorow!! How cool is that??" I stopped pacing and said, "Congrats girl!!!" and then hugged her. Rachel left at around 6:45 so I could finish up my make-up and stuff.

At 6:50 the doorbell rang, I jumped about 5ft in the air and ran for the door. I opened it calmly and saw Lance looking sooo hot (as always)!!! "Hey Tiffy. You look great!" he said as he looked at me up and down and as he handed me the stem of red rose he brought me. I smiled and said, "Hey, aww thank you...These are beautiful..." We went to a restourant and then to the beach for night time stroll. "So, you probably won't wanna talk about this and I totally understand if you don't want to but what happened with you and Danielle?? I thought you guys were, like totally in love." I said as I laughed and sat down on the sand, "No it's cool, you can ask questions. That's was going on date is about right??? *laugh*I dunno....we just grew apart because of my schedule. We had blast when we were together though!! We're only friends now. So who was your last boyfriend??" he said as he sat down next to me, "His name was Mark, he treated me like a total princess except for the fact that I didn't know any of his friends that weren't at our school and that totally pissed me off, cause like everyone at our school knew that we were going out, even the teachers did so they wouldn't care if we held hands during class or sumthin, but then he ended it for no good excuse at all. I mean, I was soooo happy with he's a total dickhead from what I've heard from Rachel anywayz, and she also told me that he's going out with another girl called Harriet. I've met her before, she's okay I guess....but I'm over the whole 'I love Mark' thang. I dunno why I liked him the first place....*laugh*" I said as I smiled towards him, "Well he missed out on something very special....he's stupid for letting something as beautiful and sweet as you up for some chick called harriet and he sounded like a total loser from what I've heard from you and Rachel." Lance said as he scooted closer to me. "Yeah, he is. And now, all my old, so called 'friends' hate me for some reason. They're all being bitches and plot things together. They're actually the ones that got Mark and Harriet together. And when we meet up for a movie or something they are sooo bitchy!! But I can stand up for myself now. If they're bitchy I can always think up of a come back line on the spot. Thank God I made some really nice friends at my new school. These are the friends I'm gonna stick by for the rest of my life. They're sooo sweet. Well everyone at my school is really really sweet." I said smiling again, "They sounded like bitches. And it's good that you've found new friends to hang out with, and now, you've got the guys and me as friends, trust me if the other girls are being bitches, you'll have to tell me and then we'll have to set them straight for ya!" Lance said laughing. I laughed and said, "I dunno, they might charge me with violence.", "We won't use violence..." Lance said smirking and then laughing. "I so do not believe that! I've seen you guys wrestling before and that's rough!" I said laughing.
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