The Nine Kingdoms of Arn: Balmordak

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Open Game Content
All of the material on this webpage regarding the preferred classes, skills, feats and weapons of the Dwarven Clans of Balmordak are designated as Open Game Content, as detailed under the Open Gaming License.

The Five First-Clans Of The Dwarven Nation

Clan Blackbeard

The Blackbeard Clan, characterized for their black beards, true or dyed, are a strong house of diplomacy and aristocracy amongst the First-Clans. They are known for their outstanding mediation abilities, and have proven their dedication to the dwarven race time and again in service as ambassadors and mediators. The Blackbeards seek to uphold the traditions of the dwarven people, and are somewhat distrustful of the mage-born Shieldson Clan, for reintroducing arcanist magic to the dwarven people over the last two centuries. The Clan's Eldest, Thorbin Blackbeard, is the King of Balmordak and Speaker for the Elder Council.

Clan Blackbeard

Preferred feat: Skill Focus(Diplomacy)
Preferred skill: Diplomacy

Clan Shieldson

Amongst the dwarves, there are no mage guilds or houses: there is the Shieldson Clan. For a time, arcane magic was thought lost to the dwarven people, and many of them turned to divine and psionic magics to accomplish what others did through magely pursuits. However, within the last two centuries, such lore has returned to the dwarven clans through the deligence of the Shieldson Clan, and those that have followed in this Clan's arcane teachings. The first arcanist, Dworkin Shieldson, crafted the first of the most reknown magical arms used by dwarves of legendary stature, and his followers have taken on the mantle of being Balmordak's more reknowned magical weaponsmiths.

Clan Shieldson

Preferred class: Wizard
Preferred skill: Craft(weaponsmith)

Clan Silversail
(Clan Silversail copyright 2003 by author Terry Kolhoff)

Members of the Silversail clan generally demonstrate great skills, and abilities related to seafaring and navigation. It is through the curage, will of the clan founder Jaggert Silvermail (changed to silversail after his death) that the dwarves took to exploring the seas, and developing trade routes.

Typically, clan members wear the only clothes pure white trimmed in a variety of blues, and greens that denotes their station within the clan.

Clan Silversail

Preferred Skill: Profession(sailor)
Preferred Feat: Skill Focus(Profession(sailor))

Clan Stonecleaver
(Clan Stonecleaver copyright 2003 by author David Hoschek)

Long has it been known that Stonecleaver clan is something of a conundrum. The Stonecleaver clan are among the most progressive in their use of new (and sometimes experimental) mining technology. This, and their generous donations to the Trademaster, mark them as a very rich clan, and indeed, their mines are enormous and the most productive of all the clans. However, their belief in what constitutes a true dwarven weapon is a throw back from their founder the mighty priestess/warrior Grundle Stonecleaver. She believed that the only weapons that were worthy for dwarves to wield were the hammer and the axe (indeed, there has been more than one brawl in stone cleaver households started over which is better.) Grundle was said to be able to wield her greataxe with one hand and fling it to smite her foes from afar. The tradition of the Stonecleaver Clan's warriors to wield only these weapons continues to this day, with a small exception to carrying a crossbow for those cowardly foes who won't engage in proper warfare, yet even the use of this weapon is disdained.

Some might think that this might put tham at a disadvantage in the ways of war. Those some would be wrong. The mines provide for the clan: their armor is of the highest quality and often thier foes are surprised at how quickly a troup of plate armored Stonecleavers can close with the enemy, and their skill with their chosen weapons is unmatched. Still above ground they are at a disadvantage, but below in the mines or indoors few can escape their fury.

Clan Stonecleaver

Prefered class: Fighter
Preferred Feats: Skill focus (Profession(miner))

Clan Thunderheart
(Clan Thunderheart copyright 2003 by author Michael Ceranko)

This ancient clan was formed from the name of the founder of the house, Tyrhadras Thunderheart. Tyrhadras died defending the First Thaneking from the oncoming hordes of the Giant Farabolge. From that fateful day, his decendents have been the chosen defenders of the Dwarven Royals. Clan Thunderheart also prides itself on its religious piety and has many clerics and Paladins amoung its members. Thunderhearts have for many generations been very influential in Dwarven politics, and created the basis for the dwarven court system, called the "All-Thing", as well as the established dwarven code of honor for the warrior caste.

The head of the clan is also the possessor of "Grimmagor," a Great magical warhammer used by their forefather to defeat the giant Farabolge. Many Thunderhearts hold positions in public service or military commisions in the Dwarven armies and navy. They pride themselves on their stoic Dwarven honor. The dwarves of this clan live by the Thunderheart motto: "My word is my bond; Once an oath is given, it is my soul's duty to obey."

For this stoic belief, Thunderhearts have also made great strides as honest merchants in foreign lands.

The symbol of Clan Thunderheart is a round silver shield with a warhammer surrounded by lightning bolts streaming from it. And the Dwarven rune of truth marking the center of the warhammer.

Male warriors and clerics dye their hair cobalt blue and keep a topknot. They use Adamant Jewelry set with aquamarine and always carry warhammers as their favored weapons. Runic Tattoos are common among the warriors and clerics, who often don religious tattoos of great significance. The family hates giants with a passion and will go out of their way to combat these evil creatures. Calling a person from Clan Thunderheart a liar is sure to invoke the dwarf's wrath.

Clan Thunderheart

Preferred class: Fighter
Preferred weapon: Warhammer

Other Dwarven Clans Worthy Of Note

Clan Forgeglory
(Clan Forgeglory copyright 2003 by author Michael Reeves)

When one talks about legendary dwarven craftsmanship, they are generally refering to works produced by Clan Forgeglory. The greatest smiths, engineers, and craftsmen were either Forgeglory dwarves or trained by one. Forgeglory dwarves also produce some of the most discplined military units using highly innovative tactics. They perceive that every tool used should be used with absolute efficiency and the artisan must develop newer and better techniques. They see no difference bewtween divine, arcane, or psionic energies and those who use them. They are just another tool to be used and improved upon.

Clan Forgeglory

Preferred Feat: Artisan
Preferred Skill: Craft(Any)

Clan Hammersong

The Hammersong Clan is a dwarven clan with a long and noble heritage. Named for the song-like rhythm that the Clan's smiths beat out while crafting masterwork arms and armor, the Hammersongs are fierce warriors with an edge. Following the heritage set forth by their ancestors, the members of the Hammersong Clan pursue a balance between the psionic arts and the fierce warrior stance of traditional dwarves. The Hammersong Clan are thus seen as the second strongest Clan in defending the dwarven realms.

Clan Hammersong

Preferred Class: Psychic Warrior
Preferred Feat: Weapon Focus(Dwarven Waraxe)
Preferred Weapon: Dwarven Waraxe

Clan Steelharp
(Clan Steelharp copyright 2003 by author Sally Hutchinson)

Though often dismissed by other clans as "pantless frolicky dwarlves" for their affinity for the musical arts and finer things in life, the Steelharp Clan is not lightly crossed. Countless tales are told of the legendary warrior-poets, the ancestors of the modern-day Steelharp.

They take their name from an exotic weapon first devised by Brennor the Bold. The most famous musician of his time, yet a skilled and talented warrior relying on stealth and subtlety, he saw the need for versatility in his instruments of both music and fighting. He bent his formidable intellect into designing a musical weapon which was then built by his cousin, Brannigan the Builder. (Incidentally, Brennor was the first to invent the steel harpsichord wire, which was his inspiration for the Steelharp.) The Steelharp has a steel frame gilded in gold, so as to be indistinguishable from a normal hand-harp. There is a catch-spring and flip-hinge which, when triggered, fan out to reveal a large crenulated steel shield. The straight-edge of the harp's frame is in actuality a hidden sheath which holds a medium-sized rapier. Brennor, the wolf in bard's clothing, travelled from isle to isle regaling courts with his tales and his music, managing to find trouble wherever he went. After a few close brushes with death, he made an improvement upon the Steelharp: the lowest string of the harp (which is, incidentally, the longest, and the thickest) can be quickly detached, and employed as a garotte. (Brennor took great pains to ensure that the garotte be in tune, and indistinguishable from the rest of the strings in both tone and pitch.)

The Steelharps in the world today are a friendly sort, enthusiastic about music and art. One would do well to remember that although the Steelharps dedicate themselves primarily to aesthetic endeavors, a fierce warrior spirit lies dormant within Brennor's descendants.

Clan Steelharp

Preferred class: Bard

Clan Stonefist

The Stonefist Clan are fine craftsman and fierce brawlers. Some have even raised the art of unarmed combat to new levels, forming the Order of the Stone Fist to pass on their martial art to young dwarves seeking to apprentice to the old Stonefist masters. Fiercely dedicated to dwarven tradition, the Stonefist Clans hold a strong disregard for innovation in either their technology or the Stone Fist fighting style. The Stonefist Clan teaches their families and their apprentices the desire to perfect one's self through the mastery of their craft, whatever their path might be.

Clan Stonefist

Preferred class: Monk
Preferred feat: Improved Unarmed Strike

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy,
care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.
-Jean Shinoda Bolen

All original material on the Nine Kingdoms of Arn website not designated as Open Game Content,
or not otherwise protected under the copyrights of other entities, is Copyright 2002-2003, Jason D. Kemp.