The Wilds


This woods road extends past the entrance to Flatrock Botanicals and leads to Half Moon Pond, Moon Pond and Three Island Pond.   If you are adventurous enough to follow it all the way, you can eventually reach Pouch Cove.  But be warned, it is very rough it parts!   With several cabins on the road, it is mainly used for recreational purposes and to
haul logs that have been cut for firewood.

The barn is 30' x 60', with two stories.  The bottom section holds tools (and now chickens).  The upper story is used for drying herbs in summer.

The trees on the edge of the meadow starting to turn colour in October.
Deciduous trees are mostly alder brush and birch that show colour late in the year.

A wide variety of wildflowers grow in the meadow in the summer.  Red clover, (the flowerheads are used medicinally as a blood purifier- see the herb garden for more medicinal herbs) hawksweed (devil's paintbrush) and buttercups make up the main colour of this photograph.

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