
My Heartland Valley Community Leader, Carrie, gave me the above award on April 24, 1998. You really astounded me, Carrie!!!! Thank you so very much. You can't believe how much I appreciate this. I do have to add that she is such a helpful gal!
Please visit Carrie's site by clicking on the above award. Thank you!

Well! Carrie surprised me again this spring of 1999 and bestowed on my homepage the award above. She's a great Community Leader; what can I say---she's always there for you. Thanks so very much, again, Carrie. Please visit Carrie's Humble Home by clicking on the award above.

Another surprise for me! I received the above award on June 4, 1999 from the Valley Community Center. I'm so very proud of having this award. I thank them all so very much. Please visit the site by clicking on the award. This will give you the opportunity to see the other sites up for this award and all the news from Heartland Valley. Then, don't forget there will be a Site Of The Year Award in December and we will need your votes!

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