Fencing Journal - Day 4
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My Fencing Journal

Day 4

Day: 4 Monday 11.12.01
Status: Beginner - 4th Lesson (Little improvement)
Learned: Footwork: hop, advance, retreat, advance, and lunge.
Practice: beat and lunge; beat, lunge, and remise; and parry and lunge.

Fenced: Near the end of class, I fenced two people: a boy named Michel and Aksone. I don't know who won between the boy, and me but I beat Aksone 3-1. The reason I beat her is because she kept on leaving her side open when she protected her other side. I told her if she kept one leaving it open that I would make the contact there. Though by the end of the bout she was covering it and fencing well.

Thoughts: It's hard for me to keep my feet in the right position and keep my legs bent at the same time. I think I need to concentrate more, than I'll get it. Though it's hard for me to concentrate with other people around. I got some pictures from Simon to put on the website after class. After I got home from the Davis, I went in my garage to practice my footwork since I need to very badly. I didn't want to practice it alone, so I got Kristy (my little sister) to practice w/ me. Of course, first I had to teach her the footwork, but she learns footwork fast so it was easy for her to get it. She's even better at the footwork than me right now. It's sad isn't it...? Well after dinner I practiced little more. Just before I was about to go back in the house, I pulled a muscle while lunging. Oh gosh, it hurt so much that I couldn't even stand. It felt like it was on fire. It didn't hurt as much to make me cry because I've gone through much more painful things than that. Though it took me a while to get up and walk. It still hurts a little right now, but it'll go away. I'm trying to keep busy and move around more so I can get use to it. I'm still got to practice more tomorrow because I want to get the footwork down.

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Note: Revised and Edited Version

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