Seed of the Unknown

Chapter Four



    The nerve of that girl! They wouldn’t even leave him alone. All day, reporters trailed him, asking the same stupid questions.

            “Damn people, why can’t you just leave me alone,” he protested.

            The reporters jotted his words down, their intention: to splash his words on the front page of tomorrow’s papers.

            Hwoarang grew sick and by the end of the day he was pissed. When he left the set of his new movie, four men trailed him, driving past him then cutting him off so they could take a picture of his face. The whole charade nearly caused an accident and when the paparazzi cleared the way, he sped up and drove off. When he reached his house, an army of reporters was waiting for him at the front gate. Just when he thought he was having a bad day, it got worse when a reporter asked, “Do you have any idea that your lover could be using you to get a story?”

            “What tha fu-” Hwoarang had driven into his driveway before he could finish his sentence, yet the press were quick to record his words. Using him to get a story? Did that lady mean to say that Naya could have purposely ran into the street so that he would care for her?

            “That bitch!”

Hwoarang still remembered the location of the apartment building she resided at. He reared his car and drove out of the driveway and to her home so he could give her a piece of his mind. The time to get from his house to hers would take an occasional twenty minutes, yet he got there in less then five. His anger boiled and he could not stop thinking about the satisfaction he would gain after yelling at her. That cheap whore! How could she just use me?

            He turned into the garage and parked, occupying two slots. He did not care how he parked or where, just as long as he got inside the building and talk with her. Even if she were not home he would wait all day. Hwoarang could only think of seeing her, yet he felt surprised at how urgently he went to her. It’s my anger, he thought, trying to persuade himself. I won’t let her get away.

“Tell me Naya’s room number.”

The teller at the front desk grew speechless when Hwoarang approached him. He was stupefied with admiration. Hwoarang asked him again, nearly losing all patience, yet the teller still could not get over his presence.


“Tell me her room number,” Hwoarang barked.

            The teller reacted quickly, his hand reaching for a directory keeping his eyes glued on Hwoarang. When he slammed the directory on the front desk, he fumbled through the pages, his hands shaking violently.

            “I don’t have all day,” Hwoarang said impatiently. He kept staring back at the front doors, hoping the press would not come rushing after him.

            The teller soon found the name and replied, “Fourth floor, room 18.”

            Hwoarang thanked him despite his foul disposition and quickly walked over to the elevators. The lift to the fourth floor took an eternity. Hwoarang stood on his heels, and shifted his weight from side to side. The muscles on his arms flexed as his mind thought over the things he would say to her. No matter how pissed he was, he would not stoop low by calling someone names or threatening them. Whenever anyone pissed him off he just told him or her how it is.

            Soon the chime came, signaling his ascend to the fourth floor. Hwoarang got off and made a left, following the teller’s directions. He reached the end of the hall before he found the broken door addressed with the number eighteen.

            At first he was too angry to notice the scenario. He thought of barging in, but when he saw the placed trashed he grew alarmed.

            “Hello,” he called.

            No answer. Hwoarang slowly approached the door, his eyes peeling through the open crack.

            He caught a glimpse of a slight movement and saw someone crouching on the floor, picking up some of the mess. He instantly recognized her. “Naya?”

            She turned to look back at him. A small frown crossed her face then she said, “What are you doing here?”

            “What happened,” he asked, ignoring her question.

            “Someone broke in.” She stood up, surveying the mess. “It looks like they were searching for something.” She gave him a narrowed gaze now that he stood next to her. “What are you doing here,” she asked again.

            Hwoarang continued to gaze into her apartment. The furnishings were simple yet arranged in a fashionable manner. He assumed that she kept house even though it looked like she never had any visitors. “What would they be looking for?”

            “I don’t know…you still haven’t answered my question.”

            He gazed at her. He forgot immediately after gazing into her eyes. “I don’t remember…”

            She frowned up at him. Ironically, it was she who reminded him of his purpose for visiting. “Oh really, I thought you stopped by because you were pissed, knowing that the press is probably making bogus stories about you. That really takes a toll on someone’s reputation, doesn’t it?”

            “Yeah, they say you used me to get a story,” he replied curtly, now remembering. “You think you can use me? Hell, if you did that from where I come from, they’d beat your ass.”

            “Not if I beat theirs first.” She bent down to pick up the papers she had gathered and then walked past him, entering the kitchen. She placed the articles on the kitchen counter next to the phone. The blinking red light caught her attention, which removed all attention from Hwoarang as he spoke. She cut him off by pressing the ‘play’ button and the message began.

            “Hi there,” it was Anna’s voice, “after last night I decided to pay you a little visit. Since you weren’t home, I did a little redecorating. Hope you like it.” The messaged beeped when the Anna had hung up the receiver.

            “Who was that,” Hwoarang asked, the voice sounding dangerously familiar to him.

            “A co-worker.” Naya replied.

            Someone at the door caught her attention. It was a police officer.

            “We came as soon as possible, but there is a horrendous crowd of reporters downstairs. I think they’re looking for you.”

            “Figures,” Naya said passively. She walked over to the door the let the rest of the police officers inside.

            When the first one saw Hwoarang, his face lit up. “Hey you’re not that celebrity guy are you? Yeah, you are, thought so. Heh, my kid idolizes you. He wishes that his old man could be more like you. Hey, do you think I could have your autograph?”

            “Not at the moment,” Naya cut in, “you’re here to investigate.”

            The cop gave her a disappointing look. “Well, I don’t know how soon we can do this. There are other important things that happen around Tokyo and more urgent things at that. The soonest we can investigate is within a week, but that means we’ll have to close off your apartment for o-o-o-o, say at least a month.”

            “WHAT?” Naya looked astounded. “Did it occur to you that I live here? This is my home.”

            “Well, don’t you have any place to go?”


            “Then find a hotel.”

            “You think it’s that easy? Shit, what the hell is wrong with you? It’s obvious that there has been a break in and just last night someone tried to kill me and again to day they tried doing it again. My apartment was the safest place until this morning when the damn press chased me inside. And it doesn’t help with him,” she pointed to Hwoarang, “standing here because I could easily lose my teaching position once the university finds out that we are supposedly having an affair! Can’t you even spare me one ounce of sympathy? My life has been torn apart in one day. At least do something with your life by helping me out!”

            “You two are lovers,” the policeman stupidly replied.

            Naya grew impatient and walked out. She banged her fist against the wall, leaving a dent. Hwoarang followed outside, feeling guilty. When he thought that he had it bad, she had it far worse. He decided to cool her off.


            “What,” she barked.

            “Look…don’t you have any family or a friend you could go to?”

            “No…not even friends. I’m anti-social.”

            “Well…” he thought a moment, trying to think of a better idea, yet none came to him. Suddenly, he said something that shocked her. “…you can stay at my place.”

            She stared up at him with wide eyes. “No thank you. I don’t want your charity.”

            “It’s the least I can do.”

            “For what?”

            “I don’t know. Look, you said that nothing in your life is going right for you so let me just make it a little better by giving you a place to stay, temporally of course. Once you find a new place you can move out.”

            “No, not a good idea. Besides, not everything is going bad. I just got a shot at obtaining my teacher’s certificate three months early and I’m sure the dean will help me out when I tell him what’s happened. I’ll be fine, really.”

            He studied her. “You speak words of certainty yet your expression lacks conviction. Besides, I still feel that I haven’t done enough after I hit you. It was my fault, you were running for your life and I should have stopped.”

            “A simple apology is fine, really.”

            “Well then lets just say I’m doing this to help you out. It’s about time I started thinking about other people rather then trying to find a way to satisfy myself.”

            She gazed into his eyes and knew he spoke with sincerity. To prove his naturalness further, Hwoarang left her and approached the officer. They conversed for a minute then he came back.

            “What did you tell him?”

            “I told him that if he needed to find you then all he has to do is come to my place. I have more than enough room and I can sleep on the couch downstairs.”

            “No…I’ll sleep on the couch. I don’t like your bed, its too soft.”

            Hwoarang smiled. Finally, she agreed. After ardent persuasion she broke in her pride. Odd were the events that unfolded. Yet, as odd as they were, he did not know why he liked the idea of having Naya stay with him.


©2001 by Ariadne. Tekken and all its characters property of NAMCO.


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