Sitemap for





What's New - what's been added/fixed in the last update

Facsuts News - congratulations and event review news

Other News - other chemistry and forensic news from around the world

News and Reviews

Ponderings - what do people think about stuff?


Facsuts Events - find out what the next facsuts event is, how much it costs, and where it will be

Other Events - find out about symposia, conferences, guest lecturers and other chemistry and forensic meetings

About Us

Meet the Crew - find out who your facsuts executive committee are and find your year representative

Facsuts FAQ - what is the role of facsuts? what do we do? how much does it cost to be a member?

Contact Us - contact facsuts or the webmaster

Photo Album - photos of previous events




Philosophy - come to the garden of philosophy and ponder the meaning of life

Games - find online games

Humour - jokes and cartoons to help you procratsinate

Web Links - other interesting links which you can peruse at the most vital point of procrastination



Networking - clubs and associations and societies of students and professional chemists and forensic and applied scientists

Web Resources - web resources for those assignments and projects, from those who have already done them

Books - For Sale and Wanted - want a book but don't want to pay full price? find a second hand one here