FACSUTS Frequently Asked Questions

What/Who is FACSUTS?

We are the Forensic And Chemical Society of the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). It is a great place to meet and keep in touch with people who have the same interests as you.

Who should join?

Anyone can join. However, the club is focussed on all sorts of people involved with chemistry at any stage of their time at UTS, both staff and students. This covers people from health sciences to forensic scientists and those with chemistry majors.

What do we do?

There are several objectives of FACSUTS. Primarily FACSUTS functions as a social club, which organises events so that people with similar interests can get together and have some fun. FACSUTS also serves as a networking society so that people can make contacts with others in the same field. FACSUTS has also held lecture series, with guest lecturers on topics of interest. We also encourage people to attend seminars organised by the department or other societies outside UTS, such as RACI and ANZFSS that are of a similar interest.

What events do we hold?

Several events have been held over the years including -

  • Pub Crawls
  • Trivia Nights
  • Wine and Cheese Nights
  • Pictionary Nights
  • BBQ’s
  • End of Year Dinners

Sporting events have also been organised by FACSUTS such as a squash competition and some casual soccer. Jerseys and T-shirts have also been very successful items over the years.

How is FACSUTS organised?

Every year an AGM is held in March and an executive committee is elected. This includes a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer as well as representatives for each year, PhD students and staff. You can find out who the executives are this year.
Meetings are held regularly for those interested in attending. At these meeting’s future events are discussed and organised. Ideas and suggestions are also welcome.
Each member receives regular updates of the club events. Previously this has been through a newsletter, but this year we have found it more efficient to contact everyone via email.

How do I join?

Membership is valid for one year and costs $5 for UTS union members and $10 for non-union members. The best way to join is to contact a member of the executive committee. You can also fill out a form at the union desk (next to the union shop in the tower building). At the beginning of each year memberships are welcome on orientation day - just look for our stall.

If your question is not here, you can e-mail us.