The sign of the Pisces in Western Astrology
Compatibility Chart

Characterization & Love Compatibility List for the Pisces


Pisces(Feb. 19 - March 20)

House: Twelfth
Gemstone: Aquamarine
New age stone: Bloodstone
Color: Violet, Sea Green
Opposite sign: Virgo
Least Compatible with: Leo,Libra
Ruling Planet : Neptune-Modern (Jupiter-Trad.)
Element: Water
Anatomy ruled: Feet, Lymphatic system
Flower: Water Lily
Most compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Your tarot card: XVIII The Moon

Usually:Intuitive, trusting, loving and creative.
Can be:Gullible, self-pitying, temperamental and dependent.

Pisceans are visionary and inspirational with huge creative potential.
They can be dreamy and vague. They are highly undisciplined, find it hard to face up to reality and have a tendency to inaction in the face of adversity.
The fish of Pisces swim against each other and this is indicative of the confusion and perversity in the Piscean personality.
As lovers they are affectionate and sensuous. They are sensitive and caring but are easily led and can be taken advantage of. Pisceans are highly emotional and need lots of love and reassurance.

Ruling planet
Neptune was the name that the Romans gave to the Greek God of the Sea and earthquakes, Poseidon. He was the brother of Jupiter and together with their third brother Pluto they overthrew their father Saturn.
After the defeat Saturn, the three brothers divided the world into three parts to be ruled each by one of the three. Jupiter took the sky, Neptune the sea and Pluto the underworld.
Neptune had the reputation of having a violent temper. Tempests and earthquakes were a reflection of his furious rage. He was depicted as a bearded man, holding a trident and seated in a sheashell drawn by sea horses.
One day Neptune saw the water nymph Amphitrite dancing in the island of Naxos and fell in love with her. He asked her to marry him but she refused. Undaunted by her refusal, Neptune sent one of his servants, a dolphin, to look for her. The dolphin pleaded Neptune's cause and she changed her mind. As a reward, Neptune immortalised the dolphin in the constellation of Dolphinus.
Neptune and Amphitrite had several children. Among them was Triton whose name was given to the principle moon of the planet Neptune.

Pisces Love and Relationships
Ruled by mystical Neptune, you are a romantic and a dreamer at heart. Your imagination and vision can be a real inspiration to women and they will be drawn to your gentle sensitivity. Your romantic, idealistic nature can be very charming but can also lead to misunderstandings and cloudiness.
You hate conflict and although you will never be forceful or stand your ground you will always get your own way. Your will is like the ocean flowing through or around any obstacle and this will infuriate your partner who will never be able to pin you down.

Pisces Compatiility Report

Pisces with Aries
These are strange bedfellows. They admire, love and sometimes, hate each other. Piscean the dreamer, sees the fulfillment of his/her desires in an Aries-born. Pisces will always try to calm down the fiery temperament of Aries, and will not always succeed. Aries loves the sense of belongings towards a Piscean. Though sometimes Aries could be rough and cruel towards their Piscean mate.
Aries will draw Pisces out of their shell, and in turn will be hypnotized by Pisces's seductive and mysterious sexuality. The boldness and confidence of Aries plus Pisces's intuitions and fantasies add up to an eventful union. Personality differences complement each other. Aries is self-assured and vivacious; Pisces is somewhat shy and easily led. Aries likes to be dominant, Pisces likes having someone to lean on. For a happy coupling this requires only a little more tact on Aries's part.
This can be a most interesting arena. Lucky for Aries, Pisces is a fluid sign and often reflects the interests of their partners. In this case the rapid fire, aggressive nature of Aries, can in some cases be met with an equally aggressive Piscean partner. Because the fish lives in such a lush and watery world, the Pisces may not even need much from the Aries partner in terms of sexual satisfaction since whatever they are not getting from their partner they are getting from there inner worlds (and they have a lot of inner worlds to choose from). Aries loves to conquer and Pisces loves to surrender the biggest challenge here to finding ways to create new challenges for the Aries to win in. Pisces is advised to make the book they are reading more interesting than romping in the sack with their Arian friend, it'll keep things steamy for a long time.

Lots of friendship, affection or love can be shared and they both appreciate beauty, pleasures and good things of life. Each can help the other because Taurus is practical whereas Pisces is a dreamer. When problems arise, clear thinking is clouded by too much emotion. That beautiful bull will be able to turn on the passion and the protection in divine dollops that will be large enough to satisfy even the most demanding Piscean.And their innate sensitivity and refinement will make the Taurean feel that at last they've found someone else who can appreciate the finer details of life.
These two will give into each other's whims and they might be watching the weather forecast one minute and the next they'll be overcome by passion and fantasy and have to make powerfully passionate love right there on the rug. The bull will be as romantically inclined as her fishy fellow and hearts and flowers will be strewn all over the path of passion when they're together. This couple are kindred spirits and the partnership has the potential to get better and better, the longer it lasts.

Pisces and Gemini
The Gemini has to be prepared for a roller coaster ride when such a union takes place! It has its moments of fun as the Fish has tremendous charm and has plenty of ideas to impress the Gemini. The air sign may be in awe for sometime, till the other side of the Pisces character displays itself. Sharing in their independent co-existence may be the essence of love and well-being for the Gemini when the Fish can be very secretive and withdrawn sometimes without warning. Gemini may often feel left out in the cold and resent it.
Their physical expression of love may not run into rough waters if Gemini can understand and accept the Fish's vivid imaginations of physical union. A Gemini may be without inhibitions but not as boundless as a Pisces. Be prepared for the highs and lows in this one!

Pisces with Cancer
You make a romantic couple. Pisces has to discover the finer aspects of Cancer. And Cancer has to hold the interest of Pisces. Then alone you will develop intimacy. There are several differences but you adjust to each other well. Cancer wants exclusive company of Pisces but Pisces likes a crowd. If Pisces seeks solitude, Cancer feels insecure.
Cancer and Pisces is an affectionate, sensitive couple who will help foster each other's ego. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer but Cancer is an imaginative worker-and together they can turn dreams into reality. Pisces provides romance in Cancer's life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces needs. Both are emotional, intensely devoted, sensitive to each other's moods. They'll hit it off in the boudoir, for both are responsive sexually. Cancer has to take the lead but Pisces is a very willing, erotic follower. A very harmonious match.
Cancers feel safe with Pisces and often perceive them as fragile and soft (which they are but only half of the time). These 2 can merge to a depth that is not easily obtained by other signs. Pisces are free with their sexuality often not adverse to alternative styles and love the aggressive sexuality that lies in Cancer. Pisces feel safe when you are in control.

Pisces with Leo
You at times wonder how you could be together. You both are totally different though each balances the other. Leo restrains the dreamy Pisces. Pisces adds a sense of romance and adventure to Leo's life. Leo loves glamour and glitter while Pisces loves solitude. Leo is a disciplined worker, Pisces takes everything leisurely. Yet, you could manage to establish a good rapport.
Leo is flashy and domineering while Pisces is unworldly and mystical. They intrigue each other because they are so different, but the differences don't mesh well. Leo's active outgoing nature doesn't harmonize with Pisces's dreamy introspection. Leo needs public acclaim, while Pisces prefers the sheltered life. Both are more inclined to take than to give. Leo can't tolerate Pisces's ultra-sensitivity, nor Pisces's inclination toward exotic boudoir activity. Before long, the lion will start to roam.
Leo's are passionate creatures. All the fire signs are passionate but because of their Fixed Modality, Leos tend to hold it longer. Pisces live in a world that is quite watery and personal. Leo's like things hot, Pisces like them wet and cool. When immersed in a passionate moment Pisces will do whatever it takes to offer pleasure to the Lion which fully enhances the Lion's experience and appreciation for their little fish.

Virgo -Pisces
Virgo is the opposite sign of Pisces but both can complement each other. They see things with different eyes, each will always be a mystery to the other. Virgo is motivated by reason, analysis, facts and logic. Pisces is guided by feelings, emotions, intuition and that strange ability to sense what is what. Virgo brings method to Pisces' madness, romance, imagination. Pisces can add a touch of intangible magic to Virgo's life.These astrological opposites could have been made for each other.It's when they're alone that this couple can really click.The Virgo's need to theorize about sex and then put it into practice, will provide the perfect counterbalance for the fish's fantasies and these two could try out everything under the sun.
The down-to-earth Virgo can control those powerful Pisces feelings and fantasies and the fish will feel their Virgoan valentine is imbued with commonsense and is deliciously delectable. It's a perfect partnership and the Pisces will be able to color the Gary Virgo nature with all other colors of the rainbow, while the Virgo will inject no-nonsense black and white into the Pisces' personality. .In fact, they'll have such a mind-boggling sex life that it would he difficult to describe it.

Pisces and Libra
Libra may get attracted to a Pisces, as both are strongly imaginative and sentimental. Pisces will know the right thing to say and to do, which wins Libra's heart. Libra is very quick to get attracted to the opposite sex and a fish can well take advantage of the fact. When the relationship proceeds there may not be many illusions left as Libra may soon tire of Pisces' black moods and somewhat weak disposition.
Pisces cannot tolerate people who are basically insecure and go through life often avoiding situations of discord. A Fish may be a dreamer but when dreams fail, the optimism of a Libra will have little or no effect on this sign. Sex may be good in the beginning but soon both parties may tire of each other, as there may be too much of hard work to make the relationship itself work.

Pisces with Scorpio
You are made for each other. You association begins as a fiery romance. Pisces feels superior in winning over Scorpio, whereas, in actuality, it is Scorpio who has captured Pisces. Both have the same ideals and dreams. Scorpio endeavours to learn subjects with interest Pisces. Pisces showers lavish compliments on Scorpio. Both are happy.
Scorpio's strength is a perfect compliment for Pisces's indecisiveness. In turn, Pisces's imagination sparks Scorpio's creativity. Pisces is able to give Scorpio the devotion and admiration it craves, and their mutual fascination with lovemaking provides a fine romantic aura. Pisces's flair for the bizarre adds spice to Scorpio's desires and the intense emotional needs of both signs neatly complement each other. Pisces's intuitive awareness and Scorpio's depth of feeling unite in a special closeness. This kind of mating lasts.
Passion drips between these 2. There is such an experience of heartfelt connection that the merging almost instantly begins. Scorpio likes the feeling of having someone attached to them but they don't like it to look too weak. Pisces will have to fight their almost instant merging at least on the outside. Scorpio is merging too, but they'll never tell.
Scorpios are ruled by Pluto who looks to pierce through lies and effects deep transformation. Pisces is ruled by the sweet spiritual planet of Neptune, God of the Ocean. Neptune dissolves our boundaries and opens us to the magic of the watery world.

These relations are full of complexities and presents a multitude of possibilities. Some compatibility will be found in mutual appreciation, religion, mysticism, travels, charitable causes or other lofty ideas. Pisces's vivid imagination probably will conjure up the worst picture when Sagittarius feels the need to be independent. In spite of his good qualities, a Sagittarius lacks the softness and tender loving care essential for Pisces. The Pisces tendency to be indecisive, impractical and disorganized may exasperate Sagittarius who is basically active, impulsive and positive and likes to get things done quickly and efficiently.
The sensitive sign of Pisces is ruled by two planets- Neptune and Jupiter, who also rules Sagittarius. So if the fish is swimming in the clearer waters of Jupiter and not the cloudy ones of Neptune, love could find a way. But even so they must both be caring, considerate and thoughtful folk who are able to be honest with each other. They'll be able to talk about all sorts of scintillating subjects and their relationship will be a meeting of minds. The Sagittarius need for emotion is light years away from that of the Pisces. There could be a delightful delicacy of feeling from the fish and an incredible indelicacy from the archer, which won't do either of them any good at all. The Sagittarius's get-up-and-go is in complete contrast to the Pisces need for someone who's imbued with understanding and a nicely nurturing nature. Another problem is that because they're both mutable signs, they could conduct an extremely in- consistent affair.

Pisces and Capricorn
This combination of partners is normally not well organized. There are too many things going on all the time. Capricorns have well-organized lives, and their high level of efficiency may draw Pisces' admiration. The fish's helplessness and charm may also attract Capricorn. The Pisces is full of ideas and all this may appeal to Capricorn's subdued romanticism. However, when there is an alliance Capricorn may soon discover that a fish will not be controlled in any way.
Both these are prone to black moods and this may pose a problem. If these moods are frequent, a barrier may come between them. However, one never knows with Pisces, and a Capricorn may become full of surprises of an emotional kind. Discussions may be reversed without a cause or the cause may be all sorted out in the fish's mind. Finances have to be handled by the Capricorn, as Pisces can never manage money matters well. Their sex life may be free of problems. Capricorn's sex drive is well developed and the fish is very good at sensual love affairs. If they do not carry their moods and their career into the bedroom, they may enjoy a satisfying physical union. This may be a complex affair but given time it can work out well!

Pisces with Aquarius
This is a difficult association. Aquarius is brooding, pessimistic and overly dependent upon Pisces. Whereas Pisces loves Aquarius though sometimes feels stifled in this relationship. But you begin to like each other gradually Aquarius has to make more adjustments. Once the relationship is established. Pisces looks after and protects mutual interests.
Aquarius is intrigued by Pisces's romantic charm and Pisces is drawn to Aquarius's visionary ideals. Sensual, imaginative Pisces will go along with anything, Aquarius wants and they achieve and unusual intimacy. However things begin to go downhill as Pisces insists on more and more testaments of love. Dependent, indecisive Pisces needs someone strong to take control. Aquarius shuns any kinds of emotional demands. When Aquarius feels hemmed in by that all enveloping Piscean web, it will struggle free and go its own way.
This arena could go either way. The Water bearer surrenders to no one unless the tests have been passed. Remember how we mentioned quirks? If Aquarians like you they may actually do everything in their power to show restraint to the point of even appearing disinterested. It is easy for them to put their attention on something else just to "harness" the intensity of their emotions. Pisces' capacity for understanding would allow this to go on for quite some time. They may even shed a few tears of hurt but never so intrusive as to make the Water Bearer feel guilty...instinctively they know that would shove them even further away. On the other hand, once Aquarius feels that they have a friend who doesn't want to own them and who supports their idealistic vision they can take you on a physical journey that makes the wait worthwhile. (don't tell anyone but the Aquarians are often shocked at the complete and delicious passion that awaits them from their Piscean friend!)

Pisces and Pisces
Two Fishes should get along extremely well. Their compatibility will not only include the mental compatibility, but survival and existence will also be in their agenda. They will share their ideas and appreciate applause for the most unrealistic ideas. Both will be highly emotional and swim freely in the emotional ocean of life. This sign is intuitive and both partners may reach and find out more about each other without demonstration. They will demonstrate such tendencies at a time when least expected.
They may not be able to address financial and money matters realistically. They enjoy strong sexual attractions. Their imaginative mind will never allow them a dull moment in bed. Their sincerity of feeling will be strong and fidelity will hold an important position for each. Any display of lack of faith may create an unforgivable offense. Love and romance will bloom beautifully but one has to wait and watch to see how two such insecure and complex personalities make of life together

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Numerology Compatibility

Pisceans are visionary and inspirational with huge creative potential.
Numerology uses numbers to analyze personality and predict events. The vibration of your birth number determines your temperament. Each number carries a particular vibration, odd numbers are more powerful and therefore regarded as masculine, even numbers are softer and feminine.
One of the most interesting uses of the Chinese Zodiac is exploring the compatibility of signs. That is, which duos will make good lovers? friends? partners?
It is believed that the zodiacal signs originated in Mesopotamia as early as 2000 BC when ancient astronomers recorded the sun's yearly journey across the celestial sphere.

Chinese Astrology

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Ram Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Western Astrology

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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