A very scary place indeed...

Why, hello there web traveler! What are you doing in this part of the web? Trying to learn about me? Why ever would you want to do that? I don't know, either, but since you asked... My name is Sarah Coleman (note it, for soon it shall be famous!), and I live in Minnesota. I live with my dad and two younger siblings, and am dating a really wonderful guy named Dave. He's really cute and really sweet... and probably really red right now after reading that!

My hobbies, you ask? I love reading, writing, poetry, animals, acting, music, roleplaying, practicing my new guitar, helping people, dancing, bowling, and just having fun. I also enjoying debating with people. I always win, because I never give up! What sort of music do I like? I love all types of music, except country. I can not stand country! I have all sorts of CDs. I have everything from Creed, Lifehouse, Matchbox20, to Backstreet Boys, N'SYNC, 98 Degrees, to the Phantom of the Opera sountrack, to Josh Groban, to Switchfoot. I used to have Rammstein, but I've lost it. What else...? I love shopping. In fact, I'm a shop-a-holic! I need a 12 step program. As for what I am going to do with my life, I plan on being famous. Now, note my choice of words there, "plan on" not "hope to be". I WILL be famous. I'm just not sure how yet...

Right now, sadly, I am not employed...so, keep checking back for updates to this section.

Let's see... I was born in California. I lived there for 6 years before moving to Wisconsin. We lived there for nine years, and we moved to Minnesota in December of 1999. In October of 2004, we moved to a different city, but again, I can't tell you the real name... you might stalk me or something! ;)

My talents? Well, I've written over 180 poems and will be posting more of them soon. I've had a few of them actually published. I'm very proud of two of my latest poems, though. One I call the "Love Alphabet" and the other I call the "Spiteful Alphabet". I'm also writing a novel, which is going very well. I know that before I said it was going slow. I actually have 2 novels. One I got stuck at it Chapter 6. The one I'm working on now, I just finished all 24 chapters, and now am doing some revisions. I also write a lot of short stories, many from the Advanced Creative Writing class that I had my senior year. If I get enough positive feedback... well okay, ANY positive feedback, I'll post more up on my page! Good deal, huh? So, remember to sign one of my guestbooks and remind me how great I am! *G* Not that I need reminding, of course.

Let's see... things I dislike. Lying and liars, waking up after a good dream, snow, cold... *L* Thats why I want to get away from here. I also hate being dumped... But of course, who doesn't? Like I said before, though, I'm now dating a wonderful guy! We've been together since January... I'd give you an exact date, but I don't want Dave to ahve an easy out in case he forgets our anniversary!

Along with the other things that I mentioned that I love, I am a HUGE LoTR fan. Orlando Bloom is so hot!!!!! Who cares about Elijah Wood, when I can have my sexy elf!!!!! I even bought the LoTR DVD, even though I do not yet own a DVD player. Some people would say I'm obsessed (Thats you, Tim!), but I'm really not. I just love the books and the movie. Not my fault Orlando Bloom is extremly gorgeous. In fact, I sort of, just maybe, might have made an Orlando Bloom shrine... want to see it? Here he is!! But if you don't like Orlando, don't click on it!

What? You want to know more about my family? Well, I have one younger brother and one younger sister. We live with my dad, in an appartment. As for my mother... I don't know, and I can't say that I care. Well, I can, but that'd be a lie, and lying is bad. And before anyone jumps on my case for not liking my mother, just listen. You don't know what she put me through, so don't judge me. Trust me when I say I have a right to be openly hostile towards her.

Check back soon, to see if I've updated this page! And now, go, and explore the glory which I have created!!!

This page last updated May 17th,10:23 PM Central Standard Time

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