Don't you think it's time? Time to step up to the plate and take some action. knows networking! From Windows based networks, to Open_BSD and Linux. Our team of network specialist, can design andimplement, a network suited to your company or home needs. May it be aserver-based network or a peer to peer network, let our team design and workwith you, to get the maximized productivity and performance out of your network.

Do you know the difference between a cracker and a hacker? No! Well theInternet's elite sure do. Now that broadband is finally being implemented, it leaves a major venerability open to all! That is time, a hacker or cracker nowhas all the time in the world to sit there and break in to your computer, network or server. Once you have a dedicated connection you are open to the world. offers a commercial grade "FIREWALL", for small and largescale needs. A firewall in basic terms allows the good users in, and keeps the bad users out. Call and find out more information if your vulnerable to an attack (the connection doesn't matter if it's Satellite, Cable Modem or DSL).

What matters is your information, information is the lifeline of companiestoday. Make sure your is protected.

EverSee Security Systems
Take your life back. Keep an
eye on your business from home.
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