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27th November 2000

Finally got this thing updated. Unfortunately, I lost the previous template due to hard drive crash. Yes, a big crash. Lost all my data. So I’ve had to use a new one. I’ve been very busy running a clan for Legends Of Cosrin as well as doing Haven, so I can’t do stuff very quickly any more. The reason why Destruction Of The Planet was completed quickly was because I could tie all my resources to it, as nothing else was going at the time. But a clan? Oof. Very time consuming that. Oh, good news about Haven. You’ve probably read about my new installer technology called Anubis on the main news page? Well, I’ve got a very very early alpha demo of Haven available. Get it at the main downloads page. Because of my dual-compression technology, I’ve managed to squeeze down a 2 and a 1/2 meg game down to just 1 and a 1/2 meg. Good or what? Well, I think so anyway.. : )