solution studios

this project began as a tentative name for the tattered remains of Ballast Method. that was where you could find us only a year ago. but after the departure of bassist jeff grauzer, we just could not find ourselves in a very cohesive state. a couple of practices took place as a trio with rob lucio on bass, but we would soon leave each other behind momentarily for our own personal reasons. jason endured the trials of child-rearing, rob wished a fond farewell to his business venture in the food industry and i found myself back in school full-time. i wondered if i'd ever see my former bandmates piloting their instruments again.

months would pass with no contact.

one day, i finally got a call from rob. this was around the beginning of june. he had found a bass player and contacted me and jason. but still, personal conflicts would interfere and having newly found a bassist made no difference to three guys who were passing ships in the night.

around the same time the bassist was found, i linked up with my long-time friend john guthrie who operates Big White Rock Studios, and quite masterfully. we began recording some old Ballast Method songs and a few new ones. i was a bit skeptical about starting off this project alone, i thought it would never fly. but john and i did a wonderful job and those who listened agreed. jason was impressed by the effort and rob thought the ideas were great. in fact, he had a few of his own to implement.

we've all got big plans for this, bigger plans than we've ever had before. but for now, we just wait patiently.

and hope.

solution studios
home solution studios