Q: Where did this group start?
It started when one parent (Jolene)  at one of our public information meetings made the suggestion that a long term solution was needed to address funding at the state level and another parent (Janet), liked the idea. Together they decided to pursue the idea and see what we as parents can accomplish.

Q. What can we accomplish?
As parents, we have the strongest voice if we let our representatives know we are willing to work in partnership with them to achieve our goals. This needs to be done in a positive proactive way that allows them to say "yes" to us.

  1. How can we do this?
A: By studying district wide issues in depth and coming up with a legislative agenda they can work with us on.

Q: What is this Quick Response Network (QRN), I keep seeing?
This is a communication tool we are implementing to keep communication open. As things start happening we want interested people to be kept informed. You can join just that and be updated as we send out information. Click on any of the links to get set up.

Q: How do I join the PLT?
Anyone is welcome that wants to commit the time needed to do a quality job for our children. Please contact us for further information and feel free to look over our Code of Ethics to be sure you can sign the sheet when you join.

Q: Do I have to know about the legislative process?
No! There is no experience necessary. Just a concern for your childs education.

Q: What if I'm not a parent, but live in the district . Can I still join?
Yes! Education funding effects everyone. If you have concerns for kids and their education, please join our team.

For more detailed answers, you're very welcome to call us 763-441-7717. We'd be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Stay involved, stay updated for as little as a few minutes a month.

To contact us:

Phone: 763-441-7717
Fax: 763-441-3833

Email Janet at : mccartyparty91@msn.com

Welcome to... | Who's Represents Me in the Senate | Who Represents me in the House? | How Can I Help? | FAQ's | Code of Ethics | What Are We Working On? | 2003  - 2004  Legislative Goals  | Email Updates / Quick Response Network
(QRN) | How to Write an Effective Letter to your representative….