Coding Tips (JavaScript/CSS/VBA/Win32)

Useful code snippets, tips and some Windows applications
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to change IE proxy settings

How To Add Tooltips to a Page Element

Tooltips can be added to any page element that support OnMouseOver event. There are many ways to create tooltips on a web page with DHTML. Let's go through the most simple script to create a tooltip. The technique is borrowed from site .
  1. Create an empty div element with a ToolTip id within the body tag.
  2. Create the following span element:
    <span onmouseover='javascript:showToolTip(event,"Tooltip test")' onmouseout=javascript:hideToolTip()> Show Tip </span>
  3. Use the following style in the head tag:
    #ToolTip {
      left:0; top:0; z-index:10000;
      border:1px solid #337;
      width:140px; padding:4px;
      color:#000; font-size:11px; line-height:1.3;
  4. Use the following JavaScript functions:
    function showToolTip(e,text){
    document.all.ToolTip.innerHTML=  text;;;"visible";
    function hideToolTip(){"hidden";
See it here:
show tool tip

Another example

The Easiest Toottip

Did you know that you can add a title attribute to almost any HTML tag to display a tooltip.
Try it here:

Just hover a mouse over me

Of course, it is not as customizable as the first example but it's easy.