17 year-old Allie Black's (KAT JAMES) world looks pretty good: she's popular at her small town Texas high school, she's dating the star Quarterback...
and her best friend Courtney (DEBRA CASSIDY) is a witch. But that world is turned upside down when Allie catches her boyfriend in the arms of her arch-rival Lynette (AMBER LEA VOILES). She vows revenge. Unfortunately, it's the night of the autumnal equinox and Courtney has called up the Powers to honor the day. When Allie chants, "Make me a boy..." the forces collide and by morning her wish is granted. Suddenly SHE'S facing life as a HE. 
Allie accepts his fate, renames himself Caleb (GUILFORD ADAMS) and in no time is the star of the bumbling high school football team and the new town hero. Then Caleb and Courtney hatch a dastardly plan of seduction that will be their ultimate revenge against Lynette... But somehow it all starts to go wrong in this comical tale of magic, tough jocks and the equinox. 

35mm, 112 min

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