Fellowship of the Ring                                The Two Towers


This trilogy is great. I thought the screen play and the special effects are great. The story line was great, however, it would have been cooler to get the whole book, but then, who wants to see a 6 hour movie in the theater. The acting was cool.  Ian McKellan played Gandalf if he was really him.  The music score of the movie was perfect for every scene. My favorite score it the Edoras theme in the second movie, The Two Towers.  My favorite scene is the Bridge of Khazad-dum. I wish they didn't release each movie 1 year apart.



Legolas is the man!!

Like every movie, there is a character who just grabs your attention. The one character that was just great on screen was the elf. This is a cool picture of him. Why did chose him? I know he didn't have that many lines, but I thought that he was one of the best fighters of the fellowship.  I just liked the way he used is bow and arrows to fight as well as his two-sword style fighting.  I thought Orlando kicked arse on screen.

My next favorite character is Aragorn. I think he is cool, because his fighting style is cool and he knows what is going on. He is like the knight of the show and leader of the group. This guy just rocks.

I think smart people are cool. This guy is an oracle of wisdom. I wish I was smart and witty as him and have really cool magical powers that can help people out and that can amaze people.



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