Letter from an Indigo Child to a Teacher

Letter from an Indigo Child to a Teacher

Dear Teacher

Hi and thanks for reading my letter
I am that child who usually doesn't sit still at his desk, the one you are always telling to be quiet. The one when you are explaining something to, understands before you've even finished but gets bored if you have to repeat it. Sometimes my behavior can be bad or disruptive just to get attention. I like to talk about things you think I'm too young for. You are always telling my parents that I can't learn, although when something interests me I learn easily, but when I know enough about it I quit out of boredom. I don't answer to authority, I do to understanding and explanations. I learn by imitation, your example it's very important to me. According to you I am always breaking the rules and creating new ones. I am that "genius in the making" who would be the best if I concentrated on what I was doing…….

My parents took me to the doctor and they say I have ADHD, something called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and that means I can't sit still, can't pay attention for a long time, I'm easily distracted and hyperactive too. The doctor wanted me to take Ritalin, my mum said "no way, if you take drugs you become an addict", then mom did some research and now I do things like sport, martial arts, tai-chi, yoga which help me focus my energy. She also stopped giving me food with sugar o glucose, this way I feel more relaxed.

I don't like to be treated as a child, maybe I know less about some things but that doesn't mean that I don't know anything at all about them, I am on my own process. Give me more time to grasp things, I learn in a different way. If I don't learn the usual way…..why are you always teaching me in the same way? Maybe if it was in a more practical way? I am always asking "Why?". That doesn't mean I am testing you. I'm only curious. If you don't know the answer, please tell me, don't avoid me, show me how to find it. I'd like to be included in the decisions that affect me, I am not just another pupil. I'd like you to acknowledge that I am different, not to classify me as different. I am neither more nor less than you. If you could explain me why we study and that in order to get certain things we need discipline, I'd react differently. When I can't get focus on anything, do something to relax me: a game, music, dancing…..but don't shout at me. I know that sometimes you get desperate in class because none of us pay attention. Have you tried to find out what we really like?

Best Wishes with Love, José Manuel

(The fine print: this piece was written by Jose Manuel Piedrafita Moreno, Educator and Indigo Adult. You are free to use and re-distribute this piece as long as you do not change it in any way, including the credits. Walk in peace).