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New video

"Brain food" video is now complete.

watch it here ...
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New album

"Jared" is now finished. Nine tracks gooey goodness.

view track listing here ...

other information


the beginning

So paio came about back when I was in high school. I was sitting in study hall doing nothing like most of the time, and as I was doodling I wrote the word "paio". At the time I didn't know if it was even a real word. I later on looked it up to find out that it was Italian for pair/couple.

Which makes sense, because a lot of things come in pairs. Like day/night, weekday/weekend, lost/found, seek/find, open/close, on/off, yes/no, and of course effectunknown/paio.

the flow of it

After finding out the meaning I decided to keep the word in my head. Later on when I started making music I remembered it, and think that it fits, because I feel that music in general is a perfect pair. A pair of what is for you to decide on.