
Release Info
Message Board

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  How Does it work?
A:  It Intercepts Data Packets from the server Parses them and then reads them.  

Q:  Is there any Side-Affects?
A:  None to our knowledge.

Q:  Can I get in trouble for using this?
A:  Nope, Even e-mailed blizzard and they said they cant do a thing

Q:  Will this work on Single Player?
A:  It should.

Q:  Can I see what is in the chests on the automap?
A:  Nope, not as of yet... Sorry.

Q:  What if I cant get it to work?
A:  E-mail Support:  EleetoDoreeto@onebox.com

Q:  Why did you release this?
A:  Because we want to see games played to the fullest of joys ;]


Copyright 2001 XCalibur Productions
All Rights Reserved