The 80s (part 2)

Well, guess what else you'll find here. Duh. Here are some classic Ed pics from the 80s. Thanks again to Marina for these images.

Sweet Dreams Here's a shot off the movie poster for SWEET DREAMS. Ed plays Charlie Dick, the husband of Patsy Cline, played by Jessica Lange. Nice sentence, huh? Their relationship started off beautifully...well...I guess. I mean, they sort of did it in the back of a car twenty seconds after they met. Anyway, it ended up being pretty stormy and ended really tragically.
Okay, so unfortunately I can't remember what Ed's character's name was in JACKNIFE. But you can check that out on my filmography. Anyway this is one of those movies where Ed is (obviously) bearded. Boy, when he grows a beard, it is like way out of control. Ed's character was this burly alcoholic (shattered by his experiences in Vietnam) who couldn't enjoy a successful relationship with a woman. That also meant that he tried to prevent his sister from getting into any relationships with men - particularly with Robert DeNiro, who plays one of Ed's Vietnam buddies. Jacknife
The Abyss Here's a glimpse of Ed from THE ABYSS, looking crafty or amused or something. THE ABYSS is one of those movies that I just don't get. However I am hoping to catch a copy of the director's cut, which is theoretically much clearer (if quite a bit longer) than the theatrical version.
Here's Ed together with Mary Ellen Mastrantonio, who plays his ex-wife in THE ABYSS. Whatever happened to her anyway? From the few movies that I've seen that starred her, I've gotten the impression that she is an extremely capable actress. Sort of like Madeleine Stowe, who has also mysteriously disappeared (well, now thinking back on it, she was in TWELVE MONKEYS). Hmm... Maybe it's just bad news playing Ed's love interest. Does that mean Julia Roberts is next for the has-been pile?! Ed n Mary
The Abyss Here's Ed and the lucky lady again. At least Ed's career hasn't poofed off like Mary's has...or has seemed to, at any rate.

Go on to the next page - pics from THE TRUMAN SHOW.

© 1998 Sue Wang

This page was last modified 21 August 1998.

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