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Mission Statement

Vincent Empires was formed for several reasons.  Our first mission was to promote enjoyment and creativity of writing.  If by the end of their adventure in an e-fed they have a higher understanding of writing than we have succeeded.  Enjoyment over competition, and creativity over challenge.  That is our main goal.

Our second mission is to abolish descrimination in e-wrestling.  Even though it has been boardcasted several times through out the mass media, descrimination still exists in e-wrestling.  Homophobs (people who fear homosexuals) join e-feds and use words such as "gay", "faggot", and "queer" in their role-plays to depict a sexuality.  Our mission is to help change people into making them aware that they are indeed hurting people with these remarks.  Just because others say this doesn't mean you have to as well.  Differentation of women and men is understood, and it is understood that both men and women think differently.  Because of this we promote understanding between the two groups of how each acts.  To say most women prefer a romance to a action filled angle is to be sexist.  We understand that there are hundreds of countries on this planet, and we understand not to play bigotry on either country.  We understand that you have your freedom of speech, but we also recognize that we need to be a community and let go of descrimination.  We recognize multi-culturalism and multi-religal societies, and wish they are to offer their knowledge and style to us.

Although we do let it go, we are against the use of vulgar and obscene language.   Hopefully when ever you are done with Vincent Empires, those who use vulgar language in their role-plays will have dropped their potty mouthed ways.

We promote longitivity.  That an e-fed lasts forever, and it's role-players stay as long as the e-fed is open.  We reward role-players who have been with Vincent Empires for a long time, but we do not neglect those who haven't been here so long.

We promote opinions and dronelessness.  We allow each person to be their own person.   We believe that a president should be an equal to a handler, and no superiority between the two should exist.  We wish that you are to create your own identity in the company away from all other wrestlers and handlers.

We believe in the growth of all e-feds.  Although we do not discourage spam, it will be moderated.  We wish to make a complex of e-feds, and wish them to become greater than they were before.

Vincent Empire's mission is never ending, hopefully you'll try and help us accomplish it.