Ecstatic's new cd GreenLight/GreenJade



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The Band!

                      Ian Campbell           Guitars, Keyboards, percussion   

                      Laurel Christie         Vocals, percussion 

                      Liz Christmann         Vocals, percussion

                      Steve Coburn            Bass, Keyboards, percussion

Steve, Liz, Laurel, Ian             Ecstatic

Ecstatic is an acoustic/electric based quintet(PJ Drennan not pictured here) hailing from Massachusetts South Shore. The music is original (with an occassional take on a cover tune), and can best be described as alternative. A solid sense of rhythm and counterpoint harmonies underscore the rich(and sometimes dark) melodies and lyrical content that question the qualities of who we are, our nature, and our relationships with ourselves, others, and the world around us.  















Ian Campbell

Ian has been one of the driving forces behind Ecstatic. His approach to rhythm and detail help to create the music that makes Ecstatic stand out. His influences range from Frank Zappa to Jeff Buckley to Paul Weller.  <Top of Page>













Ian Campbell



Laurel Christie



Laurel Christie

Laurel has been song-writing and singing with Ecstatic since the band began last year. Before Ecstatic, she performed with Static and Mighty Jo Young. Her unique vocal style and strong lyrical content make every appearance a unique performance! Her influences range from Kate Bush to Stone Temple Pilots to Tool. <Top of Page>













Liz Christmann

Liz has also been performing with Ecstatic since it's inception. Before Ecstatic, she performed with Static and Mighty Jo Young. A classical background brings counterpoint harmonies, and like Laurel, she is no stranger to creating powerful lyrical imagery. Her influences range from The Clash, to Chris Cornell, to Edith Pilaff. <Top of Page>





























Steve Coburn

















Steve Coburn

Steve has been creating music with Ian in several successful line-ups over the past few years. While "organic", his technique gives Ecstatic's music the solid foundation on which to build its different structure. His influences range from Tony Levin to Stanley Clarke to Brian Eno. <Top of Page>