Teacher Page


teacherGoals and Objectives

Students will research a planet or moon in our solar system using resources on the internet or in the school library.  Students will prepare a presentation to share what they learned with the rest of their class.  A research guide sheet is provided as well as a scoring rubric.

This project fulfills the following Grade 7 General Science WV IGO's:

   7.19 develop rational thinking processes that underlie scientific approaches to problem solving by employing critical thinking skills in applying scientific knowledge, using imagination and creativity while working individually or cooperatively 
   7.59 describe and compare the physical characteristics of celestial objects
   7.69 articulate the historical significance of scientific discoveries
   7.71  examine the contributions of men and women of diverse cultures to the development of science
   7.78  use appropriate software, audio-visual, and/or multimedia materials to practice and master seventh grade instructional objectives in science
   7.92 retrieve current data from a variety of electronic sources which might include the Internet, and/or software reference programs


studentsStudent Activities

This project will take at least 6 instructional days.  If your students are not familiar with using the Internet, I suggest a practice worksheet to familiarize the students with using a computer for research.  Click here for a sample sheet I made up for doing research on the computer using an online encyclopedia, Electric Library, and the Internet.

I allowed three or four days for students to do their planet research.  I assigned a different planet or moon to each student in the class so that we could cover the solar system in depth.  The assignment is also adaptable to having two students working together on a planet or moon.  With the requirement of a visual aid (poster or model), cooperative grouping may be a better idea.  The visual aid can also be extra credit.


Student presentations can take two days if you have 25 students in your class.  When the students gave their presentations, I had the other students take notes on each planet.  They were allowed to use these notes on the chapter test later that week.  Click here for a  form to help guide student note taking.

Materials needed:  Internet ready computer lab, printer, books on space or the planets, poster board, art materials, paper, pencil.


Students should be monitored while doing their computer research.  Students should turn in a written product of their research,  a visual aid, and give an oral presentation.  Click below for the scoring rubric.



More Helpful Links


for Teachers

Student Page Research Guide Scoring Guide Teacher Page

Created by Elaine Matheny
Send comments to:   ecmatheny@yahoo.com
Last update:   April 4, 2003


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