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SCOTS IRISH of SC aboard EARL of DONEGAL Oct 2 1767


The Earl of Donegal left Belfast, Ireland on October 2, 1767, according to advertisements and notices of her departure published in the Belfast Newsletter. Duncan Ferguson, master, and his 294 Irish passengers of 64 different surnames arrived in Charleston, South Carolina by December 22, 1767, 81 days later, and swore they were Protestant (probably Scots-Irish Presbyterians).

About passengers aboard the Earl of Donegal

The Earl of Donegal list of Passengers who petitioned for Royal Land Grants is at LIST.htm

ANALYZE.htm is about what the order, statistics, accuracy, etc. of the list might reveal about passengers.

Please visit SHARE.htm to discover and help other genealogists and descendants of your ancestor.

E-mail to any other address posted at this web-site may not reach me. Please write "EARL OF DONEGAL" or the URL of the web-page you are referring to in your SUBJECT LINE, so I will know to which web-page and to which web-site you are referring, and so I do not mistake your e-mail for Spam.

Please name your ancestors who were Earl of Donegal passengers, and provide links to web-pages with information about them. The more we know about Earl of Donegal passengers and their kinsmen, the better. E-mail from the descendants of about 1/3 of the passengers aboard the Earl of Donegal is posted at . I hope more will write me. I may not post your e-mail as quickly as we would like, but I intend to do so eventually. If your e-mail is not posted within a few months, please send it to me again.

About Ireland in 1767

The port from which a vessel sailed suggests the general area in Ireland from which passengers came, and newspapers still preserved in Ireland may report exact ship departure dates (voyages took about two months).

R. J. Dickson, "Ulster Emigration to Colonial America, 1718-1775" (Rutledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1966; in United States, distributors, Humanities Press, Inc., 303 Park Avenue S., New York, N. Y. 10010.), pages. 74-75 "North Ireland on the eve of migration" describes conditions in Ireland between 1740 and 1775: In 1770 leases of the Earl of Donegal's county Antrim estates expired and rents were raised. Disturbances and evictions resulted, which added to the burdens Presbyterians suffered because of their religion and the depressed condition of the linen trade.

From County Donegal [8 baronies] - The name of the county is derived from 'Dun na nGall' meaning fort of the foreigner because Donegal town was a Viking stronghold in the 9th century.
From,,2091-1986072,00.html: As many as one in 12 Irish men could be descended from Niall of the Nine Hostages, a 5th-century warlord . . . Niall reportedly had 12 sons, many of whom became powerful kings themselves. One was Conall, after whom Donegal (Tir Chonaill) was named . . .

About the BOUNTY ACT

When Negroes were about two-thirds of the population of South Carolina, before dawn on Sunday, September 9, 1739, near the Stono River in St. Paul's Parish near Charlestown, SC, a few dozen hateful Negroes stole firearms and ammunition from a shop and murdered the two shopkeepers. Throughout that day, many more savages joined the racist fun and indiscriminately looted, burned out, slaughtered and had their unspeakable way with any innocent non-Negro woman, man and child they could chase down. This instinctive genocide, similar to those in Rwanda, Kenya, the Congo, Zimbawee, etc., ended only a couple hours walk from where it began, about sunset near the Edisto River, when this mushrooming mob of Negroes fired on armed non-Negroes who had been warned by Lieutenant Governor Bull. See Report from William Bull re. Stono Rebellion at These atrocities are listed as Black Achievements at and caused the government of SC to enact laws that stifled the importation of Negroes.

Does Black Achievements include the fact that South Carolina's largest Negro slaveholder owned more slaves than 99 percent of the South's slaveholders, and that a larger percentage of free Negroes owned slaves than free southern whites (only about 4.8 percent of southern whites owned one or more slaves)?

On July 25, 1761, in order to keep an exploding Negro majority from overwhelming civilization (as it did in Haiti, the wealthiest colony in the Caribbean and now the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere), the General Assembly of South Carolina passed the Bounty Act, which required the Public Treasury to exchange money for Bounty Certificates issued by the Governor's Board of SC to compensate (via Agents who received the Certificates) ship owners or masters for transporting emigrants who could certify that they were Protestants (i.e. northern Europeans). The names and ages of passengers and the names of the ships on which they traveled were recorded in the Council Journals of South Carolina.

The Governor's Board also authorized its Secretary to prepare Warrants to survey the land that was to be granted to the emigrants in two new townships: Long Canes (near the Boonesborough Township), and Belfast. Protestant petitioners fifteen or more years old were entitled to 100 acres per head of household, plus 50 acres per dependent.

The outlines of boundaries shown on modern county property tax maps are almost the same as those shown on the original land survey plats, especially in rural areas (even if a tract has been subdivided). Although tracing the title may be difficult, centuries of tax, deed, probate, etc. records probably contain information about the precise geographic location of these land grants, the names of those who have since owned, bought or inherited them, and the ownership of adjacent tracts.

South Carolina's History, Land and People

South Carolina is a part of the land chartered in 1663 by King Charles Stuart the II to a group of Barbadian planters known as the “Proprietors” and led by John Colleton. In 1712, the colony of Carolina was divided into South Carolina and North Carolina.

South Carolina's hot, humid and flat coastal plains ("the Low Country") extend westwards from the Atlantic coast of South Carolina for about 50 miles to the "fall line". This was the first area in which Negroes were employed by the greedy plantation owners who exploited the people of SC until they were conquered by Abraham Lincoln's army.

The Piedmont region of gently rolling hills called the "Up country" or "Back country" is heavily forested and extends westwards to South Carolina's steep mountains, which are about 3,000 feet in altitude and higher west of the state line.

Later townships 1762 - 1764

Page 44 of "SC a Guide for Genealogists" by Theresa M. Hicks states "Chester county (around the Rocky creek area) and Abbeville county (around Long Canes) became the new home of Presbyterians primarily from Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and Ireland".

  1. Rocky creek drains a large water shed that includes most of the eastern half of southern Chester county and a small part of adjacent northern Fairfield county. The 150 acre royal land grant on which my ancestors Rose and James Stewart settled in 1768 is now intersected by Stover Creek and the boundary between Chester and Fairfield counties. Stover creek is about ten feet wide and about a foot deep. It is a small southern branch of Little Rocky creek, which is about twenty feet wide and a couple feet deep. Little Rocky creek is a southern tributary of Rocky creek, which enters the Wateree River near the Fairfield county line, where Wateree River is deep and over 100 hundred feet wide, with water flowing from North Carolina southwards along the eastern boundaries of Chester and Fairfield counties through several large lakes, and thence through the Low Country to the Atlantic ocean.
  2. Page 47 of "SC a Guide for Genealogists" states "Long Canes creek flows into Savannah river via Little river in McCormick county.

    Long Cane creek starts in Abbeville county at Donalds and flows along the Abbeville and Greenwood county line and then out of Abbeville county into McCormick county to its mouth.

Chester county was created in 1785 from Craven and Camden Districts. Before Chester county was established in 1785, all deeds were recorded in Charleston, SC.

Chester District

South Carolina deed books refer to land granted by North Carolina before their border dispute was resolved as "north patents".

Various colonial names for the territory of Chester county were:

St. Marks Parish was the name of the civil and religious organization of this territory. It included the present day counties of:

Chester County, SC

The county of Chester is in the "Up Country" of SC between the Catawba (which flows into the Wateree) and Broad (which flows into the Congaree) rivers. They flow almost due south about 40 miles apart. Chester county is located between York and Fairfield counties, which are about 30 miles apart. Chester county is about 50 miles north of Columbia, the capital of SC, to which it is connected by highways #215, #321, #21 and Interstate 77.

The "Kings Highway", now known as highway #901 used to be the main road north from Columbia. The devastating war of conquest, theft, dispossession, arson, rape and murder (see CRIMES.htm ) against innocent citizens which war criminal William "War Is Hell" Sherman's vindictive troops and hoards of Negro followers waged on their way north via the "Kings Highway" through Chester county's defenseless mostly Scots Irish communities continued in the name of "Federal Reconstruction" after General Lee's surrender.

According to "To force the natives into submission, Generals Sherman and Sheridan, who for two decades after the Civil War commanded the Indian-fighting army units on the Plains, applied the same strategy they had used so successfully in their marches across Georgia and in the Shenandoah Valley. Unable to defeat the Indians on the open prairie, they pursued them to their winter camps, where numbing cold and heavy snows limited their mobility. There they destroyed the lodges and stores of food, a tactic that inevitably resulted in the deaths of women and children."

Presbyterians opposed slavery, so Mulattoes and other descendants of rich slave owners are still a smaller percentage of the population of Chester county than of some other areas of SC.

Presbyterian Churches

Catholic Presbyterian Church (image below) was established near Rocky creek and called "Catholic" because Covenanters/Reformed Presbyterian, ARP and Presbyterians worshiped there together from May 1751 until 1773. In 1773 Covenanter Presbyterian minister William Martin became the minister of Catholic. See Scotch-Irish Migration to South Carolina, 1772: (about Rev. William Martin and His Five Shiploads of Settlers) by Jean Stephenson. In 1787 Catholic organized Purity Presbyterian Church (now in downtown Chester). His sermons inspired many to fight during South Carolina's first of its two armed Revolutions against tyrants like King George and Abraham Lincoln.

Catholic Presbyterian Church (image above), in Chester County, SC

Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church (image above), in Chester County, SC was organized in 1752.

Longtown Presbyterian Church (image above), in Fairfield County, SC. See


The ancestors of most South Carolinians

The compassionate citizens of South Carolina are its most valuable resource. Nearly all "white" and "black" descendants of the pioneers of South Carolina have both American Indian and northern European ancestors, and some of the most European-looking have Negro ancestors (according to DNA tests, etc.).

Even though the average behavioral characteristics and genes of various races differ enough to determine whether their exclusive racial homelands were ever civilized or not, the exploitative owners of the mass broadcast media (in order to advance their agenda) have been trying to persuade American gentiles that race does not exist (or that it is just a matter of skin color) and that most Americans are either:

  1. "white people" (the civilized, fair haired, light skinned, blue eyed, northern European type, who have been portrayed as being prejudiced and the evil victimisers of "people of color"?), or
  2. "people of color" (Mulattoes and other dark skinned races, who have always been the vast majority of the prison populations of South Carolina and any other demographically similar state, and who have been portrayed as being the saintly victims of prejudice)

Nevertheless, the Hebrew owners of most of the mass media (see ) constantly inflame racial hatred by obsessively reminding South Carolinians that some of their great-great-great grandparents, etc. were enslaved. Their propaganda never mentions that few South Carolina whites ever owned a slave, that mulattoes are more likely to be the descendants of slave owners, that most slaves were transported to America by Jewish merchants, that half a million slaves in the northern USA were not freed until long after the end of the "Civil" War, that in Africa some Negroes still enslave each other, and so on.

Most media brain-washed South Carolinians therefore think they belong to one of the following categories:

Until recently, almost all South Carolinians belonged to one of the four following racial groups:

  1. ARYAN - People with blond hair and blue eyes are still common in SC. Most of the two thirds of the population of South Carolina that have no Negro blood are Aryan (Teutonic Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Germans, etc.) even though few Aryans identify themselves as such or dare say so. The Aryan ancestors of South Carolinians were mostly Protestants (English Anglicans, Scots, Scots-Irish and Irish) from north western Europe. Many do not know that their ancestors came from Germany, England, Ireland, etc. and just call themselves white Americans. Most receive less government welfare and pay more of the taxes that support the prisons and public schools (since "disˇintegration": most whites have considered public schools to be too dangerous for their children to attend). Judeo-Christianity has persuaded most whites that racially they are "Jews by adoption", and that they descend from "lost tribes of Israel", even though their pagan ancestors were slaughtered, tortured and burnt at the stake during the "Dark Ages" unless they worshiped the son of the god which told Hebrews "to devour all the nations" (Deuteronomy 7.16) and "Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine (Judeo-Christianity?) and make all the nations of the world drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword which I am sending among them." (Jeremiah 25.15, a prophetic verse). "Sunday schools" teach nearly all Aryan children to be Judeo-centric; they learn the minute details of Semitic biblical mythology and its sanctification of slavery (Genesis 9.25) as though it were the absolute "word of God", but almost nothing about the glorious history of their own preeminent Indo-Hittite/Hamitic civilization, which was humanity's first. Aryan Civilization (euphemistically referred to as "Western") has produced nearly all of the science and technology which feeds humanity today.
    Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were white slaves: they were auctioned on the block, with children sold and separated from their parents, and wives sold and separated from their husbands. They and their descendants were slaves for life, long before Negroes ever were - the origin of the word kidnapped is kid-nabbed, the stealing of White children for enslavement. According to historian Sharon V. Salinger, a death rate of ten to twenty percent over the entire 18th century for Negro slaves on board ships (mostly owned and manned by Hebrews) en route to America compared with a death rate of 25% for white slaves en route to America.
    The definitions in italics below came from (for clarity, consult early 19th century dictionaries and encyclopedias, since modern dictionaries constantly "update" and misconstrue definitions for propaganda purposes).
  2. MULATTO - according to "A person of mixed white and Black ancestry" South Carolina courts held that a person of 1/4 to 1/8 Negro ancestry was white. About two thirds of the ancestors of the mulattoes of SC came from the Kongo, Angola and west Coast of Africa (not Egypt); the rest were Aryans and Indians. Almost all people of Negro ancestry mistakenly think ALL of their ancestors were Negroes, and that none of their ancestors owned slaves. The average up-country white farm family would be lucky to find one ancestor who was rich enough to own a slave; about 98% had to work for slave wages because their products competed with those of slaves in the same global markets. Few Mulattoes or Aryans know if their ancestors were Confederate soldiers or slave owners. Although over two thirds of each Mulatto generation are born "illegitimate", some Mulatto families have better genealogical records than Aryans, and are proud of how many slaves and acres their ancestors owned. Most Mulattoes still freely and proudly use the more fit and internationally understood Latin word niger, nigr, as in Niger and Nigeria) which was used by the ancestors of southerners (whose "education" centered on the Bible and Latin and Greek). Hate inciting propaganda has associated the use of this Latin word by non Mulattoes with racial antagonism, and newer dictionaries exclude it, so most Americans use the Portuguese word Négro (nay-grow, mispronounced knee-grow) and whatever disrespectful and patronizing slang (like black, African, Afro/American, colored, people of color, etc.) and vague euphemisms the mass broadcast media makes fashionable in order to further its exploitative agenda (a race that looses its name is in danger of extinction (Deuteronomy 7.24)). In some states about one third of male Mulattoes have been disenfranchised because of felony convictions (convicted despite Mulatto jurors and judges). Mulattoes usually vote for other Mulattoes if they have a choice. Due to divisive media propaganda, most Mulattoes and communists vote as a block. Over 90% voted against George Bush (whose "bound to fail" Hebrew inspired political agenda is to try to win "minority" votes).
  3. INDIAN - Even though genetically the same as most South Carolinians (because of miscegenation), some South Carolinians still identify themselves as Indians because this entitles them to special government privileges. Anyone whose ancestors have lived in up country SC for many generations probably has Indian ancestors. Except for their darker skin color (for camouflage in the dark forests of south eastern USA where they might have spent the last 10,000 years?), pure blooded Cherokees (whose ancestors may have been Hamitic, like Kennewick Man) look more like Europeans than like the Indians of the western USA (a Navajo in a business suit looks Japanese).
    During the last ten years many Mexicans of Indian and Latin European ancestry have been settling in SC (do Mexicans work harder at manual jobs because it is more difficult for illegal immigrants to qualify for Federal welfare subsidies?).
  4. HEBREW - The Sephardic Jews of Charleston, SC were once one of North America's largest Jewish communities. Jews owned and manned most of the ships and businesses involved in the Negro slave trade, and owned more slaves than the average gentile. Most Hebrews have Semitic (Cro-Magnon) ancestors and clearly identifiable racial characteristics similar to those of non-Aryan southern Europeans: (dark eyes and skin, very curly hair, large hairy torsos and short limbs, etc.). Hebrews are more genetically similar to each other than members of other races because Judaism has forbidden interracial marriages (Ezra 9.12). Nevertheless, almost every Aryan has been "blessed with the seed" (Genesis 28.14) of a more or less remote Hebrew ancestor. Although Hebrews are the most organized, militant, politically powerful and influential ethnic nation in history, the media has portrayed them as the powerless victims of Aryans ad nauseam. For many centuries nearly all Aryans world wide have identified themselves only as Christian "Jews by adoption"; so their hackles are raised by any criticism of Hebrews or Judaism. Nearly all Aryans blindly support fanatical Hebrew agendas, even the violent conquest and colonization of Palestinian and all Aryan homelands (in anticipation of the "second coming of Jesus"?). Hebrews are only about .03% of the population of South Carolina. A few Hebrews own most of the American media (see ). Is our government in their hands (Deuteronomy 7.24) because they are the source of most Americans' information about political candidates? Do most politicians realize no one can win an election unless he is favored by the propaganda of the owners of the mass broadcast media?


Will the broadcast media's incitement of anti-white racial hatred and its glorification of miscegenation between America's non-Jews destroy most of South Carolina's racial diversity and Aryan civilization within the next two centuries?

Do you know of any broadcast media which has not stereotyped all the ancestors of southern whites as being evil slave-owners and rapists (try to find a Mulatto who does not think so)? Whites are disproportionately depicted as criminals in movies, etc. (despite Federal crime statistics to the contrary). In Negro Africa, where slavery still exists, accused criminals are often "collared" on the spot with a burning automobile tire, if they can be chased down. Yet the media has programmed most people to think of lynching as an exclusively white "system of injustice", and stereotypes Mulattoes and Jews as being the saintly and innocent victims of whites. Is the mass broadcast media biased? Does the mass broadcast media stereotype Aryans as being racist in order to instill the guilt that is destroying the Aryan race/civilization?

Is to avoid "racial stereotyping" why the media has ridiculed all scientific, etc. evidence that the average Mulatto has an IQ of 85 (about 15% lower than the average American and about 15% higher than the average African Negro), and why the media attributes ten times higher Mulatto violence and crime rates to environmental factors like poverty and racism, instead of to animalistic genes? According to Federal statistics, thousands of white women are raped by Mulattoes every year, and about ten Mulattoes by whites. Does poverty and racism explain why Mulattoes rape so many people? How many Americans are as aware as law enforcement and prison and court workers that the average Mulatto commits about TEN times more rapes, murders, thefts, robberies and other violent crimes than the average "white" American does? Visit any SC prison if you doubt that Mulattoes found guilty by Mulatto jury members constitute about 98% of the inmates. In order to avoid "racially stereotyping" Mulattoes and Jews, the mass media rarely identifies the race of non-Aryan criminals. Eg., for several years the media reported Japan's protests that three American soldiers raped a Japanese child, without revealing that the rapists were down-trodden Mulatto victims of poverty and white racism. How often have you heard the mass media refer to Jack Abramoff, Marc Rich, Michael Milliken, Ivan Boesky and other notorious mega-swindlers as being "Russian Mafia", etc. instead of as being Jews?

Has a lack of racist instincts been Aryans' greatest downfall, and the reason Aryans are being dispossessed and becoming extinct in all of their formerly exclusive homelands in northern Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, Australia and North America? If Aryans were a tenth as racist as any other racial group, would they have by now used their science and technology to displace or enslave every other race on earth? The dis-"integration" of Aryan homelands, neighborhoods and schools by savage races has caused "white flight".

Michael Eisner, Leonard Goldenson, Paul Friedman of ABC, David Sarnoff of NBC, Laurence Tisch, Neal Shapiro, Al Ortiz, Al Berman of CBS, Rick Kaplan of CNN, Steven Bornstein of ESPN, Gerald Levin and Norman Pearlstine of Time Warner (Time Magazine), Edgar Bronfman of Universal Studios, Murray Rothstein (alias Sumner Redstone) and Sherry Lansing of Viacom and Paramount Pictures, Peter Chernin (New York Post) and Laura Ziskin of 20th Century Fox, Ronald Perelman of New World Entertainment, Steven Spielberg of DreamWorks SKG, the Newhouse publishing empire, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., Joseph Lelyveld of the New York Times Co., Eugene Meyer, Meyer Graham of The Washington Post (Newsweek), Peter R. Kann of The Wall Street Journal, Mortimer B. Zuckerman of the U.S. News & World Report and New York Daily News, are some of the many Hebrew owners, etc. of the mass broadcast media.

If you think media owners have not conspired to keep you from knowing the truth, please read this short article: "Behind An Eye for An Eye".

In America, the last gasps of free speech in the civilized world have been punished by censorship, hateful ostracism, vicious harassment by government agencies, criminal attacks which are ignored by the police, dismissal by employers, etc. In Australia, Canada and Europe, where "truth is no defense", the penalty for free speech is years of torture in jail for thousands of good citizens.

Ron Paul voted against the Iraq war, the Patriot Act and regulating the Internet.Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.
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Links to other interesting information:

FIGURE 7.5 Variations in the lower border of the nose:
(a) distinct sill (arrows) in Whites;
(b) indistinct lower border with guttering (arrows) on either side of the midline in Blacks.
Photos by Julie R. Angel; White skull Courtesy of the University of New Mexico-Albuquerque. Maxwell Museum of Anthropology. # 176; Black skull Courtesy of the University of Tennessee. Knoxville, #19-94

Is race only a matter of skin color? Evolution took 150,000 years to create the racial differences shown in the images above. The arrows shown in FIGURE 7.5 (a) point to some of the bones which distinguish the skulls of Aryans from those of other races.

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