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My College Application Essay

This is the essay I wrote to get into college. It supousedly answers the question "How would your talents, skills and expierences contribute to the sense of a caring community at the University of Connecticut" After sitting around for a few hours I started writing about Duct Tape cause it is the center of my image and I've got plenty of stories. The following is what happened almost exactly, the first draft needed very little editing, even after my english teacher and guidance councilor got their claws on it. It is nearly all straight, unrefined Bull Shit but it sounds good and still makes me laugh.

If there is one thing any community needs, let alone a caring one, it is Duct Tape with someone responsible to wield it. That someone could easily be me. I pride myself in my duct taping abilities and think I could seriously improve campus life with a few well-placed strips of silvery goodness.

Duct tape is wonderful at creating and maintaining friendly relationships. It starts with something broken, something in need of duct tape. The owner borrows some from a passerby with duct tape on many of his things. From now on the owner will remember the one who helped and will pass this new found knowledge on to others. People may not like each other but none can disrespect those that know the tape. People may laugh at a duct tape fanatic at first, but soon they see that person has a rare talent that allows them to save money and express themselves all at once.

Duct tape also mends more physical problems, such as ripped folders, broken bags and just about anything that�s broken. It fills needs. I never used to wear a hat, unless it was real cold, because I didn�t like the fit of baseball caps. So one day I made a baseball cap out of duct tape. I fashioned it to fit my head just how I wanted it and now I very rarely go out without wearing that hat. I even made a logo on the front, in colored duct tape, that says, �Tape the World�.

I was shown the wonders of duct tape through my Boy Scout troop. The older scouts never went on a campout without it and I soon saw a few of the many uses for this silver miracle on a roll. I began to use duct tape on scouting events and then transferred it to my every day life. I found that a medium sized roll (up to about 50 yards) fits nicely in the cargo pockets of cargo pants and have very rarely been without it since. Now I am the older scout and I pass on my knowledge of man�s true best friend to all who enter our troop.

As I write this essay I realize that duct tape is the distillation of many qualities that I look for in friends and try to cultivate in myself. Duct tape is always there when you need it yet is not subservient: you have to take some responsibility in making sure it is around. It can be counted on to give its all in every task it is sent to do. Duct tape has an inner strength that makes those around it feel better about their situation. Also it is very versatile and adaptive. In my opinion these qualities are some of the best to have and ones that I try to make the center of my persona.

Duct tape is the heart and soul of a thrifty, conscientious and caring community. If you find my credentials lacking then I beseech you to find someone who does meet your standards and that will bring duct tape to the University of Connecticut.

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