Chapter 1: "Dream what?"
Meagan and Anna are watching reruns from yesterday's Yankees game on SportsCenter.
Meagan- Yes! Boo ya! (She jumps off the double bed in the girls' hotel room)
Anna and Meagan exchange high-fives as Tory sits at a table in the corner of the room.
Tory- (not looking up from painting her nails) Yankees hit a goal, eh?
Meagan's smile quickly turns to a look of utter shock as she turns to glace at Tory.
Meagan- Tor, I think you mean the GAME WINNING HOME RUN!!!!
She dances happily around the room.
Anna- And my Shane hit it too...he's so hot.
Melissa and Amy look up from the magazine they're reading together as they hang out on the other bed.
Melissa- Did you know that the name 'Shane' means "God is gracious"? It's true. The name is of Celtic/Gaelic origin.
Tory- (blows on her nails) That's great, Iss.
Anna- (shaking her head) And that matters because...?
Amy- (sighing) Honey, you need to stop reading all of those dumb facts online!
Melissa- They're not from online! They're from my "Useless Knowledge" keychain. And, now that you're show's over, could we please leave?
Anna and Meagan nod anxiously, still psyched about the game.
Amy- (bouncing off the bed) Perfect timing! I just finished the cheerleading article!
Tory- (smiling) Perfect timing for me too! I just finished painting my nails.
Meagan- Oh, whoop-di-doo.
Meagan rolls her eyes as she and Anna walk out the door. Melissa sighs and follows shortly after, followed by Amy. Tory is last out, fixing her hair in the mirror above the dresser as she walks out the door.


Claudia Swan, Dream Street's choreographer- Ok, guys. Let's do that one more time, and then I'll let you go.
The six of them are in their dance studio in downtown New York City, right across from the Hyatt hotel.
Jesse- One more time?! No, I don't want to. Do we have to? We've done it enough already!
Chris- Dude, shut up.
Chris and Greg roll their eyes.
All five of the guys take their starting positions for "It Happens Every Time". They are in a perfect V with Greg at the center, all on one knee.
Greg- (singing) Can you hear the music playin'? Can you feel the rhythm swayin'? This is the sound of dreams come true...and I can promise you that-
Claudia- (interupting) Jesse! Put some energy into it! Ok guys...let's start over. You can all thank Jesse later.
Frankie- Come on, Jesse, get your adrenaline going! I know you have it in you somewhere!
Frankie flashes Jesse an energetic smile.
Jesse- But guys, I don't have any adrenaline left!
Claudia lets out a huge sigh and looks around at the boys' pleading eyes.
Claudia- Ok, fine...go ahead and leave. We're not getting anywhere anyway.
Matt- Yes! Finally we can get going! I can't wait until we're there!


Tory- I can see it!
Tory is in the front passenger seat of Meagan's new Lamborghini Diablo she got for her sixteenth birthday. Melissa is back middle, with Anna and Amy on either side of her.
Melissa- Uh huh...sure. We'll get there soon enough.
Amy- (her little ponytail bouncing with every word) Oh but it'll be SO much fun, dontcha think?!
Tory- Uh huh...ooh! Look at that billboard over there! Can you say 'hotties'?!
Tory points at a billboard promoting a new band, Dream Street. Nobody listens, and they go on with whatever conversation they were having.
Anna- Sure. Anyways...did you see that homerun by Shane? It was GREAT!!
Tory- (shrugs) Oh, so you guys were watching baseball...I thought the Yankees were a soccer team...hmm...didn't see it, sorry. But I don't think I was missing anything. Who cares about some dumb football team anyway?
Meagan's smile once again changes to a look of utter shock at Tory's incapability of understanding sports.
Meagan- TOR! This is not any dumb football team! This is a superb, wonderful, magnificent, greatest-in-the-world BASEBALL team! Anna, that homerun was great! I could watch the replays over and over.The car finally turns into the entrance of Six Flags Over New York (lol), New York's newest and biggest theme park.


Meanwhile, Greg pleads with his mom.
Greg- Mom, pleeeeeeeeeease can we drive by ourselves?
Mrs. Raposo- (thinks for a minute) No, dearie, I don't think's too dangerous. I know how you boys are.
Greg- Aw, but Mom, all the other guys' moms said it was, Matt's driving!
Mrs. Raposo- Oh, you could have told me that. Matthew is an excellent driver.
Greg gives his mom a sad puppy face as he awaits the final answer.
Mrs. Raposo- Ok...fine.
Greg- Thanks, Mom! We'll be back at 10!
He runs out the door to where the other guys are waiting in Matt's red convertible, and hops in the back.
Matt- Yeah! I knew your mom would say yes as long as she knows I'm driving you know how resopsible she thinks I am!
Chris-Finally, dud, I thought we'd never get out of there!
Chris is in the front passenger seat, and Frankie is in the back between Greg and Jesse.
Chris- AH! The wind is messing up my hair! Matthew Ballinger, put that top up right this second!
Matt (sighs)- Ok, fine, someone's PMSing
All of the guys except Chris laugh
Chris (smiling)-Shut your mouth boy!
Frankie-Nevermind, Jesse. You're too young to understand.
All the guys laugh loudly
Jesse-Whatever, look! We're almost there!
All the guys are staring at the huge roller coasters as Matt drives into the entrance of Six Falgs Over New York.

***2 hours later***

Meagan, Melissa, Amy, and Anna all stand around in the girl's bathroom waiting for Tory, who is fixing her hair.
Tory-Man, that roller coaster totally jus like messed up my hair! All those crazy loops!
She runs a brush through her hair, for what the other hope is the last time.
Anna-COme on! We've been waiting for you for like 10 mins now! We're wasting all of our time in the bathroom watching you fix your hair.
Tory- OK, fine! I'm done, let's go!
Tory bounces ahead of them and is already out the door  before Meagan, Melissa and Anna even turn around.
Anna-Can you say 'sugar rush'?
Meagan-Yep! Definatly WAY to much cherry Crush for her!
Melissa- Did you know that there are exactly 34 grams of sugar in a 2-liter bottle of Cherry Coke?! I didn't, and I didn't exactly need to know that either!
Anna and Meagan look at each other and laugh.
Amy-What did I tell you, I think you need to get involved with something else, like cheerleading!
Anna, Amy, Meagan, and Anna walk out of the bathroom to find Tory waiting. They all started walking in no particlar direction, in their own worlds, when the came to the teacups.
Melissa- Eh, the teacups!
She gives a look like she is going to be sick.
Tory (heads toward the line) Dude! These are the best! We have to go on them!
Amy- They're fun bur only if we go really, really fast!
The rest of the girls follow, Meagan and Anna still talking about the Yankees game. The line was pretty long so they had awhile to wait.  According to the sign at the front of the line, they had a 28 min wait.  Music blares from the speakers as the teacups swirl around and around.
Melissa-Oo! Just watching those makes me dizzy!
Anna- Oh come IssaYou know that after you go on, you'll want to go on it again!
Melissa (shrugs)- Well, I guess we will see.


Chris(pointing at the teacups)-Oo! Dude, we have to go on them!
Jesse-I know! Come on, guys, it'sr really fun if we go really, really fast!
Jesse has a cute gleam in his eyes.
Greg (pausing at the end of the line) Um, I don't want to get dizzy, I don't think I am gonna go.
All of the other guys talk him into going while getting in line.
Frankie- Oh, come on it will be fun!
Chris- Dude, It'll be awesome!
Matt- You won't get sick, you haven't eaten anything since breakfast.
Jesse-And if you do get sick and barf at least it won't be all chunky because you didn't have hot dogs for breakfast!
All of the guys turn to stare at Jesse.
Matt-Ew! Gross, man!
Greg gave in.
Greg-Well, ok. Migh as well.
Chris, Frankie, Matt and Jesse- Yeah!

***28 minutes later***

Tory- Finally! That took forever! Oo where's my mirroe? Oh no, my hair is So frizzy! But why?! I like, loaded it down with hairspray this morning! UGH!
She gives up and returns the mirror to her pocket.
Ride attendent-You girls will have teacup # 3.
They all go to teacup #3 and slide in.  Suddenly the music stops.
Ride attendent (over the intercom)- Due to the amount of people in line and to reduce the waiting time, we will be filling the teacups to capacity.  If you have 5 or less people in your group, other people will be joining you shortly. Thank you.
Melissa (sarcastic)- Oh great!So now we will be with strangers, what a great ride!
Tory- Oh be quiet Who knows, they might be hotties! Oo my hair better look good!
Amy, Meagan, Melissa, and Anna- YOUR HAIR LOOKS FINE!
Tory-Oh, ok, good!
Amy-Oo! Look who's coming our way!
Meagan (In a New York accent)- Oo! Are they hotties?!?!
All of the girls are stunned by the five guys who were being led over to their teacup.They were all pretty tall, excluding the little blonde-haired one with spiked hair in front. One of the guys winks at Tory as he slides in the teacup. He had lightish brown hair with blonde-highlights, and it was perfectly spiked. Another one gives Anna a huge smile. He had dark, spiked hair. A cute little guy with middle parted blonde hair smiles at Amy shyly. Another guy with dark, curly, highlighted blonde hair gives a sexy smile to Melissa. The shortest one was the last guy to slide in, and he gives Meagan a huge smile.
Tory (smiles)- Hey my name's Tory, in case you were wondering.
Chris (winks)- Oo yeah I wanted to know I'm Chris.
Tory and Chris just stare at each other.
Meagan- Ok, well you guys sure hit it off I'm Meagan.
Matt- Hey Meagan- I'm uh uh Matthew Ballinger? Yeah, uh, Matt.
Meagan- How ya doin', Ballinger?
All of the rest of the girls and guys introduce themselves and just then the ride started.
After the ride, the guys and girls paired off, but still were walking in a group.
Melissa and Greg were kind of stumbling together, obviously both pretty dizzy.
Greg and Melissa- I knew I shouldn't have gone on that.
They look at each other and laugh.
Meagan and Matt were walking towards the exit talking excitedly about the latest Yankees game.
Meagan- Did you see that GREAT play by Derek Jeter? He's soo my favorite!
Matt- Oo yeah I saw it! He's my fave too!
They both smile and continue to walk.
Amy and Jesse are walking together.
Amy-…so when I put her up in the full, she totally, like, did an awesome basket toss back down!
Jesse- Wow! Cheerleaders fascinate me!
Amy- You could join the squad! Some guys on the team would be great!
Frankie and Anna seemed to pair off.
Frankie- Have you been on that new coaster? The one with all the loops?
Anna- Oo yeah we just went on it- it's awesome!
Frankie- We should go on that next!
Tory and Chris were both examining their hair in Tory's tiny mirror.
Chris- Dude! This ride so messes up my hair!
Tory- Oo I know! It's crazy!
Chris- but it's true! Need some hair wax?
Tory- Oo yeah, thanks!
Chris- Anytime.
The big group of them were soon great friends (maybe more *wink, wink*) and then they all decided to go on the roller coaster with all the loops again.
Greg and Melissa say they are too dizzy, and that they will wait in line with everybody, but not go on the ride.
Meagan- This ride is SO awesome!
Matt- Oo I love roller coasters!
Frankie- Me too!
Melissa- Me too! Except that they make me really dizzy.
Greg- Me too!
Melissa- Wow! We have so much in common!
Meagan (joking)- Oh wow, a match made in heaven- you both get dizzy on roller coasters!
Jesse- Especially that dragon one in the kiddie park!
Chris- Dude, is that where you went when you said you were going to the bathroom? HA HA!
Amy- Oo guys! I think it's fun too!
After everyone was done laughing at Jesse and Amy, they all got in line. Tory was staring at Chris.
Tory- Do you know me? All you guys look so familiar! I could have sworn I've met you guys before.
Meagan and Anna- Whatchoo talkin' 'bout Willis?
Meagan and Anna laugh hysterically as everybody else just stares at them.
Jesse- Willis? I thought her name was Tory.
Amy- Yeah! When did you change your name, Tory? I mean, uh, Willis?
Chris (shakes his head)- Freak.
Frankie- You two are too young to understand.
All the guys laugh at Jesse.
Tory- No, but seriously.
She thinks for a bit.
Tory- I GOT IT! HOLY COW! You guys are those dudes on the billboard!
Jesse- We're on a billboard?
Greg- Yeah, dude, I've seen that one.
Chris- We only went to a special photo shoot for it.
Jesse- Oh that's what that was for!
Matt- Very good, Jesse!
Melissa, Meagan, Tory, Amy, Anna- Oh awesome!
Tory- I told you guys to look at that billboard with the hotties, but you guys were too busy talking about hockey teams or whatever!
Meagan (in a British accent)- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAN! It's a BASEBALL team!
Tory- Oh
Melissa- What was the billboard?
Tory- If was of Chris, Matt, Greg, Frankie, and Jesse- they're in a band Dream Street right guys?
They all mumble yeah.
Amy- Dream what?
Anna- Dream Street, stupid.
Melissa- Are you sure it's street? About half of the roads in the U.S. are titled avenue.
Matt- Well, seeing as to we're in the group, you'd think we'd be sure about the name!
Chris- yeah.
Greg- These guys, Brian and Louie, put us together a couple years ago.
Matt- But we're not as popular as, like, BSB haha
Tory- Yup! I knew I'd seen you guys somewhere!
They were now all at the front of the line.
The roller coaster was a two-seater, and they all got on in pairs- Chris and Tory, Matt and Meagan, Jesse and Amy, and Frankie and Anna.
Greg and Melissa went through to wait by the exit.
After the ride was over, everybody headed to get something to eat.
They were heading towards the food court when suddenly a Mexican girl screamed
Mexican Girl- Me ENCANTA John!
All of the guys look at each other and gag.
Amy- Who's John?
Jesse- You don't want to know
Amy- Yes I do
Matt- To make a long story short, he's this ugly gay guy who stalks us
Frankie- Yeah and he's got this, well, I guess she's his girlfriend (he said this word with much difficulty) her name is Uglina Faggita.
Chris- But she doesn't speak a word of English!
Greg- It's really gross just watching them together!
Meagan- Oo nasty!
Just then, a really, really, REALLY ugly guy (who apparently was John) runs through the group of girls and guys.
A faggish scent spreads all around as he passes and runs to Uglina's open arms and they start making out.
The five couples start to gag, and run as far from the disgusting pair as they can.
Tory- Ew! What was that smell? And did you see his HAIR?!?!?!?! All raggedy and gross and ew take a shower, boy!
Chris- Don't worry, babe. You'll get used to that smell it seems to be his trademark smell.  And he does need some professional help on that hair- did you see those sloppy spikes?! If you could even call them that.
Meagan- Eh! I think I'm gonna be sick
Matt- Oo me too!
They all get over the disgusting John and look around where they are now.
Greg- Oo look! Caricatures!
Melissa- Greg, we have to get one done!
Chris- Oo look! Tattoos! (temporary, of course)
Tory- Chris, sweetie, we should get matching ones!
Matt- Oo look! Baseball cards!
Meagan- Matt, we have to go check those out!
Frankie- Oo look! Hats!
Anna- Frankie, we should get some really funky ones!
Jesse- Oo look! Bugs Bunny!
(there was a dude walking around in a costume)
Amy- Jesse, we have to go give him a hug!
Everybody runs off in separate directions to get their special things. Soon everyone was done and they all met back up.
Greg and Melissa come back with their caricature
Melissa- Isn't it adorable?!
Greg- Except for how big he drew my nose! It isn't that big, is it?
Amy (mumbles)- yeah it is
Greg- What was that?!
Amy- Of course it's not
Melissa- Right! It's just perfect, hun!
Tory- Ok, well check out these great tattoos me and Chris got!
Chris- Aren't they awesome?!
They both point to tattoos on their right arms. There was a heart with Chris + Tory written inside.
Meagan- That's nice me and Ballinger went for the less mushy approach.
At this point Matt makes a sad face.
Meagan- We got Jeter cards!
Matt- With batting average and his favorite food on the back!
Melissa (sarcastic)- Oo wow.
Amy- You guys would not believe who me and Jesse saw
Jesse- One of my role models
Amy and Jesse- BUGS BUNNY!
Frankie (in a girly voice)- No way! You met Bugs Bunny?! Oo I so wish I was there!
Anna (copying his voice)- Oo I know! He's like, so hot!
Frankie (regular voice)- He is? All he does is sit around and eat carrots
Greg- You're too young to understand
Everybody laughs.
Frankie- So anyway, check out these awesome hats me and Anna got!
Him and Anna hold up Cat in the Hat hats.
Matt- Awesome! That's the hat from the Hat in the Cat book!
Jesse- No, Matt. It's the Cat in the Hat.
They walked and talked for a bit and before they knew it, it was time to go.
Greg- Dude, it's almost 10- my mom's gonna get mad if I don't call soon
Melissa- Really now?
Chris- Yeah our parents are kinda overprotective about this whole Dream Street thing
Matt- Yeah, it kinda sucks.
Jesse- Oh I don't mind it.
Everybody turns to look at Jesse as he stumbles to find the right words to say
Jesse- Uh, I don't mind it as much as when I was 12!
Chris- Sure, dude. So I guess we better get going
They all walk out to the parking lot. Their cars are on opposite sides of the lot, so all the couples get each others cell phone numbers and everyone says goodbye.
All the guys hug their girls and everyone gets going.
Chapter 2
Main Been There, Done That
Main Fan Fictions