
111kb Buffy telling Spike Dru's a ho.

58.7kb Buffy crashing Spike's hideout.

85.8kb Xander not being able to spell

31.3kb Buffy saying bizarre

110kb The slayer motto

98.5kb Cordelia wonders about the gang

44.5kb Xander, proclaimed king of cretins

77.6kb Oz ponders Giles' cat.

43.1kb Willow talks about drugs

13.7kb Classic Cordy

77kb Giles mocking Joyce

261kb Giles' opening theme motto

105kb Xander annoying Giles

75.2kb Xander hoping for gold dubloons

59.7kb Spike at the Bronze

57.1kb Spike yelling at Angelus

84.5kb The basics of vampirism

88kb Giles trying to make a point to Buffy

45.2kb Angel warning Buffy


375kb Season 1 theme

1.11mb Giles singing freebird


191kb Sarah sings Brady Bunch theme

Screen shots

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