A World of Dragon Art

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My Favorite Chinese Dragon Posters

Dragon Art Poster -Tao DragonsDragons have existed in both Eastern and Western civilization. Although both cultures have different rituals and beliefs, the dragons remains the same. Chinese dragons are regarded with the same respect as their counterparts from the other side of the globe. Chinese dragons excel in color and grace. They are as big and intelligent as medieval dragons and are able to breath fire as well.

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Dragon Art Poster - Wyverex AuctorNobody knows exactly where dragons came from. The Chinese believed that dragons were a combination of animals such as snakes, lizards and flying reptiles all enveloped in one body. They believed that these creatures were created by wizards and witches. It is believed that Chinese dragons had the power over natural elements such as wind and rain. They were said to control these elements and chose where and when they wished the storms to occur


"The Asia Dragon" painted by Roger Dean shows a silver dragon fighting a watery grave in order to capture a magical talisman. "The Earth Dragon" painted by Peter Pracowni is absolutely the most beautiful of all Chinese dragon posters. It depicts a sophisticated looking coiled dragon. "The Wyverex Auctor" shows a fiery red dragon about to be crowned as the ruler of evil. And finally "Year of the Dragon" shows the Green Dragon wrapped around a concrete post. These are a tiny portion of my favorite Chinese dragon posters.



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This is where I buy my dragon art.