Getting to Know The Numbers

1. Price Performance
2. Institutional Ownership
3. Insider Trading
4. Short Interest
5. Price History

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Sentimental Analysis - Price Performance

This Price Performance table shows you the stock's percentage price movements over each of five measurement periods: 4 weeks, 13 weeks, 26 weeks, 52 weeks, and year to date. Large percentage changes, as shown in the second (Actual %) column, will obviously catch your eye. But the other three columns are the ones that can add important depth to your understanding of the stock's recent performance.

Price Performance
Period Actual (%) vs.
S&P 500 (%)
Rank In
4 Week 5.2 -1.1 71 64
13 Week 21.3 8.7 78 78
26 Week 54.9 19.9 86 83
52 Week 69.4 40.2 95 89
YTD 13.6 6.1 74 83
Note: Rank is a Percentile that Ranges from 0 to 99, with 99 = Best

Column three compares the stock's price activity with that of the benchmark S&P 500 Index. It shows the percentage point differential between your stock and the Index. Column four shows you how the stock performed relative to the average for the industry in which the company operates. This is a "percentile" rank. Looking at this sample, we see that the four-week tally is 71. This means that the stock performed better than those of 71% of the companies in its industry. Now look at the fifth column, which contains an Industry Rank. It shows a percentile score of 64. This tells us that the industry performed better than did 64% of the industries in the Market Guide universe (viewed from a different perspective, 36% on the industries in the Market Guide universe performed better).

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