Backstreet X-Change
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Jessi's BSB Story

All Through The Night

written by Jessi


Hello Everyone! Thanks for visiting my page to read my Fac fic! Just a few words before you get to the story. I think you know the drill! LOL, As always, I am not in any way shape, or form, connected to the Backstreet Boys themselves, or their managment. This story is pure FICTION, the result of WAY TOO MUCH free (yeah, right! how about sleep deprived!) time, and an overactive imagination. I am very proud of this story, and I think I should mention that I paid alot of attention to plot development. So, if you're expecting everything to happen at once, prepare to be disappointed! All will be revealed in due time..... I would like to take a minute to thank my "editor", Anna. You're wonderful! to all of my friends, thanks for your inspiration! Just to make sure you know, this story is COPYRIGHTED BY ME! DON'T TAKE IT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! On with the fic!

Chapter One

Howie sighed and passed a hand over his eyes. The performance had been one of their most grueling yet, and he was bone tired. Glancing at Howie, AJ gave a tired smile and hoisted his duffle bag over his shoulder. Just then, Randy Jones, head of security, peaked his head inside the door to the Boys’ dressing room. “Movin’ out, boys.” Without saying a word, Brian and Kevin rose from their positions on the couch, and the four, followed by Nick, made their way out of the green room. Passing event staff, hurriedly disassembling the stage, Randy led the fatigued five-some safely out the back of the venue. They boarded their bus, made themselves comfortable, and were ready to disembark. The doors closed with a ‘whoosh’.

Just then, a scream cut through the night air. It wasn’t that of a fan, it was a cry for help. All heads snapped up, and Randy became more alert than ever. The occupants of the bus stared out their windows, trying to discern movement in the blackness.
“Faster, faster, faster!” Mackenzie Ross shouted inwardly. Sheer willpower made her legs pump harder. Her bag began to slip. She hoisted it higher on to her shoulder, never breaking speed.

“What the-” AJ muttered.

“It’s a girl!” Brian exclaimed.

Mackenzie spotted the bus. She picked up pace and hit the door of the bus, pounding, screaming, all the while looking over her shoulder, hoping she wouldn’t see her worst nightmare. “Please, oh God, please! Let me in! He’s coming!” Then, she saw him.

The girl flew at the bus’s doors, battering them, and shouting unintelligible words. Kevin squinted at her form.

“Randy...guys...I don’t think this is a fan. I think she’s in trouble!”

“You’re right! There’s a guy, running this way!”

Randy made a snap judgment. “Open the doors!” he roared. The driver, John, did as he was told, and Randy scooped up the girl’s arm, pulling her inside. The doors crashed closed and Randy gave the order to pull out, just as the girl’s pursuer reached the bus. He slammed his fists angrily on the side of the bus, running, trying to catch up in vain. John floored it, and the large silver bus with tinted windows cruised onto the freeway.

Mackenzie found herself pulled up by the arms of what she thought must be an angel. She didn’t fight the stranger’s grasp, she was glad only to be away from the man. She was dropped abruptly on the ground, having never been fully off of it. She lay on the steps of the bus for a moment, breathing hard. “Thank you, God.” she sighed. Then she gathered up enough courage to raise her head.

The girl lay still, and her audience was assured of her life only by the rapid movement of her breathing. A soft voice sighed, three short words were spoken into the silence. She raised her head and was greeted with seven pairs of eyes. All of the occupants of the bus were starring at her, save one. The driver.

“This is not a Metro transit.” Mackenzie pointed out a fact that the others were well aware of. The audience said nothing. The blackness moved in and crowded everything else out, until there was nothing.

“She fainted.” Denise, AJ’s mother and assistant manager whispered. Suddenly, they were spurred into action. Brian and Randy knelt by the girl, and checked her heart beat.

“Shock, that’s all.” Randy pronounced. Howie returned from the back of the bus with several pillows.

“Let’s lay her in a bunk, this front one.” he suggested. Kevin moved in, and scooped up her unconscious form.

“She’s a little bird! So tiny....” he stated reverently. Nick watched the proceedings with wide eyes. They settled her on the nearest bunk, and Denise tucked a blanket around her. Howie nestled her head on several pillows. The group stood back and took time to look the girl over. She had brown hair of an indeterminable length, as it was pulled up in a loose knot on her head. Her eyes, when she had gazed up at them, had been a brilliant shade of green. Kevin’s description of this girl had been accurate, she was tiny. She was obviously undernourished, with hollow cheeks. She wore a plain white tee-shirt, and light colored jeans, ragged around their cuffs. The girl continued to drift through her subconscious. Finally, everyone found a seat, and waited for her to awaken. <*>

Mackenzie stirred. The fuzzy haziness cleared and she found the inner strength required to open her eyes. Her body ached, and she groaned. Mackenzie’s head pounded, and her heart began to race. Where was she? How had she gotten there? All of a sudden, the previous night’s events came flooding back vividly. Mackenzie shot straight up in her...bed?

“Hey! She’s waking!”

“Huh?” Brian replied sleepily.

“She’s regaining consciousness!” Howie cried. The other occupants of the bus had left the two alone, having ventured inside of a fast food restaurant. Brian became alert, and he perched with Howie on the side of the bunk opposite the girl. Her eyes fluttered open, she clutched her head, and jerked upright.
“Ouch!” she exclaimed as her head came in contact with the hard wood of the bunk above. The girl winced.

“You should be careful. Your poor body’s been through enough.” Howie said gently. Her head snapped in their direction. Her eyes widened, then narrowed.

“How do you know what my body’s been through?” she asked defensively. Brian smiled reassuringly, and glanced at Howie.

“You’re on our bus.” She looked around.

“I’m in a bed on the bus that is not a metro transit?” she asked. The two men sitting on the bunk across from her chuckled and nodded. Just then, a commotion sounded from the front of the bus. The girl’s eyes widened in fright and she watched nervously as five men and a woman boarded the bus. Her muscles tensed and her line of vision darted around rapidly, seeking escape. One man sat behind the wheel and started the bus up. They were soon moving.

“Hey D.! Sup Bri! We brought ya some-” Kevin left his sentence unfinished and the strangers eyes all rested on the now conscious girl. Kevin smiled tentatively. “Hungry?” he asked. The girl’s eyes flew from one face to another, not speaking.

“Hi there, honey. I’m Denise. I hope you’re feeling better this morning.” she smiled. The girl’s muscles relaxed a bit, and the nervous action of her hands decreased.

“Yes, ma’am.” she spoke very softly. Every occupant of the bus leaned toward her, in an effort to hear her, lest she say something else. Nick handed a bag of food to the girl, who accepted it cautiously.

Mackenzie had never felt so uncomfortable in all of her life. As if waking up to two strangers wasn’t bad enough, there were now six other people, watching her every move. When the tall blond boy handed her the package of food, she was hesitant to accept. But as food was passed to the first two men, and began to relax. Everyone found a seat, and the woman perched on her bunk next to her. Mackenzie took in the lady’s nice clothes, and wished she could reach out and feel the fabric of her blazer. The woman gave her a friendly smile. “What’s your name?” Mackenzie debated whether or not to lie. She finally decided against it, because these people had obviously saved her from the man, and for that, she should at least tell the truth. She cleared her throat.
“Mackenzie Ross.”

The girl-Mackenzie- had a richly toned voice. Everyone in the room took a deep breath as soon as the formality had been said. Howie felt something tug at his heart, as he reached out his hand to engulf her small one. “My name is Howie, pleased to meet you.” he said. The others followed his lead. No one asked from what she had been running, though the question weighed heavily on their minds.

“Aww man!”

“What is it Brian?”

“Dude! Nick, you brought me a Big Mac! I wanted a quarter pounder!” he exclaimed.

“Doh!” The tall blond guy named Nick gasped, slapping his forehead. The room chuckled. Mackenzie felt a small smile form on her lips. She looked over at the other man across from her, who smiled warmly. He had introduced himself as Howie. She took in his slicked back hair, black windpants, and white shirt. He had an exotic, latino look about him. But most of all, his smile was contagious. Mackenzie listened to the easy banter around her, and found herself wishing she could stay with these people for ever. Denise leaned toward her. “Aren’t you hungry?” Mackenzie blushed and nodded. Why was she so shy with these people? Mackenzie opened her sack, and withdrew a hamburger. The aroma it emitted, made her mouth water. When had she last eaten? Soon the burger was gone, followed by the fries. A hand stretched out with another hamburger, and she accepted it, barely thanking the man who offered it. Soon, her appetite was appeased, and she sighed in contentment. She observed everything around her, the fine appointments of the bus, the ample living space, the very fabric with which the bus was upholstered. Kevin spotted her checking out the bus and grinned. “Pretty outrageous, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s nicer than anything I’ve ever seen! You must be in heaven.” she said wistfully. Kevin laughed,

“You’d think so, huh? But we spend almost every waking hour on this thing, and it gets old, fast!”

“What do you do that lets you spend so much time here?” she asked curiously.

“We sing.” he replied simply. “Well, actually, Brian, Howie, Nick, AJ, and I do. Denise here is our manager, Randy is our chief of security, and of course, John is our driver.” By this time, everyone had begun to listen to them.

“Wow! What do you sing?” she asked. It was evident, somewhat surprisingly, that Mackenzie had no idea who they were. It was refreshing.

“Hey, we’re on our way to a venue now, you should stick around and check out the concert!” Nick exclaimed. An odd look passed over her face. “That is...unless you have somewhere to go.” AJ added. She shook her head,

“No, I don’t have anywhere to be.”

“Well, where do you live?”

“Everywhere,” came the confusing reply. She saw several looks pass between them and clarified, “What I mean is, I live where ever I can find a job.”

“Oh.” AJ smiled. Every person in the room could sense that this was only a small part of the story behind this girl, but they accepted her answer and resumed their banter.

“Ummm....” Mackenzie said.

“Yes?” Denise encouraged.

“Did my bag make it with me on the bus?” She asked. Denise smiled,

“Sure it did. We had to stow it under the bus for now though...”

“You can borrow something of mine.” Howie offered with a smile which Mackenzie shyly returned.

“If it’s not too much trouble.....”

“Sure! We even have a shower on board, if you’d like.” Denise nodded, silently seconding Howie’s offer.

“I’d love it.” Mackenzie replied.

“Right this way Madam.....”

Mackenzie stepped under the steaming running water and sighed deeply. She let the cleansing liquid run down her back, and felt her aches easing away. She reached for her small bottle of shampoo, and lathered her hair. Mackenzie inhaled the rose fragrance, and smiled to herself. She would never forget these people, their kindness, or this shower when she moved on!

“So what do you think of her?” Brian asked once Howie returned.

“I think she’s nice” Nick offered.

“Yeah, and I shudder to think what kind of horrors she’s been through. That guy....” AJ trailed off.

“I wonder what it’s like to move around?” Kevin sighed.

“We do!” Nick relied with some confusion.

“Yeah, but we always have somewhere to return to. Mackenzie has nothing.”

“ I want to know WHY she moves around.” Howie stated. The others nodded.

“I think she’s a security risk” Randy frowned. “But she’s probably a good kid. If not, the boys and I can take her.” Randy snickered, referring to the little squadron of security thugs. Everyone laughed.

“Well, I think she’s nice.”

“You already said that Nick!” Brian pointed out.

“I’m just tired!” Nick whined. “I’m gonna go catch some Z’s.” Brian yawned.

“Me too.”

With that, the two trooped off to the back bunks, and settled in for a snooze. Kevin picked up the book he had been reading, Denise sat in the rear meeting room talking on her cell phone, while Howie and AJ sat up front waiting for Mackenzie to return. They were in the midst of a debate when Mackenzie walked out. Her nutmeg hair hung in waves, halfway down her back. She had borrowed a blue button down shirt from Howie, which she had knotted at her waist. She wore her old jeans.

“The jeans were too big.” She stated shyly. “Thanks anyway.”

“No problem.” Howie smiled back.

“ you have any family?” AJ asked. She shook her head and said sadly,

“No. My parents died in a car crash. I never had any siblings.” They discussed each of their families in turn, and discovered that Mackenzie had been forced to go on the move when her parent’s lawyer had made off with most of her inheritance. She had been 19 at the time. Now, three years later, she had worked at almost every job imaginable. She planned to eventually go back to college once she found a place to live permanently.

“What do you want to study?”

“I want to be a Elementary teacher.” she smiled. Mackenzie loved children, and desperately wanted reach out to them when they were still growing, hoping she could be a positive influence on their lives.

Without realizing it, Mackenzie told more about herself to Howie and AJ than she had told anyone in a long time. Likewise, they found themselves revealing thoughts and feelings that they didn’t share lightly. Mackenzie was an easy person to talk to. She didn’t judge, she only listened and nodded encouragingly. Howie found himself wishing she never had to go. Mackenzie was so beautiful-inside and out. Soon, the bus pulled to a stop. Denise appeared up front and said brightly, “We’re here! Up and at ‘em everyone!” Her announcement was met with groans from the occupants of the bunks. AJ, Howie, Mackenzie, and Denise laughed as they disembarked. The tour bus had arrived at the venue, which was already prepared and set up for their arrival.

“How about a tour, Mackenzie?” Howie suggested, having performed at that particular venue before.

“I’d love it!” Came the enthusiastic reply. The five guys set off with Mackenzie, while Randy, confident that Mackenzie was no risk, helped unload their bus. Denise took a call on her cell phone.

“Over here we have the luxurious stage, where, yours truly pours his heart out to thousands of screaming fans....and...oh, yeah. Those other guys are somewhere around here too.” AJ joked. The group laughed and AJ took a bow. “You love me, you really love me!” he cried.

“Yeah, don’t mind him. See we come up through these phat trap doors and then.....” Nick’s voice faded out while Mackenzie stared up.

“Where’s Mackenzie?” The boys backtracked only to find Mackenzie observing the lighting crew’s discussion. Brian plucked at her arm, she waved him away, listening intently. Brian shrugged and looked at the other guys. They tuned into the lighting crew’s conversation.

“Dude, when I hooked the wires into the switchboard, the socket jammed. I can’t figure it out man, I’ve been over all these hookups a million times. They’re all right!” A tall man in an event staff shirt complained.

“Excuse me sir....” Mackenzie began. The two men turned around and nodded at the guys.

“Yes, Miss?”

“Your problem isn’t in the hookups. It can’t possibly be a ground problem. Your situation is typical of an aerial short. If you just...” The guys all starred at each other with open mouths. What was Mackenzie talking about? How could she possibly know? The lighting guy was nodding, listening intently. Understanding dawned on his face.

“I understand the problem, but how do I fix it?” By this time several other guys had gathered around listening, nodding, and paying attention to what Mackenzie said.

“You have to rewire the air piece circuits. A ground tech has to be ready to reconnect the hookups, while you criss cross the positive and negative.” The men looked at one another confused. Mackenzie sighed.

“If you can be the ground tech, I’ll go up and fix it.” The guy looked surprised she’d offer, then smiled and nodded. The two walked over to the panel. Just then, Denise strode up.

“What’s going on guys?”

“Mackenzie is showing the lighting technicians how to solve a problem.” Kevin said with awe in his voice. Denise looked confused, and their gazes concentrated on Mackenzie once more. She shook hands with the tech, accepted his small packet of tools, gripped them with her teeth, and grasped the chain link ladder hanging down from the metal rafters above the stage. She began to climb, not bothering to put on a safety harness. Open mouthed, they watched her climb to the rafters, 30 feet above the stage. She swung herself up easily, and straddled a rafter. She balanced, and stood up on the eight inch wide beam. Calmly, Mackenzie walked over to a aerial fuse box. She sank down onto the rafter and called down,

“Ready?” The tech nodded, and she went to work. Suddenly, the spotlights came on and the colored lights began to dance their pattern on the curtain behind the stage. The lighting guys cheered. Mackenzie smiled and climbed back down, as agile as a cat. The tech who’d worked with her on the ground shook her hand and patted her on the back.

“That was great Miss! We would have taken hours trying to figure that out, and never would have!” He offered her a huge grin. “You got a day job? Quit it and come work with us!” he exclaimed, half serious and half joking. Denise and the guys walked over to Mackenzie and the tech.

“Where did you learn to do that?” Brian asked.

“Umm.....My father owned an electrician franchise. I worked in the office, and around the technicians all the time. I guess I picked some of it up.” She said simply. AJ and Howie exchanged a look. Nick glanced at Kevin, and Brian turned to Denise.

“Ya know......” he began. AJ slung his arm around his mother’s shoulders.

“Mom.....I just had the greatest idea!” He said with a grin. “You were looking to hire a couple of new grips, since those other guys quit at the last venue....”

“Yeah! And since Mackenzie’s got nothing else she’d rather do than hang out with us.....” Brian said with a cheeky grin.

Understanding dawned on Denise’s face. She nodded her head and looked at Mackenzie.

“How would you like a job?”

“A job?” Mackenzie said with disbelief.

“Yes, as part of our event staff. You could help with set up, bail the lighting guys out of trouble, work with the effects, unload, load. There’s a million things that need to be done around here before a show. You’d travel with us from venue to venue, of course.” Mackenzie starred at Denise in incredulity. AJ and Howie glanced at the other guys, and silently counted to three.

“Pleeeeease?” They harmonized.

“I’d love to!” she shouted. Everyone cheered. Howie slung his arm around her shoulders.

“Let’s go find you a couple of those way cool event staff shirts!”

“Not so fast!” Denise warned, “You boys have got a date with your choreographer, and then a sound check.” The guys groaned. Mackenzie laughed, and the tech, named Luke, offered to show her around. She accepted and the five guys and Denise watched her walk off.

“That was a very decent thing to do.” Brian remarked.

“Yeah mom. Thanks.” said AJ. Denise smiled and they went their separate ways.

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