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Margot Adler

Drawing Down the Moon : Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today - Through interviews and extensive research Margot Adler has masterfully described the Pagan and New Age movement of the last 20 years.  Her coverage of Witchcraft was particularly good. "Drawing Down the Moon .. is a serious corrective to common misconceptions ... Adler, a neopagan herself, successfully demythologizes Western paganism without being sentimental or self-righteous .."  Journal of the American Academy of Religion.

Barbara Ardinger

A Woman's Book of Rituals -- Amazon is currently out of stock. -  Rich with poetry and gentle blessings, A Woman's Book of Rituals & Celebrations shows how to practice the presence of the Goddess throughout our daily lives.  The rituals in this book are personal and unencumbered -- they don't require special equipment or elaborate scripts.

Zsuzsanna Budapest

The Grandmother of Time : A Woman's Book of Celebrations, Spells, and Sacred Objects for Every Month of the Year - Any book by Z is a pleasure to read and has a wealth of information.  This book is organized  by month, with a Goddess story, spells, rituals and Goddess holidays for that month.  Travel through the year with it by your bedside and you will enjoy a beautiful Goddess journey.
Grandmother Moon : Lunar Magic in Our Lives : Spells, Rituals, Goddesses, Legends, and Emotions Under the Moon - There are 13 lunation's in a calendar year, and Z has organized her book around the common names for each of these lunation's, Cold Moon, Blood Moon, Harvest Moon and Blue Moon to name a few.  Each lunation has a Goddess story, spells, rituals, festivals, and a moon tale.  If you ever wanted to get in touch with the lunar cycle, this would be a fun way to do it!
The Goddess in the Office : A Personal Energy Guide for the Spiritual Warrior at Work - Every witch who works in the mundane, profane world needs this little book to keep her sane! From receptionist to CEO and everyone in between, what woman wouldn't want to improve something about her hectic 7-day work week?  In this guide, Z. Budapest combines down-to-earth tips and traditional magic to help women employ their powers to: get a raise, increase productivity, repel sexual harassment, protect computer data and much more!
The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries : Feminist Witchcraft, Goddess Rituals, Spell casting, and Other Womanly Arts - Another name for this book would be the Witches bible!  This book was formed from the Book of Shadows of Z's coven -- the Susan B. Anthony Coven.  It is beautiful, informative, magical and inspirational.  She answers some very basic questions -- like "Why should a woman cast a spell?"   This is a book of Feminist Witchcraft, magic, ritual and shamanism.  You will LOVE it!
Summoning the Fates : A Woman's Guide to Destiny - The Fates, also called luck or destiny, are three goddesses who rule over the challenges and opportunities we face in our lives.   Summoning the Fates shows you how to interact with these primal forces to fulfill the destiny that awaits you.  Z gives spells, rituals and prayers to bring the psychological and material support you need in your life.

Scott Cunningham

Wicca : A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - If you are a solitary, or are just beginning to research paganism this book is invaluable.  Scott integrates both the magical arts and the religious aspects of Wicca into a harmonious whole.  He makes Wicca assessable to so many individuals who have no means of contacting or joining a coven.   You will get a solid basis of Wiccan theory as well as excellent instruction for the solitary Wiccan lifestyle.
Living Wicca : A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - Living Wicca is the long awaited sequel to Wicca: A Guide for the solitary Practitioner.  It provides solitary practitioners with the tools and added insights that will enable them to blaze their own spiritual paths.  Living Wicca also looks at the questions, practices and differences within Witchcraft.
Earth Power, Techniques of Natural Magic - This is a book of fold magic -- the magic of the common people.  In this book are ways the magic of nature has been practiced through the ages.  These are spells involving the sea, rivers and springs; the Sun and Moon; storms and rain; trees, knots and mirrors.  Her is magic that anyone can work with surprising results.
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic - Scott Cunningham is a staple in the magical community!  You have to have all of his books in your library. "The master herbalist has at last brought us into the mineral kingdom.  Well organized, well researched, and user-friendly, this book is a splendid addition to the magical library" Anodea Judith  "Native people have always felt a strong spiritual connection to stone.  Scott Cunningham's well researched book, I feel, validates our feelings and thoughts about stones and minerals and their spiritual power." -- Sun Bear
Earth, Air Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic - A water-smoothed stone ... The wind ... A candle's flame...A pool of water.  These are the ago-old tools of natural magic.  Born of the Earth, possessing inner power, they await only our touch and intention to bring them to life. The four elements are the ancient powerhouses of magic. Using their energies, we can transform ourselves, our lives and our worlds. Tap into the marvelous powers of the natural world with these rites, spells and simple rituals that you can do easily with a minimum of equipment.
Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews - "Is if effect, a magical cookbook.  Like any cookbook, it teaches, allows plenty of latitude for experimentation and personalization, and gives a large number and wide variety of recipes.  These are not the same old tired recipes printed time and again in a host of magical formularies.  They are tried and true ones gleaned by Cunningham from a variety of sources over many active years of practice." -- Raymond Buckland
Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise - In Magical Herbalism, certain plants are prized for the special range of energies - the vibrations, or powers they possess.  Magical Herbalism unites the powers of plants and man to produce, and direct, change in accord with human will and desire. ... This book  includes step-by-step guidance to the preparation of herbs and to their compounding in incenses and oils, sachets and amulets, simples and infusions, with simple rituals and spells for every purpose.
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - In ancient times plants were gods and goddesses; spirits and magicians lived within gnarled oaks and whispered from flowers. Our ancestors discovered the forces present in plants and harnessed them to improve their lives. Today the weeks and wildflowers that grace our cities and wildernesses, the ornamental and food plants in our gardens, even common house plants still possess incredible powers. Magical herbalism is the use of these powers.

Ed Fitch

Magical Rites from the Crystal Well - "In nature, and in the Earth, we look for and find beauty.  Within ourselves we find a well from which we may draw through and knowledge. And when we draw from this well, we rediscover that we are all children of the Earth.   This simple rites in this book are presented to you as a means of finding your own way back to nature... These are the celebrations of the seasons: at the same time they are rites by which we attune ourselves to the flow of the energy of life."  This book is a wonderful collection of Wiccan and other Pagan ceremonies, invocations, spells and meditations.
A Grimoire of Shadows - "is one of the great underground classics of modern Witchcraft.  Only now available to the public, this major work has always been much in demand, and is the sourcebook from which a large number of wiccan traditions have developed. ... Learn about the aura, astral projection, herbalism Wyvern covens, and Witch-prayers.  Magic circles, amulets and charms, invocation and evocation techniques -- every aspect of basic Craft practice is outlined and explained clearly and completely."

Migene Gonzales-Wippler

The Complete Book of Amulets and Talismans -The Pentagram, Star of David, Crucifix, rabbit's foot, painted pebble, or Hand of Fatima ... They all provide feelings of comfort and protection, attracting good while dispelling evil.  The joy of amulets and talismans is that they can be made and used by anyone.  The forces used, and the forces invoked, are all natural forces.  Spanning the world through the diverse cultures of Sumeria, Babylonia, Greece, Italy, India, Western Europe and North America, Gonzalez-Wippler proves that amulets and talismans are anything but mere superstition.  They are part of each man and woman's search for spiritual connection.

Jennifer Hunter

21st Century Wicca: A Young Witch's Guide to Living the Magical Life - Whether you have read a dozen books on witchcraft or are completely new to the subject, you will find here a trove of unique and useful information - from the basics of Wiccan practice to lessons in the practicalities of magic, to the final section, which addresses the complexities of a life in which the magical and mundane are intertwined.

Jean Kozocari,   Jessica North, Yyvonne Owens

The Witch's Book of Days - explores the rituals, folklore and mythology surrounding the pre-Christian pagan calendar.  Each month corresponds to a sacred tree, with the characteristics of the month based on the nature of the tree.  The authors have combined beliefs and documented traditions from a variety of cultures, both Western and Eastern, to give background to the rituals outlined in this book.  They relate experiences from their own lives, portraying a complete picture of the path followed by practitioners.

Sybil Leek

The Complete Art of Witchcraft - Sybil Leek, the world's best known witch, astounding seer, medium, astrologer and high priestess in the oldest cult known, reveals what it takes to be a good witch and how to avoid bad ones.  Packed with colorful anectodes and information, her rich, enticing portrait of witchcraft covers its engrossing, fiery history and presents the remarkably inspiring religion at its core that kept it alive through horrifying persecutions.  Sybil Leek draws a sharp line between sacred rituals and the sinister Satanic rites widely practiced today and initiates you into the secrets of white witchcraft.

Edain McCoy

Witch's Guide to Fairy Folk: Reclaiming Our Working Relationship With Invisible Helpers -reclaims for the first time the rich heritage of working with faery folk that our pagan ancestors used on a daily basis.  Here you will learn practical methods and useful tips for working with faeries and other elemental beings in magick and ritual.  A Witch's Guide to Faery Folk tells you what you need to know in order to establish a strong working relationship with the faery folk, beginning with faery mythology and Faeryland's place in the astral realm.  Once you are grounded in faery lore, you will learn the best ways and places to find faeries, to identify helpful and dangerous faery types, and to work rituals and spells in which faeries can participate -- you will even discover how to create your own thought-form faery beings to help you perform many tasks.

Phoenix McFarland

The Complete Book of Magical Names -Are you in search of the perfect magical name for yourself, your child, your house, pets, or business? Do you need ideas for what to call your magical tools or coven?  Look no further! With the help of this book, you can find or create a meaningful and powerful name to reflect the true essence of anyone, anyplace, or anything.  ... Written from a Wiccan perspective, this book lists nearly 5,000 names (with pronunciations) taken from modern and ancient sources: nature, mythology, history, fantasy literature, magical places, and faraway lands.

Marina Medici

Good Magic - Enter the enchanted world of Good Magic and discover the wisdom and the ways to conjure light and love and harmony!  This book  has wonderful photographs, a relaxed style of writing and lots of ideas for the use of herbs and stones in your magic and in your rituals. Marina's topics include Preparing for Magic, the Magical Garden and the Enchanted world.

Ffiona Morgan

Wild Witches Don't Get the Blues: Astrology, Rituals and Healing - currently out of print. - If you can find this one BUY it!!! To open this book is to open a golden treasure chest filled with the jewels of womyns lore, secrets, wisdom and mysteries.  Ffiona has gifted us with a heady brew of astrology, practical rituals, the use of crystals, candle magic and tools for healing.  ... A perfect cure for the blues, this clearly written, precise, no-nonsense 'how-to' book is superb for both the enthusiastic beginner and the seasoned witch.
Shekinah Mountainwater
Ariadne's Thread: A Workbook of Goddess Magic if  you want to do some serious study of the Goddess religion, you must have Ariadne's thread.  Her approach is practical and extremely informative.  The book is organized into 13 cycles and 3 main sections.   You will learn everything from altar setup, spell crafting, the three-fold aspect of the goddess, the Goddess year,  to divination and plant magic.  The workbook includes activities and thought provoking questions.  Keep a journal with this one and you will be well on your way.

Aoumiel, Ann Moura

Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft - I loved reading this entertainingly written book!  You can learn the basics of witchcraft from a third generation witch raised in a family tradition.  Her book is positive, practical, and easy to use.   I especially liked her sections on herb craft and folk magic, and of course fairy lore! A great author and a really good read.
Green Witchcraft II: Balancing Light and Shadow - I liked her first book so much that I purchased the second book as soon as it came out. In her second book Ann Moura reveals how to develop a balanced practice by incorporating the powerful dark aspects of the Goddess and God.  -- Don't think of the Dark as evil -- is not, but it is mysterious and powerful.

Silver Ravenwolf

To Ride a Silver Broomstick: New Generation Witchcraft - Silvers Book presents both the science and religion of Witchcraft so you can become an active participant while growing at your own pace.  This book is ideal for anyone, regardless of religious background: male or female, young or old, beginners or initiates.  Full of the author's warmth, humor and personal anecdotes, To Ride a Silver Broomstick leads you step by step through the various lessons with exercises and journal writing assignments.  This is the complete Witchcraft 101!
To Stir a Magick Cauldron: A Witch's Guide to Casting and Conjuring - This book pick up where To Ride a Silver Broomstick left off.  Advanced magickal techniques, in-depth explanations of Craft customs, and intermediate level lessons combine to make To Stir a Magick Cauldron an essential part of your spiritual growth.
Halloween: Customs, Recipes, Spells - Silver, in her characteristically humorous manner gives you all the information and history you could ever want about Halloween!  Just where did this autumn gaiety begin? Let Silver Ravenwolf guide you through the cobwebby corners of time to uncover the history behind Halloween. I loved every word!

Janina Renee

Tarot Spells - Tarot Spells is a beautifully simple book of creative and enjoyable rites which can enhance your daily life.  With no more than a pack of Tarot cards, you can use the meditations, visualizations and affirmations included in the volume to gain greater control and understanding of personal relationships, career and money concerns, major life events and your own emotional frame of mind.


The Crafted Cup : Ritual Mysteries of the Goddess & the Grail - currently out of print - The Crafted Cup introduces new and controversial concepts which may forever alter how you view your relationship with the Goddess, the God, and the Grail.  Here you will find the one of the largest collections of Pagan, Grail-oriented rituals yet published.  Discover the best of both religious worlds: Wiccan ritual combined with a form of Goddess worship which acknowledges the place of the mythic Christ in our spiritual beliefs.


The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess - this is another one of those must have books.  I especially like the exercises and meditations that Starhawk gives. You will find this book to be a practical workbook for the Wiccan religion.    She covers everything from the Goddess religion and mythology to magical symbols, rituals, initiation, covens, sacred space and the Wheel of the Year.

Patricia Telesco

Victorian Grimoire : Romance, Enchantment, Magic - This book offers you a personal invitation to discover a storehouse of magical treasures.  This book is a handy reference when you need a specific spell, ritual, recipe or tincture for any purpose.  It is also a captivating study of the turn of the century and a comprehensive repository of common sense knowledge.
The Urban Pagan: Magical Living in a 9-To-5 World -- out of print - Finally a book that takes into account the problems of city-dwelling magicians! The Urban Pagan is a transformational book of spells, rituals, herbals, invocations and meditations that will help the reader to build inner confidence, create a magical living environment, and form an urban wheel of the year.

Donald Tyson

Rune Magic - "Those who possess the knowledge of the Runes have the ability to unlock ancient magical secrets.  In Rune Magic Donald Tyson provides us with the key to understanding the foremost magical tradition of the pagan European peoples.  Tyson has developed a system for using the Runic lore in a way which enables us to be at one with an ancient mystical heritage.  It is clear that Tyson respects the vast physical power that the Runes evoke as well as the dignity of the peoples who developed and used them.  This book truly is a treasury of useful information and valuable techniques.  In an informative and easy-to-read style, he describes the background, development, and uses of Rune magic." -- Ed Fitch Magical Rites from the Crystal Well

Doreen Valiente

The Rebirth of Witchcraft -- out of print -- The Rebirth of Witchcraft traces the history of contemporary Wicca from its shadowy roots at the turn of the century to the present day.  Doreen Valiente presents details on the leading figures in thief rebirth, her own participation in rituals and involvement with the Craft and her personal psychic experiences.

Barbara Walker

The Book of Sacred Stones : Fact and Fallacy in the Crystal World - Barbara Walker debunks the tall tales surrounding crystal mysticism and offers instead an intelligent alternative that includes a complete guide to minerals and their histories. Featuring an A to Z listing of all the minerals used in esoteric studies, Walker presents the true history, mythology and attributes of each stone.
Women's Rituals: A Sourcebook - In this eminently practical and exciting book "for all women", Barbara Walker offers a wealth of techniques, procedures, and suggestions for group or individual rituals that every woman seeking a more spiritual life can draw upon.   You will find information on: holidays for women, tools and rituals for invocations, chant making, creating a priestess robe and decorating altars, the use of crystals, the laws of the Goddess and rites of passage.

Valerie Worth

The Crones Book of Wisdom -- Out of Print This book is a collection of magical practices and rituals.  It's style is poetic and deliberately archaic. The first chapter includes a description of the materials you may want to use in your spell casting, she then proceeds to Inscriptions of Power (to be written on parchment, candles, charms), Charms, and Ceremonies for the Year.  Valerie does it again in a wonderful collection for every Witch!
The Crone's Book of Words - rituals and magic always benefit from poetic incantations and invocations. Valerie Worth has created poems that are instructions, incantations and spells for nearly every purpose, from the personal to the universal. "White as an eggshell, White as a bone, White as chalk Or milk or the moon, Is the written work, of the ancient Crone, who works by wind, Sun, water and stone."
The Crone's Book of Charms and Spells - Here shall be told the secrets of a crone greatly skilled in the ways of mysterious charms, chanting spells and ancient incantations, spiritous philtres and elixirs, simmering brews of fresh-plucked herbs, fair amulets and magical rings, and all arts of the wise ... You hands may shape the form of magic needful to your wants out of a sumptuous array of earthly substances.  Is it your wish to inspire passion?  Inscribe mystic words of power on a talisman portraying the sun in flames.  Need you a charm to win the moon's aid for a secret purpose? .. Thrice a dozen charms and twelve ceremonies for all seasons of the moon will guide you into the ways of Great Wisdom.



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