Hexing and Banishing

There is a great deal of difference between hexing and banishing or binding.  In banishing or binding you are keeping or pushing negative energy away.  It harms none!  In hexing you are sending negative energy out and it will harm.  BE CAREFUL when you choose to hex.  Many Witches feel that to be a witch you must accept the reality of the hex.  The circumstances should be dire, and well justified.  You should have tried EVERYTHING else before performing a hex.  Remember, a spell links you to the object of your spell.  If you hex, you will be connected to the object of your hex, do you REALLY want that???

Binding and Banishing Spell

Source Ariadne's Thread A Workbook of Goddess Magic
Author Shekhinah Mountainwater
When we Bind and Banish, we are saying "No" to those behaviors and phenomena that we wish to rid ourselves of, whether they be within ourselves, in our circumstances, or emanating from others.  We can do this "with harm to none" as opposed to the concept of hexing, which is not always harmless.  This is a Crone function, one of the many lost aspects of ourselves and the Goddess that we need to reclaim.

This spell came to me when I was asked to help create some ritual for our Native American sisters and brothers at Big Mountain.  It is made to put an end to the negative energies that threaten them, and therefore threaten us all.  It can also be adapted or rewritten to apply to anything you may wish to banish or bind.  The rite can be done either alone or with a group.

On light-weight cardboard, draw and write images and names of the evil you wish to bind.  For example, a broken tepee, to represent the uprooting of people from their hearths, an image of the Earth with a crying face, an image of a man with a cross x-ing out his heart to show a closing of the heart, words like Greed, Scarcity, Separation, Irresponsibility, Disrespect, and so on.  Crumple this cardboard up into a loose ball.

Wind black yarn around the image twenty-one times, chanting as you bind, once for each line of the chant:

With the thread of the crimes
of your own design
I bind your evil
Three times seven times
I bind you from Behind
I bind you from Before
That you'll hurt my people
Never ever more
I bind you from the Left
I bind you from the Right
I bind you by Day
I bind you by Night
I bind you from Below
I bind you from Above
That you may ever know
The laws of Life and Love
I bind you with your own
Good conscience Within
And so let this magic
And spin ...

Tie off the ends of the yarn with three sturdy knots to seal the spell.  Next burn up the wrapped image in a good, crackling, need-fire. [From the Old Saxon, nied-fyre, that is a ritual fire produced in the ancient way by rubbing two sticks together, considered particularly effective in extreme times.  If you find it impossible to kindle you fire this way, you can simply rub two sticks together as symbolic gesture.]  Chant until it is thoroughly burned:

Goddesses of darkest night
Send our troubles all to flight
Burn them in thy sacred fires
And replace them with our hearts' desires!

Once all negative energy has been removed, do a positive visualization to replace it.  For example, an image of people dancing in rainbows.

Be sure to cast a strongly protective circle before you begin.