Tape List for Chuck Fink 

Tapes are in NTSC format, unless otherwise indicated. I can now tape and receive PAL tapes! However, for those of you who can't watch NTSC, I can't do a PAL-to-PAL copy. In other words, if you watch NTSC, I can copy everything on the list for you. But if you watch PAL, I can only copy tapes marked "NTSC". I only trade for SP speed tapes, and prefer to trade for an equal amount of time. My list includes source, running time, tape quality, and tape format (ignore the numbers at the end -- that's just for me!). For some tapes, you can get more detailed information by clicking on it (these are generally my higher quality tapes). Finally, my criteria for rating tapes is below. Be aware, this is how my originals look. A copy will usually drop a half grade or so. 
  1. Excellent(E): 1st generation tape from a very good cable source 
  2. Good(G): A high-quality 2nd gen or a 1st gen where the cable reception is not quite as good 
  3. Fair(F): A tape that has noticeable flaws (fuzzy, blurred from too many copies) but is still watchable 
  4. Poor(P): More serious flaws; only if you're desperate 

Olympic Games; W EF. (ENDO-0:20) F (PAL) -- 96

World Championships; W EF. (ENDO-0:22) F (PAL) -- 96

Olympic Games; W EF. (?-1:16) F (NTSC) -- 51
Olympic Games; W. (ENDO-0:24) F (PAL) -- 97

Champions All; W and M. (ABC-0:21) P (PAL) -- 286
Daily Mirror USSR Display. (BBC?-0:15; N. Kim, E. Mouhkina, N. Shaposhnikova) P/F (PAL) -- 286
World Championships; W AA. (0:33; N. Comanic, K. Johnson) P (NTSC) -- 274
World Championships; W. (ENDO-0:14) F (PAL) -- 97

European Championships; W EF. (BBC?-0:28) P (PAL) -- 286


Coca-Cola Gymnstics; W AA/EF. (BBC?-0:18) G (PAL) -- 286
Daily Mirror USSR Display. (BBC?-0:27) F/G (PAL) -- 287
Olympic Games; W AA/EF (FX only). (Japan tv-0:38) P/F (NTSC) -- 59
Olympic Games; W and M EF. (0:30) G (PAL) -- 192

American Cup; M and W. (ABC-0:30 (some routines missing); B. Connor, J. McNamara) P/F (NTSC) -- 174
US Championships; W AA. (CBS-0:44) P/F (NTSC) -- 259
World Championships; W AA/EF (NHK-1:55) F/G (NTSC) -- 230

American Pro Gymnastics Classic; M,W AA. (NBC-0:34) F/G (PAL) -- 185
Emerald Cup Gymnastics; W EF. (NBC-0:21) F/G (PAL) -- 193
European Championships; W AA/EF. (Dutch TV-2:15) G (PAL) -- 92
World Championships; W T/AA/EF. (Dutch TV-4:06) F (PAL) -- 88

Daily Mirror USSR Display. (BBC?-0:27) F (PAL) -- 287
US Championships; M,W AA/EF. (NBC-0:45; ML Retton, J. McNamara, K Johnson) F/G (PAL) -- 193,198
US vs China; M and W. (USA-1:30) F (NTSC) -- 202

American Cup; M and W. (CBS-0:53) F (NTSC) -- 201
Belgium Masters; W. (?-0:17; incomplete) P/F (NTSC) -- 86
Chunichi Cup; W. (NHK-0:58) G (NTSC) -- 8
DTB Cup; W,M. (TSN-0:10) F/G (NTSC) -- 41
DTB Cup; W EF. (German TV-1:27) F (PAL) -- 102
European Championships; W AA/EF. (Dutch TV-6:27) F/G (PAL) -- 90,91,92
International Mixed Pairs; M and W. (ESPN-1:19) P/F (NTSC) -- 201,202
Japan Junior International; W. (NHK-1:23; S. Bogi, A. Dobre) F/G (NTSC) -- 208
Moscow News/Riga; W,M. (HV-2:02) F (NTSC) -- 41
US Championships; M,W EF. (NBC-0:55) F (NTSC) -- 198
World Championships; W T/AA/EF. (Dutch TV-3:42) G (PAL) -- 89

American Cup; M and W. (CBS-1:07) F/G (NTSC) -- 197
Chunichi Cup; W. (NHK-1:09) G (NTSC) -- 212
Daily Mirror USSR Display. (BBC?-0:34) F (PAL) -- 287
DTB Cup; W AA. (German TV-1:34) F (PAL) -- 102,103
International Mixed Pairs; M,W. (ESPN-1:26) F (NTSC) -- 197,198
Kraft Invitational; W EF. (BBC?-0:21) F/G (PAL) -- 287
US Championships; M,W AA/EF. (NBC-1:01) F (NTSC) -- 196
USA vs USSR; W. (ABC-0:38) F (NTSC) -- 51
World Cup; W EF. (ABC-0:23) G (NTSC) -- 35

American Cup; M and W. (CBS-0:41) F/G (NTSC) -- 55
Chunichi Cup; W. (NHK-1:03) G/E (NTSC) -- 212
DTB Cup; W and M EF. (ESPN-0:56) G (NTSC) -- 54
European Championships; W AA/T. (BBC-0:39) F (PAL) -- 93?
Friendship Cup; W. (HV-0:26) P (PAL) -- 293
International Mixed Pairs; M and W. (ESPN-0:50) G (NTSC) -- 36
Japan Junior International; W. (NHK-1:16; C. Bontas) G (NTSC) -- 209
Kraft Invitational; W AA/EF. (BBC?-1:05) F/G (PAL) -- 287
Pan American Games; W AA. (CBS-0:58; M. Marlow, K. Phillips, S. Mar) P (NTSC) -- 239
US Championships; M and W EF. (NBC-0:53) F/G (NTSC) -- 196
US Olympic Festival; W AA/EF. (ESPN-1:40) F (NTSC) -- 199
US/USSR Challenge. (ABC-0:33) F/G (NTSC) -- 273,274
US/USSR Goodwill Tour; M and W exib. (ESPN-1:10) G (NTSC) -- 36
World Championships; W AA. (ABC-0:30) F (NTSC) -- 213
World Championhips; W EF. (ABC-0:50) P (NTSC) -- 213
World Championships; W T/AA. (NHK-2:00) F (NTSC) -- 178

American Cup; M and W. (CBS-0:42) G (NTSC) -- 60
Arthur Gander Memorial; W AA. (GerTV-0:23; G. Potoroc, E. Ovary) F (PAL)
Carolinas Invitational; W, M, RSG. (USA-1:16) G/E (NTSC) -- 58
Champions All; W. (BBC?-0:25; C. Bontas, O. Bicherova, Fan Di) P/F (PAL) -- 286,287
Daily Mirror USSR Display. (BBC?-0:21; Shushonova, Omelientchik, Bogi., Laschenova) P/F (PAL) -- 286
International Mixed Pairs. (ESPN-1:15) G/E (NTSC) --60
Olympic Games; W Compulsaries(USA only)/T/AA. (CBS-3:45) G/E (NTSC) -- 139,140
Olympic Games; W EF. (NBC-0:54) G (NTSC) -- 57
Olympic Games; W T (5-8 place). (BBC-0:20) G (PAL) -- 116
Olympic Games; W T/AA/EF. (HKTVB-4:39) P/F (PAL) -- 217-219
Olympic Games; W T/AA/EF. (New Zealand TV-3:44) P (PAL) -- 219,220
Olympic Games; W T/AA. (Kor TV-3:56) G (NTSC) -- 296,299
US Championships; W AA. (NBC-1:04) F/G (NTSC) -- 53,56,241
US Olympic Trials; W. (ABC-1:27) G (but 1st 0:16 is poor) (NTSC) -- 154
USA vs USSR; W. (ABC-0:42) G (NTSC) -- 54
USAIGC; W juniors. (MSG-0:50) F (NTSC) -- 50

American Cup; M and W. (CBS-0:48) G/E (NTSC) -- 55
Cottbus Cup; W EF. (TBS-0:23) F/G (NTSC) -- 34
European Championships; W AA/EF. (BBC-0:39) F/G (PAL) -- 190
Japan Junior International; W. (NHK-1:00; T. Lisenko, G. Gogean, S. Miller) G (NTSC) -- 208
US Challenge; M and W. (USA-2:36: see description for details) G (NTSC) -- 57,58,59
US Championships; W AA/EF. (NBC-1:25) G (NTSC) -- 34,53
US Olympic Gold; M and W. (TBS-0:27; US-USSR exhibition) G (NTSC)
US Olympic Festival; W AA/T/EF. (ESPN-2:00) G or P/F, see link (NTSC) -- 56,59,265
US World Team Trials; W. (ESPN-1:15) F/G (NTSC)
USA vs USSR; W. (ABC-0:40) G (NTSC) -- 54
World Championships; W T/AA (partial). (ESPN-0:54) F/G (NTSC) -- 72,238?
World Championships; W EF. (ABC-0:36) G (NTSC) -- 53
World Championships; W AA. (NHK-3:14) G/E (NTSC) -- 209,210
World Championships; W EF. (KBS-1:18) F/G (NTSC) -- 298

American Cup; W AA. (NBC-1:03) G (NTSC) -- 72,274
Chunichi Cup; M,W. (TBS-0:39) F/G (NTSC)
DTB Cup; W EF. (SportsChannel-0:43) G (NTSC) -- 48
Dutch Open; W AA/EF(VT,UB). (Dutch TV-0:42) F/G (NTSC) -- 84
European Championships; W AA. (ABC-0:22) F/G (NTSC) --35
European Championships; W EF (UB only). (BBC-0:23) G (PAL) -- 116
Goodwill Games; W T/AA/EF. (TBS-4:35) F/G (NTSC) -- 249-253
International Mixed Pairs. (ESPN-1:30) F (NTSC) -- 71
Romanian International. (HV-1:17; M. Pasca, E. Popa, E Szabo) F (PAL)
Tokyo Cup; W. (NHK-0:24) G (NTSC) -- 279
US Championships; W and M AA/EF. (NBC-2:41) G (NTSC) -- 55,155,273
US Olympic Festival; W AA/EF. (ESPN-0:57) G (NTSC) -- 35
USA vs East Germany; W. (ABC-0:45) G (NTSC) -- 71
USA vs USSR. (ABC-0:40) G (NTSC) -- 251,253
World Cup; W AA. (ABC-0:33) G (NTSC) -- 40
World Cup; W AA. (Dutch Eurosport-2:16) F (PAL)

American Cup; W AA. (NBC-0:41) F (NTSC) -- 43
Chunichi Cup; W. (NHK-0:50; C. Bontas, S. Bogin., H. Onodi) F/G (NTSC) -- 8
DTB Cup; W EF. (Prime-0:48) G (NTSC) -- 43
Dutch Open; W highlights. (DutTV-0:08; C. Bontas, D. Dawes) F/G (PAL)
European Cup; W AA. (French TV-0:37) F/G (NTSC) -- 81
European Cup; W EF. (German TV-0:21) F (PAL) -- 193
International Mixed Pairs. (NBC-1:40) G (NTSC) -- 52
Japan Junior International; W. (NHK-0:18; D. Kochetkova, O. Fabrichnova) G (NTSC) -- 207
Japan Junior International; W and M. (NHK-0:41) F/G (PAL) -- 292
Massilia Trophy; W. (HV-1:58) F (PAL) -- 289
Pan Am Games; W AA,T. (TNT-1:02) F/G (NTSC) -- 50
Seiko Grand Prix; W AA/EF. (ABC Aus-2:01) F/G (PAL) -- 191,192
SportsFair; W. (NHK-0:37) G/E (NTSC) -- 279
Tokyo Cup; W. (NHK-0:27) G/E (NTSC) -- 8, 279
US Championships; W AA/EF. (NBC-1:20) G (NTSC) -- 9,248
US Netherlands Display; W. (Neth. TV-0:24; Zmeskal, Okino, Miller, Strug, Grivich) P/F (PAL) -- 286
US Olympic Festival; W AA. (ESPN-0:21) G (NTSC) -- 43
USA vs. Romania. (NBC-1:03) G (NTSC) -- 52
World Championships; W T. (ESPN-1:35) G (NTSC) -- 187
World Championships; W AA. (ABC-0:50) G (NTSC) -- 187
World Championships; W AA. (NHK-2:22) G/E (NTSC) -- 280
World Championships; W EF. (ABC-1:18) F/G (NTSC) -- 45,239,243
World Championships; W EF. (Antenne2-1:04) F/G (NTSC) -- 81
World Championships; W T/AA/EF. (HV-5:00) P (NTSC) -- 262-264
World Championships; W compulsaries. (LJL HV-0:21; incomplete) F (NTSC)
World Professional Championships; M,W. (ABC-0:34) G (NTSC) -- 22

American Cup; M and W. (NBC-1:23) P/F (NTSC) -- 254
Arthur Gander Memorial; W EF. (GerTV-1:12; T. Gutsu, S. Bogi, T. Lisenko, G. Gogean) P/F (PAL)
Asia-Pacific Games; W T/EF. (KBS-2:30) G/E (NTSC)
Australian Championships; W AA. (Aus tv-0:51) F/G (PAL) -- 290
Champions All; W. (BBC?-0:24) G (PAL) -- 286
Chunichi Cup; M and W. (NHK-0:54; L. Milosivici, Christina Bontas) G (NTSC) -- 13
Dodge Challenge (USA vs Japan); W. (ABC-0:27) F/G (NTSC)
European Championships; W AA/EF. (Antenne2-2:24) G (NTSC) -- 81,82
European Championships; W AA. (ABC-0:25; S. Boginskaya, T. Gutsu, G. Gogean, T. Lsienko) F (NTSC) -- 236
Germany vs. Romania; W. (HV-3:20) F/G (PAL) -- 293
Gold Reef City Invitational; Jnr W. (SA TV/E Kopper HV-0:18; E. Zamo.) F/G (PAL) -- 292
International Mixed Pairs. (ESPN-1:05) G (NTSC) -- 9
McDonalds Gymnastics Spectacular. (ABC-0:40) G (NTSC) --49?,119?,256,257
Meese Cup; W,M. (DSF/WDR-1:30; incomplete, L. Milo, T. Gutsu) F (PAL)
Olympic Games; W AA/EF. (NBC-3:05) G/E (NTSC) --69,70
Olympic Games; W Compulsaries/T. (NBC-3:20) G (NTSC) -- 68,146
Oympic Games; W T/AA/EF. (NBC Triplecast-17:20) G (NTSC) -- 15-21
Tour of Olympic and World Champion Gymnasts. (ESPN-1:10) G/E (NTSC) -- 119?,122
US Championships; W AA. (NBC-1:30) G (NTSC) -- 261
US Olympic Trials; W. (NBC-1:58) G (NTSC) -- 67,266,272
World Championships; W EF (some M). (ABC-1:29) G (NTSC) -- 23,260

American Cup; W,M. (NBC-1:20) G/E (NTSC) -- 23
Australian Championships; W EF. (ABC Sports-0:48) G (PAL) -- 290
Birmingham Classic; W AA. (BBC-0:31) G (PAL) -- 109,211
Chunichi Cup; M and W. (NHK-1:55) G/E (NTSC) --14
Diet Coke Mixed Duos; W and M. (ABC Aus-0:49) G (PAL) -- 192
East Asian Games; W T. (KBS-0:21) G (NTSC)
Hilton Challenge; M and W AA/T. (ABC-0:50) F (NTSC) -- 258
International Mixed Pairs. (TNT-1:30) G/E (NTSC) -- 122
Japan Junior International; W. (NHK-0:55) F/G (NTSC) -- 238
Medalist Gymnastics Spectacular; M/W/RSG. (TNT-1:09) G (NTSC) -- 44,49?
Nikon International; W AA/EF. (ABC Aus-1:22) G (PAL) -- 192,290,292
San Jose Spectacular; M and W. (ESPN-1:10) G (NTSC) -- 153,255, 261
Soapbury World Challenge; M and W AA. (CBC-1:11) P/F (NTSC) -- 231
Suburu World Open; M and W. (ABC-0:43) G (NTSC) -- 44,254
Swiss Cup; W. (Swiss TV-0:41) F/G (NTSC) -- 85
Tokyo Cup; W. (NHK-0:44) G (NTSC) -- 279
US Championships; W AA. (NBC- 0:44) G (NTSC) -- 122?,194?
US Championships; W EF. (NBC-1:00) E (NTSC) -- 122,194?
US Olympic Festival; W AA/T. (TNT-0:35) G/E (NTSC) -- 122
World Championships; M and W EF. (ABC-1:38) E (NTSC) -- 123
World Championships; M and W prelims. (BBC-0:37) G (PAL) -- 109
World Championships; W AA, M and W EF. (BBC-5:00) G (PAL) -- 95,96

American Cup; M and W. (NBC-114) G (NTSC) -- 24,248
Asian Games; M T/AA/EF. (Singapore TV-5:40) F/G (NTSC) -- 1,2,3
Asian Games; W T/AA/EF (some M EF). (KBS-3:47) G/E (NTSC)
Birmingham Open; W. (MBC-0:16) G/E (NTSC) -- 211,244
Chunichi Cup; M and W. (NHK-1:12) G (NTSC) -- 7
Commonwealth Games; W T/AA/EF. (BBC-2:37) G (PAL) -- 186
Commonwealth Games; M AA and FX EF. (BBC-0:38) G (PAL) -- 110
European Championships; W AA/EF.(Dutch Eurosport-4:00) F (NTSC) -- 228,229
European Championships; W AA/EF. (Eurosport-4:13) G (NTSC) -- 83,86,87
European Championships; W AA. (BBC-0:47) G (PAL) -- 97
French Championships; W and M. (FRA TV-2:40) F/G (SECAM)
Goodwill Games; W T/AA/EF. (ABC- 4:54) G (NTSC) -- 46,47,223-225,245,246
Goodwill Games; Mixed Team. (ABC-1:27) G (NTSC) -- 47,236
Hilton Challenge; W T/AA. (ABC-0:38) G (NTSC) -- 50,233
International Mixed Pairs. (NBC-0:40) G (NTSC) -- 194,247,260
Massilia Trophy; W mostly. (France3-1:32) F/G (SECAM) -- 101
Milk Gym Gala. (21France-0:48) F/G (SECAM) -- 101
Reeses World Gymnastics Cup; W. (ABC-0:40) G/E (NTSC) -- 153,258
Romanian International; W. (RomTV-1:43; G. Gogean, S. Amanar, L. Milo., A. Marinescu) P (PAL) -- 106,107
Skating and Gymnastics Spectacular. (0:55; Nadia C., , D. Durham, K. Phillips, K. Garrison) F/G (NTSC) -- 172
US Championships; W AA/EF. (NBC-2:00) F/G (NTSC) -- 200
US Olympic Festival; W T and AA (partial). (TNT-0:20) F (NTSC)
US Olympic Festival; W EF. (MSG-0:45) G (NTSC) -- 119,123,301
USA vs Romania; W T/AA. (NBC-1:30) G/E (NTSC) -- 10
World Championships (Dortmund); W T. (NBC- 1:47) G (NTSC) -- 226
World Championships (Dortmund); W T. (HV-2:26) G (PAL) -- 190
World Championships (Brisbane); M and W qual. (Eurosport-3:09) F/G (PAL) -- 105,107
World Championships (Brisbane); M and W AA. (CBC-1:36) P (NTSC)
World Championships (Brisbane); W AA/EF. (BBC-1:05) G (PAL) -- 109,186
World Championships (Brisbane); M,W EF. (ABC Australia-2:58) G (PAL) -- 184

American Cup; M and W AA. (NBC-2:00; K. Powell, A. Borden) E (NTSC) -- 132,151
Atlanta Invitational. (NBC-1:20) G (NTSC) -- 246,247
Chunichi Cup; M and W. (NHK-1:15) G (NTSC) -- 6
DTB Cup; W EF, Gala. (DSF-1:50) G/E (PAL) -- 99,100
Dutch Championships; W highlights. (Dut TV-0:07) F (PAL)
Euro Youth Festival; W. (BBC?-0:10) G (PAL) -- 286
European Cup; W AA. (Eurosport-1:49) F (NTSC) -- 84,85
European Cup; M and W EF. (ABC-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 150
French International; M and W EF. (France3-2:25) G (SECAM) -- 106
French International; W AA/EF. (Eurosport-0:40) F (PAL) -- 288
International Mixed Pairs. (NBC- 1:35) G (NTSC) -- 195
Junior Africa Championships; W EF. (SA TV-0:08; highlights) F (PAL) -- 292
Junior International Challenge; W and M. (NHK-1:10) F/G (NTSC) -- 177
Massilia Trophy; W AA. (23Sport-0:57) G/E (SECAM)
Rock and Roll Gymnastics. (ESPN-1:00) E (NTSC) -- 130,144
South African Nationals; W AA. (SA TV-0:32) G (PAL) -- 292
Superstars of Gymnastics. (USA-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 141
Swiss Cup; W EF. (Swiss TV-1:39) G (PAL) -- 103,99?
US Championships; W AA/EF. (NBC-1:33) E (NTSC) -- 176,242
US Olympic Festival; W T/AA. (CBS-0:40) E (NTSC) -- 176,301
US World Team Trials; W. (ESPN-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 145,176,304
Visa Gymnastics Challenge; USA vs. China vs. Belarus. (ABC-0:50) G (NTSC) -- 199
World Championships; M and W T, W AA. (ABC-3:00) G (NTSC)
World Championships; W T/AA/EF, M EF. (NHK-approx. 10:00) G/E (NTSC) -- 25-29
World Championships; W T (5th-8th place). (DSF-1:24) F/G (PAL) -- 191

Australia Cup; M and W AA/EF. (FOX-2:02) G (PAL) -- 182
Canberra Cup; W AA/EF. (FoxSports-1:18) F/G (PAL) -- 290
Chunichi Cup; M and W. (NHK-1:13) G (NTSC) -- 7
European Championships; W AA. (ABC-0:30, NOTE: 1st rotation is missing) G (NTSC) -- 161
European Championships; W EF. (ABC-1:00) E (NTSC) -- 175
European Championships; W T, AA, EF. (BBC-3:13) G/E (PAL) -- 113
France-Russia Display. (23Sport-1:10) G (SECAM)
French International; RSG, M, W EF. (23Sport-2:20) F/G (SECAM) -- 104
German Championships. (DSF-1:50) G (PAL)
Meese Cup; RSG, M, W. (DSF-1:15) G (PAL) -- 104,108
Milk Gym Gala; M, W, RSG. (Eurosport-0:54) F/G (PAL) -- 97,222
Olympic Games; W Team Optionals/AA/EF/Gala. (NBC-10:34) G/E (NTSC) -- 61-66,175,235
Olympic Games; W Team Optionals. (CBC-1:00) F/G (NTSC) -- 237
Olympic Games; W/M T comp, W AA. (BBC-2:47) G (PAL) -- 109,111
Olympic Games; W T/AA. (BBC-4:10) G (PAL) -- 116,117
Olympic Games; W T/AA. (Singapore TV12-5:53) G (PAL) -- 220-222
Olympic Gala. (NHK; 1:27) F/G (NTSC) -- 177
Olympic Games; Gala. (BBC-2:00) G (PAL) -- 114
Olympic Games; RSG group finals. (BBC-0:23) G (PAL)
Rock and Roll Gymnastics. (ESPN-2:00) G/E (NTSC)
South African Nationals; Snr and Jnr M and W. (SA TV-0:47) G (PAL) -- 291
Swiss Cup; W EF. (Swiss TV-1:02) G (PAL) -- 98,99?
US Championships; W AA. (NBC-1:30) F/G (NTSC) -- 161,242,243
USA vs France; W. (CBS-0:39) G (NTSC) -- 24
US Olympic Trials; W. (NBC-3:00) F (NTSC) -- 233,234,235
USA vs. the World. (Fox-2:00) F (NTSC) -- 175,240
World Championships; M and W EF-- Part 1. (ABC-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 150
World Professional Gymnastics Championships; M and W. (ESPN-3:02) G (NTSC) -- 204,205
Zaragoza's Gymnastics Gala; M,RSG,W. (Spanish TV-1:20) F/G (NTSC) -- 37

American Cup; M and W. (NBC-1:38) G (NTSC) 240,241
Asia vs Europe; M and W. (Eurosport-1:35) G (PAL) -- 93,112
Battle of the Sexes. (ESPN-2:00) G/E (NTSC) -- 78,149
Canberra Cup; M and W AA/EF. (FOX-3:37) G (PAL) -- 181,182
Chunichi Cup; M and W. (NHK-0:55) G/E (NTSC) -- 6,13
Cottbus Cup; M and W EF. (DSF-4:14) G (PAL) -- 101,105
De'fi D'or; M/W/RSG. (23Sport-0:20) F/G (PAL) -- 111?
East Asian Games; W EF. (KBS-1:30) G/E (NTSC)
European Masters; M/W/RSG T. (Eurosport-1:46) F/G (PAL) -- 93?,109?
European Masters; M/W/RSG T. (BBC-0:42) G (PAL) -- 93?,109?,112
French Nationals; W. (French TV-0:30) F (NTSC) -- 6
Germany vs Romania; W Jnr. (HV-1:02; incomplete) P/F (PAL)
Glasgow Grand Prix; M and W EF. (BBC-1:05) G (PAL) -- 114
Golden Challenge Dual; M/W/RSG. (Eurosport-0:47) F/G (PAL) -- 97
International Team Competition; China vs US vs Rom. (NBC-1:40) G/E (NTSC) -- 121
International Team Competition; Junior W. (ESPN-1:30; L. Wing, E. Ray) F (NTSC) -- 174
Japan Junior International; M and W. (NHK-0:54) G (NTSC) -- 206,244
International 3-on-3. (NBC-1:02) G (NTSC) -- 204,227
Massilia Trophy; W AA. (23Sport-1:24) G (SECAM) -- 98,100
Meese Cup; M, W, and RSG. (DSF-1:36) F (NTSC) -- 40
The Olympic Gymnastics Gold Medal Reunion. (NBC-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 135,179?
Reese's International Cup. (NBC-1:06) G (NTSC) -- 152,227
Rock and Roll Gymnastics. (ESPN-2:00) G/E (NTSC) -- 75,135,169
Swiss Cup; mostly W. (Sf2-1:51) F/G (PAL) -- 288
US Championships; W AA. (NBC-1:36) E (NTSC) -- 120
US Championships; W AA- senior and juniors. (ESPN-1:45) G/E (NTSC) -- 77
USA vs Australia; M and W. (FOX-1:26) G (PAL) -- 182
Wild Rose Invitational; W Snr and Jnr EF. (Shaw-2:42) G/E (NTSC) -- 188
Women's Professional Gymnastics Championships. (CBS - 3:40) G/E (NTSC) -- 167
World Championships; W and M AA/EF, W T. (ABC-4:45) G/E (NTSC) -- 77,167
World Championships; W T/AA, M and W EF. (BBC-2:15) G (PAL) -- 96,216,217
World Championships; W, M T/AA/EF. (DSF-7:20) F/G (PAL) -- 214-217
World Professional Gymnastic Championships; W only. (CBS-1:35) G (NTSC) -- 168

Alabama vs. Georgia; W. (ESPN-1:30; NCAA) E (NTSC) -- 11
American Cup; M and W. (NBC-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 129
Arthur Gander Memorial; M,W EF. (FoxSports-2:27) G (PAL) -- 185
Asian Games; W T/AA. (various KOR,JAP,HK coverage-2:45) G (NTSC)
Australia Commonwealth Game Trials; W. (FoxSports-1:01) G (PAL) -- 183
Australia Cup; M and W AA. (FOX-2:52) G (PAL) -- 203
Australia vs Japan; W. (FoxSports-0:42) G (PAL) -- 183
Big 12 Championships; W. (NESN-1:00) G/E (NTSC) -- 12
British Nationals; W. (B.MissonHV-1:25) G (PAL) -- 294
Canada Elite Championship; W AA. (Rogers-1:22) G (NTSC) -- 37
Canberra Cup; M,W juniors EF. (FoxSports-1:32) G (PAL) -- 193
Commonwealth Games; W T, M and W AA/EF; RSG T/AA/EF. (CBC-3:06) G/E (NTSC) -- 31,32
Commonwealth Games; W and W T/AA/EF. (BBC-2:48) G (PAL) -- 115
Commonwealth Games; M and W highlights. (SA TV-0:22) G (PAL) -- 291
Copa Gymnastica; W T/AA. (NESN-1:00) E (NTSC) -- 166
DTB Cup; W EF. (FoxSportsTwo-1:46) G (PAL) -- 189
Dutch Championships; W highlights. (Dut TV-0:03) G (PAL)
European Championships; M T, W AA. (ABC-1:15) E (NTSC) -- 160
European Championships; W and M AA; W EF. (Eurosport-2:40) G (PAL) -- 94
European Championships; W AA/EF. (BBC-1:22) F/G (PAL) -- 118
Finnish Nationals; M. (Finnish TV-0:46) G/E (PAL) -- 33
French International; M and W EF. (ABC-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 12
German Championships; W. (Ger TV-0:12) F/G (PAL)
German Liga; W. (HV-1:01) F/G (PAL)
Glasgow Grand Prix; M and W EF. (BBC-1:56) G (PAL) -- 117,118
Goodwill Games; W AA/EF, M EF (FX, PH, R, VT only), Mixed Pairs. (TBS-4:10) E (NTSC) -- 126-128
Goodwill Games; M AA/EF (HB and PB). (TBS-0:53) F/G (NTSC) -- 204,205
Goodwill Games; Gala. (TBS-0:27) G/E (NTSC) -- 30
Goodwill Games; W AA/EF highlights (CBS-0:25) G/E (NTSC) -- 30
Great Britain vs. Spain; W. (B.MissonHV-0:42) G (PAL) -- 294
Helsinki International Gym Show; M. (Finnish TV-1:14) G/E (PAL) -- 33
International Team Competition; W. (NBC-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 79,173
International 3-on-3. (NBC-1:30; B. Wilson, K. Powell, J. Roethlis.) E (NTSC) -- 147
Junior European Championships; W AA. (ESPN-0:48) E (NTSC) -- 125
Milk Gym Gala. (Dut TV-1:25) F/G (PAL)
NCAA Championships; W T. (CBS-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 80
PAC 10 Championships; W. (NESN-2:00) G/E (NTSC) -- 12
Pacific Alliance Championships; M and W Team/AA. (CBC-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 42
Pacific Alliance Championships; M and W EF. (CBC-0:47) G (NTSC) -- 30
Pusan International; W AA. (KBS-1:00; E. Dolgopolova, J. Sobko) G/E (NTSC) -- 211
Reese's International Cup. (NBC-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 74
Rock and Roll Gymnastics; M and W. (ESPN-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 124
Russian Junior Exhibition in South Africa; W. (SA TV-0:15) G (PAL) -- 291
Sagit Cup; M and W EF. (CBC-1:12) G (NTSC) -- 231,232,236,237
Swiss Cup; W EF (VT and BB). (FoxSports-1:00) G (PAL) -- 189
Swiss Cup; W EF (FX and UB). (J-Sports-0:52) G/E (NTSC) -- 296,298
US Championships; W AA. (NBC-1:37) E (NTSC) -- 131
US Championships; M AA. (NBC-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 125
US Championships; Jnr and Snr W AA. (HV-4:10) F/G (NTSC) -- 38,39,40
Wild Rose Invitational; Snr and Jnr W EF. (Shaw-2:30) G/E (NTSC) -- 134
Women's Professional Gymnastics Championships. (CBS-3:40) E (NTSC) -- 156,157
World Cup (Sabae); W EF. (NHK-1:46) G/E (NTSC) -- 206
World Professional Gymnastics Championships; M and W. (CBS-4:00) E (NTSC) -- 158,159

All Africa Games; W T/AA/EF. (SA TV-1:07) G (PAL) -- 291
American Classic; Snr and Jnr W. (HV-1:39) F/G (NTSC) --171
American Cup; W and M. (NBC-1:31) E (NTSC) -- 4
Australian Championships; W. (FoxSports-1:28) G (PAL) -- 183
Australia vs Spain; W T/AA/EF. (FoxSportsTwo-1:51) G (PAL) -- 183
Australian World Championship Trials; W. (FoxSportsTwo-2:02) G (PAL) -- 189
British Championships; W. (B.MissonHV-1:30) G (PAL) -- 288,294
Canberra Cup; M AA/EF. (FoxSportsTwo-1:34) F/G (PAL)
Canberra Cup; W AA/EF. (FoxSportsTwo-1:50) F/G (PAL)

Como Cup; W. (HV-1:05) F/G (PAL) -- 295
Cottbus Cup; W EF. (NHK-1:41) G/E (NTSC) -- 207
Dutch Championships; W. (Dut TV-0:13; highlights) F/G (PAL)
Elite Canada; W. (B. Milonja HV-1:46) G (NTSC) -- 281
European Gymnastics Masters; W,M,RSG. (Eurosport-1:16) G (PAL) -- 277
Finnish Nationals; M. (Finnish TV-0:55) G/E (PAL) -- 33
French International; M and W EF. (FoxSportsNet-0:46) E (NTSC) -- 133
French International; W and RSG qualifying. (E. Koppers HV-1:18) G (PAL) -- 291
Glasgow Grand Prix; W,M. (BBC-0:52) F/G (PAL) -- 282
International 3-on-3. M,W,RSG. (NBC-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 166
International Team Championships; M. (NBC-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 180
International Team Championships; W. (NBC-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 142
Italian Championships; W AA/EF. (HV-2:00) F/G (PAL) -- 295
Italy vs. Spain; W. (SportSatellite-1:00; A. Crisci, L. Martinez, M. Bremini) F/G (PAL) -- 282
Netherlands-Romania; W. (HV-0:46; M. Olaru, S. Amanar, A. Raducan) G (PAL)
Pan American Games; W T/AA/EF. (CBC-1:13) G (NTSC) -- 170
Pan American Games; W T/AA/EF. (Brazil tv-4:02) F/G (NTSC) -- 284,285
Reese's Gymnastics Cup; W and M. (NBC-1:28) E (NTSC) -- 165
Samboo International; W EF. (MBC-2:05) G/E (NTSC) -- 211,297
Stars of the World. (EKoppersHV-1:30; E. Prod, J. Sabko, I. Shkarupa) F (PAL)
Top Gym Tournament; W. (VanTendelooHV-2:23) G (NTSC)
Unive Gym Gala; M,W,RSG. (VanTendelooHV-0:20; S. Khorkina, A. Nemov) G (NTSC)
US Championships; W AA/EF. (NBC-1:32) E (NTSC) -- 164
US Championships; W EF. (LJL HV-0:45; all routines shown) G (NTSC)
US World Team Trials; W. (ESPN-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 136
US World Team Trials; M. (ESPN-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 162
WimGym Invitational; W T/AA/EF. (B.MilonjaHV-2:00) G (NTSC) -- 73
World Championships; W and M T/AA/EF. (ESPN-4:45) E (NTSC) -- 137,138,143
World Championships; W T, W,M EF. (Eurosport-5:31) G (PAL) -- 277,278
World Championships; W prelims. (Dutch TV-0:15) G (PAL)
Victorian Championships; W. (HV-0:14) G (PAL) -- 189

American Cup; W and M. (NBC-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 300,303
Aussie Haircare Gymnastics Invitational; W and M. (NBC-2:00) E (NTSC) -- 302,303
France-Russia Display. (HV-1:20; S. Khorkina, E. Produnova, E. Zamo) G (SECAM)
France vs Russia; M,W,RSG. (23Sport-1:22) G (SECAM)
Gymnix International; Snr and Jnr W AA/EF. (B.Milonja HV-4:30) G (NTSC)
Netherlands-Romania; W. (HV-1:19; incomplete) G (PAL)
RCA Gymnastics Challenge; W,M. (NBC-1:19) E (NTSC) -- 304
Super Six SEC Challenge; W NCAA. (ESPN-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 301

1984 "Nadia" (1:40) E (NTSC) -- 148
1987 USSR Display. (Dutch TV-0:08) G (PAL) -- 92
1989 USSR Display. (Dutch TV-0:08) F/G (PAL) -- 92
1990 Mystery and Magic of Nadia. (ABC-0:41) G (NTSC) -- 71
1991 Kim Zmeskal: The Making of a Champion. (HBO-0:28) G (NTSC) -- 45
1992 "America Prepares for Barcelona". (SportsChannel-0:06; Kim and Bela profile/interview) G (NTSC)
1992 Shannon Miller documentary-pre Olympics (local OK channel 5-0:10) F/G (NTSC) -- 45
1992 Shannon Miller documentary-post Olympics (local OK channel-0:10) F/G (NTSC) -- 48
1992 Maury Povich (with Trent Dimas and Kim Zmeskal). (0:16) F/G (NTSC) -- 235
1992 Kim Zmeskal on Arsenio Hall. (Fox-0:09) P (NTSC) -- 272
1993 Superstars of Gymnastics. (ESPN-1:00) G/E (NTSC) --153
1994? Red Files -- Soviet Sports Wars. (PBS-0:54) F/G (NTSC) -- 172
1995 Russia Now. (British TV-0:12) F/G (PAL)
1996 Shannon Miller: One More Time. (local OK channel-0:28) G (NTSC) -- 48
1996 "Fair Game". (BBC-0:29; a profile on health risks in women's gymnastics) G (PAL) -- 113
1996 "What Makes Milo Fly?". (0:25) G (PAL) -- 222
1997 Goin' Deep. (0:16; with V. Atler and D. Moceanu) G (NTSC) -- 171
1997 Gymnastics Superstars. (E!-1:00) G/E (NTSC) -- 135
1997 Mag 7: Made in America. (ESPN-2:00) G (NTSC) -- 76,179?
1997 SI for Kids (with D. Moceanu). (CBS-0:30) G/E (NTSC) -- 76
1997 "Little Girls in Pretty Boxes" (Sky-1:30) G (PAL) -- 110
1997 Orprah (on LGIPB, with B. Okino, K. Phillips, K. Johnson) (0:38) P/F (PAL) -- 110
1998 More Than A Game. (A&E-0:15; incomplete) G (NTSC) -- 32
1998 Oprah (with D. Moceanu). (1:00) G/E (NTSC) -- 179
1998 Olympic Show. (CNBC-0:30; 1992 US Women- Hilary Grivich tribute) E (NTSC) -- 160
1998 Olympic Show. (CNBC-0:30; 1996 US Women) E (NTSC) -- 160
1998 Olympic Show. (CNBC-0:23; Nadia Interview, Part 1) F (NTSC) -- 119,205
1998 Olympic Show. (CNBC-0:23; Nadia interview, Part 2) E (NTSC) -- 124
1998 Olympic Show. (CNBC-0:06; segment on Svetlana Khorkina) G (NTSC) -- 41,235
1998 Superstars of Gymnastics. (ESPN2-1:30) E (NTSC) -- 5
1998 Dateline (with D. Moceanu). (NBC-0:15) G (NTSC) -- 40
1998 Onside. (BBC-0:08; Nadia interview) G (PAL) -- 113,115
1998 Onside. (BBC-0:10; Olga Korbut interview) G (PAL) -- 113
1999 "Newstand" (D. Moceanu story). (CNN-0:15) G/E (NTSC) -- 41
1999 "Up Close" (with Dominique Moceanu). (ESPN-0:24) E (NTSC) -- 164
1999 Olympic Show. (CNBC-0:23; D. Moceanu) E (NTSC) -- 137
1999 Olympic Show. (CNBC-0:06; L. Podkopayeva) E (NTSC) -- 137
2000 Olympic Show. (CNBC-0:23; B. Karolyi) E (NTSC)
2000 Romanian Gymnastics documentary. (NHKBS1-1:00) G (NTSC)


Gymnast Lists

Some of you may be looking for particular gymnasts instead of particular meets. I know sometimes I do when deciding which things I want to get from other people in trades! So below you'll find a linksleading to an alphabetical listing of women's artistic gymnasts, with the competitions that they appear in that I have a copy of. Then you can go back and look at the details of the meet in my tape listing above. In some cases when a gymnast is featured somehow (interviews, clips of old meets, profile stories), but doesn't actually compete in the program I'll note a "*" by the meet. For example, I list "1996 Olympic Games*" under Kim Zmeskal and Tatiana Gutsu, because even though they didn't compete, NBC did features and interviews with them. My list is by no means complete or perfect. I'm sure I listed some European and Asian gymnasts as separate people under alternate spelling of the same name. Also, for the programs that don't list the competitors in English I'm not certain who all the competitors are (especially for things like Chunichi Cups, Japan Junior Internationals, and some home videos). And if my tape if lousy quality I probably won't list it, since I wouldn't recommend making copies of those things for anyone. I hope this is something that some of you find useful.

Go to the alphabetical listing

Tape Trading Policies

Sorry, but for the most part I can't do taping for costs, except under special circumstances. My time is very limited now, so I may not be able to trade unless its for something I really want. If I never traded with someone before, I usually prefer doing a small trade initially, and trading more later if everything goes well and the tapes look good.

As I said above I ONLY TRADE FOR SP SPEED TAPES. Also, I trade for equal time, not amount of tapes, so I don't consider 6 hours EP for 2 hours SP a fair trade. Additionally, because of my equipment, SP copies will come out MUCH better than EP, so I really recommend only trading for SP from me. Except in very rare circumstances, I'm not able to edit out commercials or parts of meets you don't want (but if I list the times as separate, its not a problem to tape them separate). However, I wouldn't count commercial time in the trade. My copies will always be on NEW blank tape (from a reputable brand), and that's what I'd like to get in return.

Within the US, I send out all tapes by Priority Mail, and expect to receive tapes the same way. Internationally I usually use Air Mail, unless the size of the box is so heavy that Ground has to be used.

I hope this doesn't make me sound like a pain to deal with :) Since I'm pretty picky about how I trade, I like to think that people are happy with what they get from from me. I am a former Club Member of the Month! :)

Tape Desires

I'm mainly looking for foreign coverage of meets (PAL traders welcome), or high-quality US-coverage that I don't have. I'd also be interested in any high-quality home videos anyone may have made. I may be willing to upgrade meets I already have whose quality rating is less than "G". I prefer to trade for things originally taped -- I'd only consider trading for copies of copies if it's something that I'd think would be very difficult for me to get elsewhere, or if you're someone I've already traded with, and know you make great quality copies.

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