1989 US Challenge
Denver, Colorodo
Language: English
Commercials?: no
Channel: ESPN
Time: 2:36
This was a funny single elimination tournament with 1-on-1 match-ups (on all apparatus) between individual men and women. I only have 3 of the matches, and just the first 10 minutes of a fourth (none of these are the finals)

Match #3: Lisa Panzironi vs Elisabeth Crandall and Conrad Voorsanger vs Brad Hayishi (0:48)

Match #5: Robin Richter vs Wendy Bruce and Scott Burr vs Mike Williams (0:50)

Match #9: Wendy Bruce vs Marna Neubauer and Mike Williams vs Patrick Kirksey (0:48)

Match ??: Lisa Pazironi vs Sherryl Dundas and Conrad Voorsanger vs Mark Warburton (0:10-partial)