( the husky is my favourite dog )

Everyone has his favourite websites, so this meant that I could not abstain from putting some sites up for your perusal. One must however understand that each page featuring here has, at least in my and only my opinion some merit to be referred to. I am sure that updates will be of order as I surf around, this page should already have changed but I did not get to update it yet, so keep hopping in and follow the new links to some great sites.


Loopi de Loop One of my first to visit and still my favorites favorite, great site with magic pictures and sense of humor.
Quidam Not bad for a man that lives under sea-level in the tiny country called the Netherlands. Go see how long you have to live or when Easter is for the next 100 years.
CIA Central Intelligence agency, yup that's him, anything you want to find out is there, from the weather to what grows in the Sahara.
Africam Where has one seen this, a camera in the middle of the bush. Pictures are sent to you every 30 seconds, see it to believe it.

Out-there One has to feel young at heart no matter your age, try things and live it up, for the coutch-potato this is the web to drool and see how others do it!
KSV Waregem My old home town has a soccer-club whom once upon a time played first class. Things went wrong and they are now in third class, they still get my support as they need it even more than ever.

Nude art Nude on the net is vulgar and tasteless. If nude has to be part of the net then let it be as can be seen here.

Fred Gassits Want to see how bikers do it? Many options available with some good humor and links.




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