We're busy movin our lazy butts in. When you come back, your liver can expect a whole lot of abuse. When this site is up and running you can have all sorts of fun like: Learning how to drink for free, "Feared's" guide to drinking, and lots of stuff about our hometown... Cream Corn, Kansas. What you won't find: Jamaica or Jamaican's (sorry), anything to be feared, voodoo, or a posse (at least not in the conventional sense). See ya soon NEIGHBOR! HAHAHA!

Yes Friends.... There is so much you have to look forward to! You are lucky enough to have dropped by just in time to behold the...


Each month, we will feature a fine alcoholic beverage and give our humble opinions on the essence, aroma and palatability of the featured beverage. Click below for our impressions of an extrordinary drink; made with tender loving care by the fine folks at Samuel Adams of Boston, Massachuttets.

Samuel Adams.... Brewer.... Patriot

In case you missed it, you can also take a look back at The Posse's Pick for June!

So, do you have a friend who's feelin' kinda parched? Why not send him or her a


This is a really great site... be sure to click on the link on your way out. You won't regret it and your friend will be most gracious. Plus you'll feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The best part is that it won't leave anyone with a VIRTUAL HANGOVER...


And remember Friends, right now, somewhere in the world, it's quittin' time...

So why wait to crack open that cold one in the fridge?

Real Men, Like Chef, Don't Drink Zima!

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And Thanks to Our Gracious Host,
(Sorry about the beer stains on the carpet...)

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