Music I Like

Ahh, look at them. They are THE POLICE, my all-time favorite band. They might be best known for Every Breath You Take, one of their biggest singles. Good song. It still gets plenty of radio play even though it is 14 years old. I don't know whether or not this is fortunate, but it was very recently remade by a rapster named Puff Daddy (intelligence?). Good because of extra Sting publicity, bad because no one can hold a candle to the Police, and no one should even really try. (My humble opinion.)

Ahh, look at him! It's the one and only Sting, former head of the Police... now making his own very groovy music. You gotta love him. I just bought the soundtrack for Sabrina, and the Stingster has an excellent song on it, "Moonlight." Written by John Williams, sung by Sting--what more could you want! I wish I could put a nice Sting/Police sound sample in for you, but since I have no sound card (hey, I have no computer for that matter ) I'll direct you here for a few, and links to where you can find others. It's my friend Erik's tribute page, The Unofficial Home Page of Sting and the Police. (Note: I also get a kick out of his personal homepage as well. Visit it.)

I also love Tears for Fears. This group has been around since the early 1980's. They are known for such '80's anthems as Shout and Everybody Wants to Rule the World. The group, based near Bath, England, originally consisted of Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith, but in 1992 Curt left the group, and now Roland is basically solo. Since the breakup, Tears for Fears have made two albums: Elemental and Raoul and the Kings of Spain. They have also released a collection of b-sides called Saturnine, Martial and Lunatic. I recommend them all highly.

Okay, a bit of a change here. This is Chris Botti, an excellent jazz trumpet player that I have just recently discovered. If it would be possible to wear out a CD, I would do it with this one! Very smooth, good for listening to anytime. It's called Midnight Without You. It pays to stop at those little listening booths in those overpriced CD stores--you find gems like this. Go here for more information on this delicious artist.

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