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Notes: baobei = honey, sweetheart, darling.

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Fish Keeping
Hi everybody, meet my fishes........

I have been keeping fishes since little child. Nowadays, i still keep a small aquarium at my rented room. Well, actually it was my baobei's aquarium, but now i am keeping it. Throughout its days, there have been various inhabitants in this tiny water paradise....

My aquarium with its thriving plants, and armed with only a small air pump as can be seen at the right hand side corner.

I plant some water plants in my aquarium, which i got free from my university river. I put my aquarium near window, thereby ensuing a proper sunlight source for my plants. The pump serves to help filter out toxic and waste (anyway, now it is spoilt, and my aquarium still ok). This shows that an all natural source (without man-made pump) is already sufficient for maintaining a proper aquarium. Believe it or not, i can change the water only once every 3 weeks.

However, i have been facing problem with algae. Due to sunlight, algae thrives. It actually makes my fish healthier in a 'green' water, but it is not nice to see. There is only two ways to solve that problem. 1) A more frequent water change and wash. 2) Put aquarium to a less sunlight place. I found that the second option turns out to be fairly good choice. Although the lower part of my plants also die, my aquarium is virtually free from algae nowadays, and most of my plants still live on.

Previous Inhabitants

My catfishes. These cute bottom dwellers are constantly active, browsing every stone with their 'nose'. Unfortunately, they are all dead now.

29 NOV 2001
After moving my aquarium to a new place without sunlight, most of the plant died. The decaying stuff was ugly and my goldfish died---probably due to toxic. Later, i installed an aquarium light system. That cost me a handsome RM40 including the housing. By turning it on 12 hour per day, i successfully 'resurrect' all the dying plants. Now, the inhabitants are two 'Satay', or swordtail as commonly known.

30 DEC 2001
I tried to 'fabricate' my own aquarium, with a help of my friend. We got free glass from abandoned premises.

5 JAN 2002
My swordtail gave birth to some 20 fries. They seems not attacking their babies, a usual habit of swordtail. I fed them with shrimp meal + yeast in powder form.




"I am as happy as i want to be "


Copyright © 2001 - Cheah Wei - Updated 11 Aug 2002